- create, edit, show and delete clinics
- create, edit, show and delete nurses
- browsing doctors and check their resumes
- send offer to doctor
- hire doctor in a clinic
- show some statistics for each clinic
- customize symptoms, diagnosis, disease and treatment tags for his clinic
- send notifications and mails to doctors and nurses
- and more..
- browsing offers
- accept offer and setup his timetable includes (days of weak, hours per day, number of patient for each day)
- browsing today's patients reservations
- processing a patient session
- check patient history report
- write symptoms, diagnosis, disease and treatment during the patient session
- and more..
- manage patients reservations (create, edit, show and delete)
- check doctors timetable
- not have and account yet, but he can receives his history report form clinic owner or doctor
App came with two languages (English and Arabic)
- Laravel - PHP Framework
- MySQL - Relational Database - PhpMyAdmin
- Laravel-pdf - Laravel Packege
- Open CMD in the root folder and perform 'composer install' and 'composer update' commands
- Create a SQL database in your localhost, import the SQL file from folder 'Database MySql - To Import' and change db config in .nev file if needed
- Perform 'php artisan serve'
- App have an android assistant that help doctor to write symptoms, diagnosis, disease and treatment with handwriting and manage patient's sessions easily, check it out Clinic Helper