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In this project let's build a Covid19 Dashboard by applying the concepts we have learned till now. This project allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned till React Course and apply them in a concrete project.

You will demonstrate your skills by creating an app that will fetch data from an internal server using a class component, displaying that data, using component lifecycle methods, routing concepts and adding responsiveness to the website.

This is an individual assessment. All work must be your own.


UI Prerequisites

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  • What is Figma?

    • Figma is a vector graphics editor and prototyping tool which is primarily web-based. You can check more info on the Website
  • Create a Free account in Figma

    • Kindly follow the instructions as shown in this video to create a Free Figma account. Watch the video upto 00:55
  • How to Check CSS in Figma?

    • Kindly follow the instructions as shown in this video to check CSS in the Figma screen. Watch the video upto 02:45
  • Export Images in Figma screen

    • Kindly follow the instructions as shown in this video to export images from the Figma screen
    • Click on the Export button to get Export options as shown in the below image
  • Upload your exported images from Figma to Cloudinary and get image URLs from Cloudinary. Refer this session for better understanding

Design Files

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  • You can check the Design Files for different devices here

Set Up Instructions

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  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added

The app must have the following functionalities

  • Users should be able to navigate to Home, About routes using links in Navbar

  • The website should be responsive in mobile view, tablet view as well (Use Media Queries to achieve the responsive website)

  • Home Route

    • An HTTP GET request should be made to the Home Route API URL
      • Loader should be displayed while fetching the data
      • After the data is fetched successfully,
        • Stats of Confirmed, Active, Recovered, Deceased cases of India should be equal to the respective data received from the response
        • List of State/UT should be displayed with corresponding Confirmed, Active, Recovered, Deceased cases count
        • When the Ascending Icon (FcGenericSortingAsc react-icon) is clicked, then the list of State/UT should be sorted with Ascending Order based on State/UT name
        • When the Descending Icon (FcGenericSortingDesc react-icon) is clicked, then the list of State/UT should be sorted with Descending Order based on State/UT name
    • Footer should be displayed as shown in the Figma
  • Search Functionality

    • Search should be case insensitive. This means Searching for AN or an or An should give the same search results
    • When the State/UT is searched by using the State/UT name, then the list of State/UT names matched with the search text should be displayed
    • When the Specific State/UT is clicked in the searched State/UT, then the page should be navigated to the Specific State/UT
  • State-Specific Route

    • An HTTP GET request should be made to the State-Specific Route API URL
      • Loader should be displayed while fetching the data
      • After the data is fetched successfully,
        • State name and last updated date should be equal to the State name received from the response
        • Stats of Confirmed, Active, Recovered, Deceased cases of specific state should be equal to the respective data received from the response
        • Tested count should be equal to the tested count received from the response
        • Initially districts with Descending order of their Confirmed Cases should be displayed in the Top Districts
        • When the Active Cases card is clicked, then the Top Districts and Bar Graph should be changed to Descending order by their Active Cases count
        • When the Confirmed Cases card is clicked, then the Top Districts and Bar Graph should be changed to Descending order by their Confirmed Cases count
        • When the Recovered Cases card is clicked, then the Top Districts and Bar Graph should be changed to Descending order by their Recovered Cases count
        • When the Deceased Cases card is clicked, then the Top Districts and Bar Graph should be changed to Descending order by their Deceased Cases count
        • Bar Graph should be displayed with the last 10 days of Covid19 cases data
        • Initially for Spread Trends, Daily Data should be displayed
      • Footer should be displayed as shown in the Figma
  • Not Found Route

    • When a random path is provided in the URL, then the page should be navigated to the Not Found Route
  • About Route

    • An HTTP GET request should be made to the About Route API URL
      • Loader should be displayed while fetching the data
      • After the data is fetched successfully, the response received should be displayed
      • List of faqs should be displayed
      • Footer should be displayed as shown in the Figma
  • Header

    • When the COVID19INDIA heading element in the Header is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Home Route
    • When the Home link in the Header is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Home Route
    • When the About link in the Header is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the My About Route

Quick Tips

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Important Note

Below Instructions are needed to pass the test cases.

