UW DEOHS Kaufman Lab
Modeling and database code for Kaufman Lab air pollution research projects. As papers are published, modeling code will be made publicly available.
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- TrafficModel Public
kaufman-lab/TrafficModel’s past year of commit activity - SpatioTemporal Public
This is effectively a fork from 1.1.7 being used by groups at UW. We are currently working on merging these changes with the subsequent versions that were published on CRAN along with some major changes that Johan made. Once all these versions are integrated and tested, we'll publish to CRAN.
kaufman-lab/SpatioTemporal’s past year of commit activity - intervalaverage Public
time-weighted averaging function for values measured over intervals. within groups. arbitrary number of value variables simultaneously. fast and memory efficient. values measured over intervals can be "downsampled" to shorter periods or averaged up to longer periods. measurement intervals don't need to fit cleanly into averaging periods.
kaufman-lab/intervalaverage’s past year of commit activity