lightweight CLI tool to parse a CDK log file and post changes to pull request requests. Can be used to get more confidence on approving pull requests because reviewer will be aware of changes done to your environments.
Install binary with latest release
curl -L "$(uname)_amd64.gz" -o cdk-notifier.gz
gunzip cdk-notifier.gz && chmod +x cdk-notifier && rm -rf cdk-notifier.gz
sudo mv cdk-notifier /usr/local/bin/cdk-notifier
Check Version and help
cdk-notifier --version
# 1.0.1
cdk-notifier --help
# Post CDK diff log to Pull Request
# Usage:
# cdk-notifier [flags]
# Flags:
# --ci string CI System used [circleci|bitbucket|gitlab] (default "circleci")
# --custom-template string File path or string input to custom template. When set it will override the template flag.
# -d, --delete delete comments when no changes are detected for a specific tag id (default true)
# --disable-collapse Collapsible comments are enabled by default for GitHub and GitLab. When set to true it will not use collapsed sections.
# --github-host string Optional set host for GitHub Enterprise
# --gitlab-url string Optional set gitlab url (default "")
# -h, --help help for cdk-notifier
# -l, --log-file string path to cdk log file
# --no-post-mode Optional do not post comment to VCS, instead write additional file and print diff to stdout
# -o, --owner string Name of owner. If not set will lookup for env var [REPO_OWNER|CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME|BITBUCKET_REPO_OWNER]
# -p, --pull-request-id string Id or URL of pull request. If not set will lookup for env var [PR_ID|CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST|BITBUCKET_PR_ID|CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID]
# -r, --repo string Name of repository without organisation. If not set will lookup for env var [REPO_NAME|CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME|BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG],'
# --show-overview [Deprected: use template extended instead] Show Overview are disabled by default. When set to true it will show the number of cdk stacks with diff and the number of replaced resources in the overview section.
# -t, --tag-id string unique identifier for stack within pipeline (default "stack")
# --template string Template to use for comment [default|extended|extendedWithResources] (default "default")
# --token string Authentication token used to post comments to PR. If not set will lookup for env var [TOKEN_USER|GITHUB_TOKEN|BITBUCKET_TOKEN|GITLAB_TOKEN]
# -u, --user string Optional set username for token (required for bitbucket)
# --vcs string Version Control System [github|github-enterprise|bitbucket|gitlab] (default "github")
# -v, --verbosity string Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) (default "info")
# --version version for cdk-notifier
The docker image is available on dockerhub.
As alternative to passing arguments to cli you can create a env file with required variables, this is an example for github.
cat <<EOF > docker.env
Then you can run the docker image with the env file.
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data --env-file docker.env karlderkaefer/cdk-notifier -l /data/cdk-diff1.log
$ time="2024-04-14T14:57:50Z" level=info msg="Created comment with id 2054088709 and tag id stack"
First create the output of cdk diff to file. You can stream cdk diff to stdout and to file with following. This tool most like runs in a CI environment. To avoid printing millions of lines you add progress flag.
cdk diff --progress=events &> >(tee cdk.log)
cdk-notifier will then analyze and transform the log by
- remove ASCII colors
- prepare additions and deletion for GitHub markdown diff
- truncate log if exceeding max length of body for comment and then send
cdk-notifier will post the processed log of cdk diff to PR if there are changes.
If a diff comment for tag-id exists and no changes are detected then comment will delete.
You can control this behavior with --delete=false
cdk-notifier --owner some-org --repo some-repo --token 1234 --log-file ./cdk.log --tag-id my-stack --pull-request-id 12 --vcs github --ci circleci
The tag-id
has to be unique within one pipeline. It's been used to identify the comment to update or delete.
This is an example how the diff would like on github
cdk-notifier -l data/cdk-small.log -t test
Please note: GitLab, Bitbucket or Github tokens needs permission to write comments to PR.
As an example for GitHub PAT it requires pull requests: read and write
To use CDK-Notifier with Github Enterprise you need to set --vcs github-enterprise
and --github-host
cdk-notifier -l data/cdk-diff1.log -t test --vcs github-enterprise --github-host
In case you run a CircleCI Pipeline you can omit --github-host
. It will detected from environment variable CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST
which follows the format
Thanks to @mmogylenko for providing this feature.
