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Releases: katawful/Kat-Oblivion-Scripts

Kat's Fantastic Oblivion Viewport release v1.2

23 Feb 00:52
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  • Use SetCameraFOV2 to set FOV. Fixes any issue with oddities past 160 degrees
  • Use GetLoadedTypeArray to minimize code usage for weather importing
  • Bumps xOBSE requirement to 22.6.1 or later

Kat's Fantastic Oblivion Viewport release v1.1

09 Oct 16:31
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Update from version 1.0:

- Allow use of right shift to change weather types in Weather Mode
- FOV only updates when you change 'FOV1st' or 'FOV3rd'. This fixes compatibility with mods that change FOV like Basic Primary Needs
- Default functionality: run 'SetStage aaKFOV 10' to set the mod to default FOV and you INI values
- Note on ODT compatibility: this mod is fully compatible, you can even use 'fov ##' to set FOV, but importing values from your Oblivion.ini file is not possible currently

Kat's Fantastic Oblivion Viewport release v1.0

21 Sep 17:31
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This is the initial release of this mod. Download the included 7zip file to install. See the readme for details

Oblivion Less Bound Alpha version 1

23 Aug 20:18
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Alpha release 1

This is the initial alpha release of Oblivion Less Bound. It is contained into a BAIN installer, only 00 Core is needed to run the game. Install with any mod manager that supports BAIN installation. The plugin can go in any position, at the bottom is guaranteed to work

Bugs are reported to the issues page here.