Automatic installer for yt-dlp-gui
yt-dlp-gui requires downloading and putting ffmpeg and yt-dlp.exe in the same or system folder, this script automates the process and creates shortcuts in the home folder and on the desktop as an installer
Method 1 save this link (right click save as) when it has downloaded in windows file explorer right click run with PowerShell
Method 2 In windows start Menu, look for PowerShell, open it, paste the following link and press enter. In a minute it will be installed.
iwr -useb|iex
Windows SERVER FIRST USE: [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Paste in PowerShell short or long link
iwr -useb|iex
Or save this link (right click save as) when it has downloaded in windows file explorer right click run with PowerShell
Or Paste this code in PowerShell
$desktop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
remove-item -fo $Env:LOCALAPPDATA\yt-dlp-gui -recurse
remove-item -fo "$desktop\Youtube Dowloader P.lnk" -recurse
remove-item -fo ("$Env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Youtube Dowloader P.lnk") -recurse