To use cdk-notifier with Bitbucket you need to set --vcs bitbucket
and --user <username>
The username is required and is the name of the user who created the token.
Alternatively you can use the environment variable TOKEN_USER
. This is an example with all options set.
cdk-notifier -l data/cdk-diff1.log -t test --vcs bitbucket --token <token> --owner <owner> --repo <repo> --pull-request-id <pr-id>
It's also possible to use Workspace Access tokens
by just passing the --token
CDK-Notifier is supporting following Version Control Systems
- github | github-enterprise
- bitbucket
- gitlab
If you run CDK-Notifier on CI Systems, you may not need to set flag for owner
, repo
or pull-request-id
Those will be read in automatically if not set via cli args. See priority mapping.
Following matrix is showing support for automatic mapping for different CI Systems.
Version Control System | CirlceCi Support | Bitbucket CI Support | Github CI Support | Gitlab CI Support |
github | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
bitbucket | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ |
gitlab | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ |
If you run cdk-notifier on CircleCi you don't need to set owner, repo or token. CircleCi will provide default variables which will read in by cdk-notifier when cli arg is not set.
Example when running on CircleCi. See available build variables
Example when running on BitBucket CI. See available build variables
Example when running on Gitlab CI. See available build variables
Token and usernames will be read in automatically despite on which CI they run. Potentially they override each other in order listed below.
You can choose the comment template by using the --template
flag. Possible values are default
, extended
or extendedWithResources
# show overview stats like number of resources replaced and number of changed stacks
cdk-notifier --template extendedWithResources
Optionally you can full customize the message by setting the flag --custom-template
that points to a file with desired template.
You can use the default template as an reference. Sprig functions are supported in custom templates.
As alternative you can also set a multiline environment variable CUSTOM_TEMPLATE
{{ .HeaderPrefix }} {{ .TagID }} {{ .JobLink }}
my custom template
{{ .Backticks }}diff
{{ .Content }}
{{ .Backticks }}
The config for CDK-Notifier is mapping in following priority (from low to high)
- Environment Variables of Map Struct. For full list of Envs please check code
- CI System specific environment variable mapping. See support-for-ci-systems
- Default values for CLI args. See
cdk-notifier --help
- Values set by CLI e.g.
In case you only want to do the transformation into markdown diff, as described in issue#46.
./cdk-notifier -l data/cdk-diff1.log --tag-id small --no-post-mode
Any validation is skipped, you only need to set --log-file
and --tag-id
Enable this option --no-post-mode
will write the markdown diff to stdout and a logfile.
The diff output file is using same path of cdk log file, but is appending .diff
See github issue issue#125.
In case you want to suppress any hash changes in the diff, you can use the flag --suppress-hash-changes
For example this would not post a diff for any changes in the hash of the resources see example. You can override the regex that is used to detect hash changes with the flag --suppress-hash-changes-regex
or setting the Environment Variable SUPPRESS_HASH_CHANGES_REGEX
. This improvement was requested by @wolverian in issue#188
cdk-notifier -l data/cdk-suppress-regex.log --tag-id test --suppress-hash-changes --suppress-hash-changes-regex "^[+-].*?[a-fA-F0-9]{40}"
Disclaimer: Consider using on private repositories only.
The CDK log does not contain sensitive information by default. However, someone can argue the account id is considered as sensitive information. CDK-Notifier does also not benefit from the automatic obscuring you may see in CI logs when using secret environment variables.
Use Conventional Commit Messages. Semantic Release will release a new version with changelog.
# increase patch version
fix: fixing tests
# incease minor version
feat: add configuration
# increase major version:
feat: remove comments api
BREAKING CHANGE: remove comments api
# update docu
docs: update readme
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Shawn Vause 💻 |
Jorge Maroto 📖 |
Mykola Mogylenko 💻 |
Peter Svensson 💻 |
Johannes Konings 💻 |
Josh Myers 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!