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  • Note:

    • Don't use any third-party packages other than packages mentioned in the Quick Tips

    • For Mini Projects, you have to use normal HTML elements to style the React Components. Usage of styled-components (CSS in JS) to style React components are not supported in Mini Projects. Test cases won't be passed, if you use styled-components

    • Refer to the below Example for the usage of testid in the HTML elements

      • Example: <div testid="countryWideConfirmedCases" className="country-wide-confirmed-cases"/>
    • Get all states data from the response of Get Countrywide covid19 cases API by mapping the state's list that we have provided you in the App.js file

    • If you receive any type of covid19 cases count of a state as undefined from the API call, store that value as 0

    • Example:- You have received the confirmed cases count, population for the State Goa as undefined so instead of storing undefined store confirmed cases of Goa as 0. Like this for all states and districts store 0 if you receive any count as undefined

    • Your code will contain a Counter Component in the path src/components you can modify the component based on your use case or you can ignore it

    • Formulae for active cases activeCases = confirmedCases-(recoveredCases+deceasedCases)

    • Adding individual states Covid19 data will give you national wide Covid19 data

    • Don't wrap the Bar Chart or Line Chart with ResponsiveContainer

  • Routes:

    • The Home Route should contain the pathname as /

    • The State-specific Route should contain the pathname as /state/:stateCode

      • Note: use the particular state code in place of id
    • The About Route should contain the pathname as /about

  • Header:

    • Your code should contain a Header Component in the path src/components
  • Footer:

    • Your code should contain a Footer Component in the path src/components

    • The Footer component should consist of all social icons from the react-icons third-party library

    • The Footer component should consist of the VscGithubAlt react icon

    • The Footer component should consist of the FiInstagram react icon

    • The Footer component should consist of the FaTwitter react icon

  • Home Route:

    • The Loader container should contain the test id with value as homeRouteLoader

    • The States Search results unordered list should contain the test id with value as searchResultsUnorderedList

    • The Search bar should contain the BsSearch react icon

    • The State Search results list item should contain a BiChevronRightSquare react icon

    • The Confirmed cases card should contain the test id with value as countryWideConfirmedCases

    • The Confirmed cases image in the Confirmed cases container should contain the alt text as country wide confirmed cases pic

    • The Recovered cases card should contain the test id with value as countryWideRecoveredCases

    • The Recovered cases image in the Recovered cases container should contain the alt text as country wide recovered cases pic

    • The Active cases card should contain the test id with value as countryWideActiveCases

    • The Active cases image in the Active cases container should contain the alt text as country wide active cases pic

    • The Deceased cases card should contain the test id with value as countryWideDeceasedCases

    • The Deceased cases image in the Deceased cases container should contain the alt text as country wide deceased cases pic

    • The Statewise covid19 data table should contain the test id with value as stateWiseCovidDataTable

    • The FcGenericSortingAsc react icon should be wrapped with an HTML button element and the Button should contain the test id value as ascendingSort

    • The FcGenericSortingDesc react icon should be wrapped with an HTML button element and the Button should contain the test id value as descendingSort

    • Example:

      <button type="button" testid="ascendingSort">
        <FcGenericSortingDesc />
    • Place the ascending sort icon and descending sort icon in an HTML container element with the test id attribute value stateWiseCovidDataTable

    • Place the total countrywide confirmed cases count, the text Confirmed and the image of the confirmed case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value countryWideConfirmedCases

    • Place the total countrywide active cases count, the text Active and the image of the active case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value countryWideActiveCases

    • Place the total countrywide recovered cases count, the text Recovered and the image of the recovered case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value countryWideRecoveredCases

    • Place the total countrywide deceased cases count, the text Deceased and the image of the deceased case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value countryWideDeceasedCases

    • Wrap all the list items of the HTML unordered list element with the test id attribute value searchResultsUnorderedList with Link from react-router-dom

  • State-specific Route

    • NOTE: Wrap all the Line charts with an HTML container element and assign test id attribute value as lineChartsContainer to that HTML container element

    • The GET State details API Loader container should contain the test id with value as stateDetailsLoader

    • The GET Timeline details API Loader container should contain the test id with value as timelinesDataLoader

    • The State-specific Confirmed cases card should contain the test id value as stateSpecificConfirmedCasesContainer

    • The State-specific confirmed cases image should contain the alt text as state specific confirmed cases pic

