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Repository files navigation



/* 1.
List the name, job, and salary for all employees./
SELECT emp_name, emp_job, emp_salary FROM employee;
List the unique zip codes found among the customer addresses./
SELECT DISTINCT cust_zip FROM customer;
List the order id, order date, and ship date for all of orders
placed by customer 103./
SELECT ord_id, ord_orderdate, ord_shipdate FROM ord WHERE cust_id = 103;
List the names and street addresses of all customers in Burlingame who have a credit limit above $50 00./
SELECT cust_name, cust_address FROM customer WHERE cust_city = 'Burlingame' AND cust_creditlimit > 5000;
List the total compensation (salary plus commission) for each employee. If an employee has no commi ssion, then list just the salary amount. (Note: in a select clause you may perform arithmetic opera tions on the values in two or more columns.)/
SELECT coalesce( emp_salary, 0 ) + coalesce( emp_commission, 0 ) AS "total_compensation" FROM employee; /
For each customer, list the customer name, the number of orders placed by that customer, and the to tal dollar amount of all of that customer's orders./
SELECT cust_name, COUNT(
) AS no_of_orders, SUM(ord_total) FROM customer, ord WHERE customer.cust_id = ord.cust_id GROUP BY cust_name; /* 7.
For each order, list the number of different products ordered, and the minimum and maximum values of product actual prices on the order./
SELECT ord.ord_id, COUNT(
) AS no_of_orders, MIN(orditem_actprice), MAX(orditem_actprice) FROM ord, orderitem WHERE ord.ord_id = orderitem.ord_id GROUP BY ord.ord_id ORDER BY ord.ord_id; /* 8.
List the names of customers and the total order volume (Ord_total) for those customers who have purc hased a total of more than $1000 worth of products on all their orders combined./
SELECT customer.cust_name, ord.ord_total AS total_order_volume FROM customer JOIN ord ON customer.cust_id = ord.cust_id WHERE ord_total > 1000;
Create the PRODUCT table. It has the following column names and data types. PROD_ID is the primary key field.

CREATE TABLE product ( prod_id NUMERIC(6), prod_descrip VARCHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY ( prod_id ) ); /
Insert the data shown at into y our tables.*/
INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '100860', 'Ace Tennis Racket I' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '100861', 'Ace Tennis Racket II' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '100870', 'Ace Tennis Balls-3 Pack' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '100871', 'Ace Tennis Balls-6 Pack' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '100890', 'Ace Tennis Net' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '101860', 'SP Tennis Racket' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '101863', 'SP Junior Racket' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '102130', 'Guide to Tennis' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '200376', 'SB Energy Bar-6 Pack' );

