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LibWeb: Resolve CSS properties that do not affect layout before repaint
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Recently, we moved the resolution of CSS properties that do not affect
layout to occur within LayoutState::commit(). This decision was a
mistake as it breaks invalidation. With this change, we now re-resolve
all properties that do not affect layout before each repaint.
  • Loading branch information
kalenikaliaksandr committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent e269526 commit 6d892e6
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Showing 10 changed files with 303 additions and 250 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Tests/LibWeb/Ref/invalidate-css-transform-property.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="match" href="reference/invalidate-css-transform-property-ref.html" />
#box {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: red;
<div id="box"></div>
window.onload = function () {
const box = document.getElementById("box"); = "translate(50px, 50px)";
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
#box {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: red;
position: relative;
top: 50px;
left: 50px;
<div id="box"></div>
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/DOM/Element.cpp
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#include <LibWeb/Page/Page.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/InlinePaintable.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/PaintableBox.h>
#include <LibWeb/Painting/ViewportPaintable.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/DOMException.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -909,6 +910,11 @@ JS::NonnullGCPtr<Geometry::DOMRectList> Element::get_client_rects() const
auto viewport_offset = document().navigable()->viewport_scroll_offset();

if (document().paintable()) {
// NOTE: Make sure CSS transforms are resolved before it is used to calculate the rect position.

Gfx::AffineTransform transform;
for (auto const* containing_block = this->layout_node(); containing_block; containing_block = containing_block->containing_block()) {
Gfx::AffineTransform containing_block_transform;
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -2084,6 +2084,7 @@ void Navigable::paint(Painting::RecordingPainter& recording_painter, PaintConfig

HashMap<Painting::PaintableBox const*, Painting::ViewportPaintable::ScrollFrame> scroll_frames;
if (is_traversable()) {
Expand Down
248 changes: 0 additions & 248 deletions Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/Layout/LayoutState.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -197,252 +197,6 @@ static void build_paint_tree(Node& node, Painting::Paintable* parent_paintable =

static Painting::BorderRadiiData normalized_border_radii_data(Layout::Node const& node, CSSPixelRect const& rect, CSS::BorderRadiusData top_left_radius, CSS::BorderRadiusData top_right_radius, CSS::BorderRadiusData bottom_right_radius, CSS::BorderRadiusData bottom_left_radius)
Painting::BorderRadiusData bottom_left_radius_px {};
Painting::BorderRadiusData bottom_right_radius_px {};
Painting::BorderRadiusData top_left_radius_px {};
Painting::BorderRadiusData top_right_radius_px {};

bottom_left_radius_px.horizontal_radius = bottom_left_radius.horizontal_radius.to_px(node, rect.width());
bottom_right_radius_px.horizontal_radius = bottom_right_radius.horizontal_radius.to_px(node, rect.width());
top_left_radius_px.horizontal_radius = top_left_radius.horizontal_radius.to_px(node, rect.width());
top_right_radius_px.horizontal_radius = top_right_radius.horizontal_radius.to_px(node, rect.width());

bottom_left_radius_px.vertical_radius = bottom_left_radius.vertical_radius.to_px(node, rect.height());
bottom_right_radius_px.vertical_radius = bottom_right_radius.vertical_radius.to_px(node, rect.height());
top_left_radius_px.vertical_radius = top_left_radius.vertical_radius.to_px(node, rect.height());
top_right_radius_px.vertical_radius = top_right_radius.vertical_radius.to_px(node, rect.height());