    • The State-specific Active cases card should contain the test id value as stateSpecificActiveCasesContainer

    • The State-specific confirmed cases image should contain the alt text as state specific active cases pic

    • The State-specific Recovered cases card should contain the test id value as stateSpecificRecoveredCasesContainer

    • The State-specific confirmed cases image should contain the alt text as state specific recovered cases pic

    • The State-specific Deceased cases card should contain the test id value as stateSpecificDeceasedCasesContainer

    • The State-specific confirmed cases image should contain the alt text as state specific deceased cases pic

    • Place the total State-specific confirmed cases count, the text Confirmed and the image of the confirmed case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value stateSpecificConfirmedCasesContainer

    • Place the total State-specific active cases count, the text Active and the image of the active case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value stateSpecificActiveCasesContainer

    • Place the total State-specific recovered cases count, the text Recovered and the image of the recovered case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value stateSpecificRecoveredCasesContainer

    • Place the total State-specific deceased cases count, the text Deceased and the image of the deceased case inside of the HTML container element with the test id attribute value stateSpecificDeceasedCasesContainer

    • The Top Districts unordered list should contain the test id attribute with value as topDistrictsUnorderedList

  • About Route

    • The Loader container should contain the test id value as aboutRouteLoader

    • The Faqs unordered list should contain the test id value as faqsUnorderedList


Data fetch URLs
  • Home Route:

    • Get stats of confirmed, active, recovered, deceased cases state wise (sum of state wise data will give you national wise data) :

  • State-Specific Route:

    • Get tested count, last updated date and stats of confirmed, active,recovered, deceased cases in specific states:

      //(the response contains stats of all the States, you can use a state code (Ex:- "AP") to get specific state stats.)
    • Get districts (sort to show Top Districts):

      //(the response contains stats of all the States, you can use a state code (Ex:- "AP") to get specific state stats.)
    • Sample Response for the API Url

    • Get timelines to show spread trends (use timelines data for rendering Bar chart, Line chart and other recharts by date-wise):

      //(change state code in URL for other states)
      //(the response contains stats of all the States, you can use a state code (Ex:- "AP") to get specific state stats.)
    • Sample Response

        "AN": {
          "dates": {
            "2021-09-09": {
              "total": {
                "confirmed": 7577,
                "deceased": 129,
                "recovered": 7441,
                "tested": 508157,
                "vaccinated1": 267126,
                "vaccinated2": 112124
            "2021-09-09": {...}
  • About Route:

    • Get faqs:

    • Sample Response

        "faq": [
            "answer": "No.",
            "category": "General",
            "qno": "1",
            "question": "Are you official?"

Stretch Goals

If you complete the main features of the project you can try out the below features as well

Note: Just a reminder the additional functionality is just extra practice using the tools we have learned. These are not required. If you do not reach the stretch goals, don't worry

Additional Functionality to be added
  • Users should be able to see Themes (Light & Dark) in Navbar

  • State-Specific Route

    • India Map with Specific State should be highlighted
  • Vaccination Details Route

    • An HTTP GET request should be made to the Vaccination Details API URL
      • Loader should be displayed while fetching the data
      • After the data is fetched successfully, the response received should be displayed
        • Page should contain the dropdowns to select state and district
        • Page should contain the sites Conducting Vaccination, total Registrations, Total Vaccination Doses sections
        • Page should contain the Vaccination Trends for both by Doses and Ages section
  • Data Fetch URLs

    • Vaccination Details Route:

      • Get states data:

      • Get Districts data (state specific):

        //(change state id in URL)
      • Get sites conducting vaccination, total registrations, total vaccination, vaccination trends, vaccination - category, vaccination by age Details:

        //(change date in URL)

Project Submission Instructions

  • For Mini Projects, you can submit the test cases at your own pace. But we suggest you to submit the code to know the percentage of completion through test cases and that score will be considered for your interviews

  • Also it's important to publish your code frequently using Step - 4 in the Instructions tab

Things to Keep in Mind

  • All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
  • Do not remove the pre-filled code
  • Want to quickly review some of the concepts you’ve been learning? Take a look at the Cheat Sheets.


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  • JavaScript 67.1%
  • CSS 30.5%
  • HTML 2.4%