INSERT INTO product ( prod_id, prod_descrip ) VALUES ( '200380', 'SB Vita Snack-6 Pack' ); /* 11.
List the name and job of all employees working in Dallas. (the use IN + subquery construct.)/
SELECT emp_name, emp_job FROM employee WHERE dept_no IN ( SELECT dept_no FROM department WHERE dept_loc = 'Dallas' ); /
List the names of all employees who are the customer representative for a customer who has purchase at least one unit of product 100860. Use a series of nested IN + subquery clauses./
SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE emp_id IN ( SELECT emp_id FROM customer WHERE cust_id IN ( SELECT cust_id FROM ord WHERE ord_id IN ( SELECT ord_id FROM orderitem WHERE prod_id = '100860' ) ) ); /
List the employee id all employees who are salesmen but who have no customers in Redwood City. Use some sort of set difference./
SELECT emp_id FROM employee WHERE emp_job = 'Salesman' MINUS ( SELECT emp_id FROM customer WHERE cust_city = 'Redwood City' ); /
List the employees who earn an above-average salary./
SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE emp_salary > ( SELECT AVG(emp_salary) FROM employee ); /
List the names and telephone numbers of all customers whose sales representative is Ward (don't type in a value for the Emp_ID)./
select cust_name, cust_phone from customer where emp_id in ( select emp_id from employee where emp_name = 'Ward'); /
List the employee name and name of each customer the employee serves. Include ALL employees, even those not serving specific customers./
SELECT employee.emp_name, customer.cust_name FROM customer LEFT JOIN employee ON employee.emp_id = customer.emp_id ORDER BY employee.emp_name; /
List the names of all employees, together with the name of their manager. (If an employee has no manager, the manager column should be NULL)./
SELECT DISTINCT emp.emp_name AS employee_name, mngr.emp_name AS manager_name FROM employee emp INNER JOIN employee mngr ON emp.emp_mgr = mngr.emp_id; /
For each product, list the product id, the order id of the order on which the greatest quantity of that product was purchased. List also the quantity./
WITH great_quantity AS ( SELECT prod_id, MAX(orditem_qty) AS max_orditem_qty FROM orderitem GROUP BY prod_id ) SELECT great_quantity.prod_id, orderitem.ord_id, orderitem.orditem_qty FROM orderitem, great_quantity WHERE great_quantity.prod_id = orderitem.prod_id AND great_quantity.max_orditem_qty = orderitem.orditem_qty;
List the employees who are associated with a customer who has placed no orders. (Use NOT EXISTS)/ SELECT DISTINCT employee.emp_name FROM employee JOIN customer ON employee.emp_id = customer.emp_id WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT cust_id FROM ord WHERE ord.cust_id = customer.cust_id ); / 20.
List the names of customers who have purchased at least one of each product./
SELECT DISTINCT customer.cust_name FROM customer JOIN ord ON customer.cust_id = ord.cust_id WHERE ord_id IN ( SELECT orderitem.ord_id FROM orderitem JOIN ord ON ord.ord_id = orderitem.ord_id WHERE prod_id IN ( SELECT product.prod_id FROM product JOIN orderitem ON product.prod_id = orderitem.prod_id ) ); /
List all the employees and the number of customers they service. For employees who service no custo mer, the value should be 0./
SELECT employee.emp_name, COUNT(customer.cust_id) AS no_of_customers FROM employee FULL OUTER JOIN customer ON customer.emp_id = employee.emp_id GROUP BY emp_name; /
Increase the credit limit for all customers by 10%./
UPDATE customer SET cust_creditlimit = cust_creditlimit 1.10; / 23.
Fire all of the clerks.
DELETE FROM employee WHERE emp_job = 'Clerk'; /* 24.
Add a check constraint to the ORD table that will enforce the constraint that the ship date must be greater than or equal to the order date./
ALTER TABLE ord ADD CONSTRAINT chk_ship_date CHECK ( ord_shipdate >= ord_orderdate ); /
Increase the maximum size of the CUST_NAME column to 75 characters./
ALTER TABLE customer MODIFY cust_name VARCHAR(75);
For each customer, list that customer's customer id, name, and orders in chronological-order by orde r date. For each order, show the order total along with the cumulative amount of that order plus th e order totals of any preceding orders./
SELECT ord.cust_id, cust_name, ord_orderdate, ord_id, ord_total, SUM( ord_total ) OVER(PARTITION BY ord.cust_id ORDER BY ord_orderdate ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW ) AS ord_cum_amount FROM customer, ord WHERE customer.cust_id = ord.cust_id; /
Create a view that displays the customer ID, name, and number of orders placed by the customer./
CREATE VIEW customer_ord AS ( SELECT ord.cust_id, customer.cust_name, COUNT(
) AS abc FROM ord, customer WHERE customer.cust_id = ord.cust_id GROUP BY ord.cust_id, customer.cust_name );

SELECT * FROM customer_orders;

/* 28.
Create an Oracle sequence on the Ord_ID column, starting with a value greater than current Ord_ID va lues. Add a new order for Customer 106 using the sequence you just created. Leave the Ord_Total N ULL. Otherwise, make up your own data.*/


INSERT INTO ord ( ord_id, ord_orderdate, ord_commplan, ord_shipdate, ord_total, cust_id ) VALUES ( ordseq.NEXTVAL, '25-MAY-15', 'B', '31-MAY-15', 1000, 106 ); /* 29.
List the order number, customer name, and order dollar amount for all sales attributed to Ward./
SELECT ord.ord_id, ord.ord_total, customer.cust_name FROM ord JOIN customer ON ord.cust_id = customer.cust_id WHERE emp_id IN ( SELECT employee.emp_id FROM employee JOIN customer ON employee.emp_id = customer.emp_id WHERE emp_name = 'Ward' ); /
Alter the OrderItem table to add a foreign key constraint on the Prod_ID column./
ALTER TABLE orderitem ADD FOREIGN KEY ( prod_id ) REFERENCES product ( prod_id ); /
For each customer, list the product of which the customer has purchased the most unts, together with the product description, customer name, and the number of units of the product purchased by the cus tomer./
WITH most_units AS ( SELECT product.prod_id, product.prod_descrip, customer.cust_name, orderitem.orditem_qty FROM customer JOIN ord ON customer.cust_id = ord.cust_id JOIN orderitem ON ord.ord_id = orderitem.ord_id JOIN product ON orderitem.prod_id = product.prod_id ) SELECT * FROM most_units WHERE orditem_qty = ( SELECT MAX(orditem_qty) FROM most_units mu WHERE most_units.prod_id = mu.prod_id ); /
List each product together with the number of units of that product sold. Also list the product cat egory: "High volume" if the total qty > 1000; "Moderate volume" if total aty > 500; "Low volume" i f total qty <=500.*/
SELECT product.prod_id, SUM(orderitem.orditem_qty) AS prod_cat, CASE WHEN SUM(orderitem.orditem_qty) <= 500 THEN 'Low Volume' WHEN SUM(orderitem.orditem_qty) BETWEEN 500 AND 1000THEN 'Moderate Volume' ELSE 'High Volume' END prod_category FROM product, orderitem WHERE product.prod_id = orderitem.prod_id GROUP BY product.prod_id --order by product.prod_descrip;


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