// Scale overlapping curves according to
// Let f = min(Li/Si), where i ∈ {top, right, bottom, left},
// Si is the sum of the two corresponding radii of the corners on side i,
// and Ltop = Lbottom = the width of the box, and Lleft = Lright = the height of the box.
auto l_top = rect.width();
auto l_bottom = l_top;
auto l_left = rect.height();
auto l_right = l_left;
auto s_top = (top_left_radius_px.horizontal_radius + top_right_radius_px.horizontal_radius);
auto s_right = (top_right_radius_px.vertical_radius + bottom_right_radius_px.vertical_radius);
auto s_bottom = (bottom_left_radius_px.horizontal_radius + bottom_right_radius_px.horizontal_radius);
auto s_left = (top_left_radius_px.vertical_radius + bottom_left_radius_px.vertical_radius);
CSSPixelFraction f = 1;
f = (s_top != 0) ? min(f, l_top / s_top) : f;
f = (s_right != 0) ? min(f, l_right / s_right) : f;
f = (s_bottom != 0) ? min(f, l_bottom / s_bottom) : f;
f = (s_left != 0) ? min(f, l_left / s_left) : f;

// If f < 1, then all corner radii are reduced by multiplying them by f.
if (f < 1) {
top_left_radius_px.horizontal_radius *= f;
top_left_radius_px.vertical_radius *= f;
top_right_radius_px.horizontal_radius *= f;
top_right_radius_px.vertical_radius *= f;
bottom_right_radius_px.horizontal_radius *= f;
bottom_right_radius_px.vertical_radius *= f;
bottom_left_radius_px.horizontal_radius *= f;
bottom_left_radius_px.vertical_radius *= f;

return Painting::BorderRadiiData { top_left_radius_px, top_right_radius_px, bottom_right_radius_px, bottom_left_radius_px };

void LayoutState::resolve_layout_dependent_properties()
// Resolves layout-dependent properties not handled during layout and stores them in the paint tree.
// Properties resolved include:
// - Border radii
// - Box shadows
// - Text shadows
// - Transforms
// - Transform origins

for (auto& it : used_values_per_layout_node) {
auto& used_values = *it.value;
auto& node = const_cast<NodeWithStyle&>(used_values.node());

auto* paintable = node.paintable();
auto const is_inline_paintable = paintable && paintable->is_inline_paintable();
auto const is_paintable_box = paintable && paintable->is_paintable_box();
auto const is_paintable_with_lines = paintable && paintable->is_paintable_with_lines();

// Border radii
if (is_inline_paintable) {
auto& inline_paintable = static_cast<Painting::InlinePaintable&>(*paintable);
auto& fragments = inline_paintable.fragments();

auto const& top_left_border_radius = inline_paintable.computed_values().border_top_left_radius();
auto const& top_right_border_radius = inline_paintable.computed_values().border_top_right_radius();
auto const& bottom_right_border_radius = inline_paintable.computed_values().border_bottom_right_radius();
auto const& bottom_left_border_radius = inline_paintable.computed_values().border_bottom_left_radius();

auto containing_block_position_in_absolute_coordinates = inline_paintable.containing_block()->paintable_box()->absolute_position();
for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) {
auto is_first_fragment = i == 0;
auto is_last_fragment = i == fragments.size() - 1;
auto& fragment = fragments[i];
CSSPixelRect absolute_fragment_rect { containing_block_position_in_absolute_coordinates.translated(fragment.offset()), fragment.size() };
if (is_first_fragment) {
auto extra_start_width = inline_paintable.box_model().padding.left;
absolute_fragment_rect.translate_by(-extra_start_width, 0);
absolute_fragment_rect.set_width(absolute_fragment_rect.width() + extra_start_width);
if (is_last_fragment) {
auto extra_end_width = inline_paintable.box_model().padding.right;
absolute_fragment_rect.set_width(absolute_fragment_rect.width() + extra_end_width);
auto border_radii_data = normalized_border_radii_data(inline_paintable.layout_node(), absolute_fragment_rect, top_left_border_radius, top_right_border_radius, bottom_right_border_radius, bottom_left_border_radius);

// Border radii
if (is_paintable_box) {
auto& paintable_box = static_cast<Painting::PaintableBox&>(*paintable);

