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Merge pull request #7 from kbase/dev-hadoop_from_scratch
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Build hadoop from scratch
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MrCreosote authored Jul 29, 2024
2 parents 59e8779 + 4fabcbf commit 3c0adbe
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Showing 4 changed files with 95 additions and 83 deletions.
142 changes: 94 additions & 48 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,49 +1,83 @@
FROM apache/hadoop:3.3.6
FROM apache/hadoop:3.3.6 as hadoop_image

FROM ubuntu:24.04

# The steps here were partially determined by looking at
# docker history --no-trunc apache/hadoop:3.3.6


# Install python, java & other necessary binaries

# ubuntu 24.04 LTS noble only has python3.12
# the autoremove step is to remove the many dependencies, including python3.12, of SPC
RUN apt update -y \
&& apt install -y software-properties-common \
&& add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa \
&& apt update -y \
&& apt install -y python3.11 openjdk-8-jre curl \
&& apt autoremove -y --purge software-properties-common python3.12 \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN ln -s /usr/bin/python3.11 /usr/bin/python3

ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/

# Copy startup scripts from the hadoop image

# No idea where the source for this stuff lives
COPY --from=hadoop_image /opt/ /opt/
COPY --from=hadoop_image /opt/ /opt/
COPY --from=hadoop_image /opt/ /opt/

# Move sudo command from /opt/ here

# Comment from script: To avoid docker volume permission problems
RUN mkdir -p /data && chmod o+rwx /data

# remove the line from the script. There are other sudos in `if` blocks, cross that bridge later
RUN sed -i 's$sudo chmod o+rwx /data$# sudo chmod o+rwx /data$' /opt/

# Set up hadoop user

RUN groupadd --gid 1001 hadoop \
&& useradd --uid 1001 hadoop --gid 1001 --home /opt/hadoop \
&& chown -R hadoop:hadoop /opt

USER hadoop

# Install hadoop


RUN curl -LSs -o hadoop.tgz$HADOOP_VER/hadoop-$HADOOP_VER.tar.gz \
&& tar zxf hadoop.tgz \
&& rm hadoop.tgz \
&& mv hadoop* hadoop \
&& rm -r /opt/hadoop/share/doc # 0.5GB of docs

USER root
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/hadoop && chmod 1777 /var/log/hadoop
USER hadoop

ENV HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop
ENV HADOOP_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hadoop
ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/hadoop/bin

# It might be worth making our own Dockerfile from scratch given the version of Centos is from
# Dec 2018. docker history --no-trunc apache/hadoop:3.3.6 might help

# Note that if the version of CentOS in the base image changes, this file may need updates to
# match the version, or ideally can be removed.
COPY ./conf/yum/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

RUN mkdir -p /opt/temp
WORKDIR /opt/temp

# Installing openssl:
# Python:
# python version needs to match the version from

# do this in one command to minimize layer sizes
RUN yum clean all \
&& yum makecache fast \
&& yum -y update \
&& yum -y install epel-release \
&& yum -y install wget make cmake gcc bzip2-devel libffi-devel zlib-devel perl-core pcre-devel \
&& yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools" \
&& wget \
&& tar -xzvf openssl-3.3.1.tar.gz \
&& cd openssl-3.3.1 \
&& ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/etc/ssl --libdir=lib no-shared zlib-dynamic \
&& make \
&& make install \
&& cd .. \
&& wget \
&& tar xvf Python-3.11.9.tgz \
&& cd Python-3.11.9 \
&& LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/openssl/lib" ./configure --with-openssl=/usr/local/openssl \
&& make \
&& make altinstall \
&& cd ../.. \
&& rm -R /opt/temp

# For openssl
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64

RUN cd /usr/local/bin/ && ln -s python3.11 python3 && ln -s pip3.11 pip3
# Hack the environmental config system because it's annoying

# This is pretty fragile. If the configuration starts breaking this is one place to start debugging

Expand All @@ -58,27 +92,39 @@ RUN cd /usr/local/bin/ && ln -s python3.11 python3 && ln -s pip3.11 pip3
# so that we can preload them with the environment we want.
RUN sed -i -z 's#if name not in self\.configurables\.keys.*myfile.write("")##' /opt/

RUN sed -i 's#/usr/bin/python#/usr/bin/python3#' /opt/

# This is a hack to get the hadoop environment configuration code to run on the raw configuration
# files regardless of whether there's a config var set that triggers that file
ENV YARN-SITE.XML_fakekey=hack_to_get_config_system_to_process_the_raw_config_file
ENV CORE-SITE.XML_fakekey=hack_to_get_config_system_to_process_the_raw_config_file
ENV HDFS-SITE.XML_fakekey=hack_to_get_config_system_to_process_the_raw_config_file

# Enable the fair scheduler. There are lots of config options, see
# Enable the fair scheduler

# There are lots of config options, see
ENV YARN-SITE.XML_yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class=org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.FairScheduler
ENV YARN-SITE.XML_yarn.scheduler.fair.allocation.file=/opt/hadoop/fair-scheduler.xml
COPY ./conf/yarn/fair-scheduler.xml /opt/hadoop/fair-scheduler.xml

# Enable s3


# Finish the build

COPY ./scripts/ /opt/scripts/
USER root
RUN chmod a+x /opt/scripts/*.sh
USER hadoop

WORKDIR /opt/hadoop
USER hadoop

# This is the entrypoint from the hadoop container, buried in the history:
# ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/dumb-init" "--" "/opt/"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/dumb-init", "--", "/opt/scripts/"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/scripts/"]
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,11 +33,6 @@ A very simplistic (for now) docker set up for YARN nodes. Configuration is minim
* It seems to the author that the spark / hadoop ecosystem is designed for use by an interest's
employees, not its users

## OS notes:

* The Hadoop containers don't seem to start correctly on Mac machines. Ubuntu linux works

## Hadoop container notes:

* **namenode**: The HDFS metadata node, contains the filesystem metadata.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,8 +67,3 @@ docker exec -it spark-container bash
./bin/spark-submit --master yarn --conf spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.hostname=yarn-resourcemanager --conf spark.hadoop.yarn.resourcemanager.address=yarn-resourcemanager:8032 --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint=http://minio:9002 --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key=minio --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key=minio123 --conf --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem --conf spark.yarn.stagingDir=s3a://yarn --deploy-mode client examples/src/main/python/ 10


* Switch to fair scheduler for YARN

24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions conf/yum/CentOS-Base.repo

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Setup S3 config and translate from the env var names we've chosen in the KBase spark
# cluster to Hadoop-ese
Expand Down

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