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survminer 0.2.4

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@kassambara kassambara released this 11 Dec 12:13
· 693 commits to master since this release

Bug fixes

  • surv_summary() (v0.2.3) generated an error when the name of the variable used in survfit() can be found multiple times in the levels of the same variable. For example, variable = therapy; levels(therapy) --> "therapy" and "hormone therapy" (#86). This has been now fixed.
  • To extract variable names used in survival::survfit(), the R code strsplit(strata, "=|,\\s+", perl=TRUE) was used in the surv_summary() function [survminer v0.2.3]. The splitting was done at any "=" symbol in the string, causing an error when special characters (=, <=, >=) are used for the levels of a categorical variable (#91). This has been now fixed.
  • Now, ggsurvplot() draws correctly the risk.table (#93).