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  • Section I: Getting Started with RxSwift

    Ch# Chapter Subject Responsibility Note
    1 Hello RxSwift! 희선, 상윤 RxSwift 개요
    2 Observables 희선 RxSwift의 심장

    just, of, from, subscribe, empty, never, range, dispose, create, deferred, do, debug

    3 Subjects 상윤 Observable이자 Observer 인 녀석

    PublishSubject, BehaviorSubject, RelaySubject, Variable

    4 Observables and Subjects in Practice 희선 실전 연습

    single, maybe, completable

  • Section II: Operators and Best Practices

    Ch# Chapter Subject Responsibility Note
    5 Filtering Operators 희선 필터링 연산자

    ignoreElements, elementAt, filter, skip, skipWhile, skipUntil, take, takeWhile, enumerated, takeUntil, distinctUntilChanged

    6 Filtering Operators in Practice 상윤 실전 연습

    share, takeLast, throttle

    7 Transforming Operators 상윤 변환 연산자

    toArray, map, enumerated, flatMap, flapMapLatest, materialize, dematerialize, unwrap

    8 Transforming Operators in Practice 희선 실전 연습

    GitHub API를 이용한 map/flatMap 집중 연습

    9 Combining Operators 희선 결합 연산자

    startWith, concat, concatMap, merge, merge(maxConcurrent), combineLatest, zip, withLatestFrom, sample, amb, switchLatest, reduce, scan,

    10 Combining Operators in Practice 상윤 실전 연습

    NASA EONET API를 이용한 concat/combineLatest/scan 연습

    11 Time Based Operators 상윤 시간 기반 연산자

    replay, replayAll, buffer, window, delaySubscription, interval, timer, timeout

  • Section III: iOS Apps with RxCocoa

    Ch# Chapter Subject Responsibility Note
    12 Beginning RxCocoa - 초급 RxCocoa

    rx, bindTo, ControlProperty, Driver, share

    13 Intermediate RxCocoa - 고급 RxCocoa


  • Section IV: Intermediaate RxSwift/RxCocoa

    Ch# Chapter Subject Responsibility Note
    14 Error Handling in Practice - 에러처리

    catch, retry

    15 Intro To Schedulers - 추후 별도 스터디
    16 Testing with RxTest - skip
    17 Creating Custom Reactive Extensions - extension Reactive where Base: B { }
  • Section V: RxSwift Community Cookbook

    Ch# Chapter Subject Responsibility Note
    18 Table and collection views - skip
    19 Action - skip
    20 RxGesture - skip
    21 RxRealm - skip
    22 RxAlamofire - skip
  • Section VI: Putting it All Together

    Ch# Chapter Subject Responsibility Note
    23 MVVM with RxSwift - MVVM 아키텍처
    24 Building a Complete RxSwfit App - 추후 별도 스터디

공부 출처 : RxSwift

참고 사이트 : fimuxd/RxSwift


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