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System Hacks

Repository of handy command line scripts designed to simplify common tasks and enhance terminal experience. Each script in this repository is designed to solve a very specific task, aimubg to make command line sessions more efficient and enjoyable. Limit laptop battery from overcharging. Define maximum charge limit within the script and if the model's supported, the script will enable systemd service to limit charging over your specified limit. Displays all terminal colors along with their escape character codes. Offers a visual representation of various color combinations for customisation.

physicalModel Copy all code of a specified type to clipboard. Would be extremely helpful when trying to share code where uploading files is not convenient/possible.

physicalModel More convenient way to edit common dev files from within any subdirectory within the project. For example edit main file from anywhere within the project filestructure.
Makefiles/ Directory consisting of general makefile templates that should be sufficient for most purposes. Displays the Periodic Table with color coding for different groups. Provides a visually appealing representation of chemical elements organised by their atomic numbers and properties.

physicalModel Automates project setup tasks, including directory creation, Git initialisation, README file generation, language-specific setup, and .gitignore configuration. Simplifies the process of starting new software projects.

physicalModel Clears cache and displays memory usage before and after cache clearing. Provides a quick overview of system memory usage, including total, used, free, shared, and buffer/cache memory.


resistor.c Gives resistance values for band colors. If provided with specific bands (e.g., blue red green gold), it will output the corresponding resistance value. With no parameters, it will display a table of all band colors and their corresponding values.

physicalModel Script designed to remove symbolic links and their target files. It ensures a clean deletion process, first deleting the symbolic link itself and then, if applicable, the target file it points to.

physicalModel Script to prevent having 100s of testing temporary directories within Project or even ~. This script works with project_initialise to create a testX dir within /tmp/ for temporary usecase.

physicalModel Maintains an organised library of todo files at a specified location. Opens a todo file associated with the current project or directory in the default editor.

physicalModel Moves files and directories to the system's trash directory instead of permanently deleting them. Mimics the behavior of graphical environment trash systems from the terminal, providing an opportunity to restore or permanently delete files later.



tools for enhanced terminal functionality