CSSPixelRect const border_rect { 0, 0, used_values.border_box_width(), used_values.border_box_height() };

auto const& border_top_left_radius = node.computed_values().border_top_left_radius();
auto const& border_top_right_radius = node.computed_values().border_top_right_radius();
auto const& border_bottom_right_radius = node.computed_values().border_bottom_right_radius();
auto const& border_bottom_left_radius = node.computed_values().border_bottom_left_radius();

auto radii_data = normalized_border_radii_data(node, border_rect, border_top_left_radius, border_top_right_radius, border_bottom_right_radius, border_bottom_left_radius);

// Box shadows
auto const& box_shadow_data = node.computed_values().box_shadow();
if (!box_shadow_data.is_empty()) {
Vector<Painting::ShadowData> resolved_box_shadow_data;
for (auto const& layer : box_shadow_data) {
layer.placement == CSS::ShadowPlacement::Outer ? Painting::ShadowPlacement::Outer : Painting::ShadowPlacement::Inner);

if (paintable && is<Painting::PaintableBox>(*paintable)) {
auto& paintable_box = static_cast<Painting::PaintableBox&>(*paintable);
} else if (paintable && is<Painting::InlinePaintable>(*paintable)) {
auto& inline_paintable = static_cast<Painting::InlinePaintable&>(*paintable);
} else {

// Text shadows
if (is_paintable_with_lines) {
auto const& paintable_with_lines = static_cast<Painting::PaintableWithLines const&>(*paintable);
for (auto const& fragment : paintable_with_lines.fragments()) {
auto const& text_shadow = fragment.m_layout_node->computed_values().text_shadow();
if (!text_shadow.is_empty()) {
Vector<Painting::ShadowData> resolved_shadow_data;
for (auto const& layer : text_shadow) {

// Transform and transform origin
if (is_paintable_box) {
auto& paintable_box = static_cast<Painting::PaintableBox&>(*paintable);
auto const& transformations = paintable_box.computed_values().transformations();
if (!transformations.is_empty()) {
auto matrix = Gfx::FloatMatrix4x4::identity();
for (auto const& transform : transformations)
matrix = matrix * transform.to_matrix(paintable_box).release_value();

auto const& transform_origin = paintable_box.computed_values().transform_origin();
auto transform_box = paintable_box.computed_values().transform_box();
// For SVG elements without associated CSS layout box, the used value for content-box is fill-box and for
// border-box is stroke-box.
// FIXME: This currently detects any SVG element except the <svg> one. Is that correct?
// And is it correct to use `else` below?
if (is<Painting::SVGPaintable>(paintable_box)) {
switch (transform_box) {
case CSS::TransformBox::ContentBox:
transform_box = CSS::TransformBox::FillBox;
case CSS::TransformBox::BorderBox:
transform_box = CSS::TransformBox::StrokeBox;
// For elements with associated CSS layout box, the used value for fill-box is content-box and for
// stroke-box and view-box is border-box.
else {
switch (transform_box) {
case CSS::TransformBox::FillBox:
transform_box = CSS::TransformBox::ContentBox;
case CSS::TransformBox::StrokeBox:
case CSS::TransformBox::ViewBox:
transform_box = CSS::TransformBox::BorderBox;

CSSPixelRect reference_box = [&]() {
switch (transform_box) {
case CSS::TransformBox::ContentBox:
// Uses the content box as reference box.
// FIXME: The reference box of a table is the border box of its table wrapper box, not its table box.
return paintable_box.absolute_rect();
case CSS::TransformBox::BorderBox:
// Uses the border box as reference box.
// FIXME: The reference box of a table is the border box of its table wrapper box, not its table box.
return paintable_box.absolute_border_box_rect();
case CSS::TransformBox::FillBox:
// Uses the object bounding box as reference box.
// FIXME: For now we're using the content rect as an approximation.
return paintable_box.absolute_rect();
case CSS::TransformBox::StrokeBox:
// Uses the stroke bounding box as reference box.
// FIXME: For now we're using the border rect as an approximation.
return paintable_box.absolute_border_box_rect();
case CSS::TransformBox::ViewBox:
// Uses the nearest SVG viewport as reference box.
// FIXME: If a viewBox attribute is specified for the SVG viewport creating element:
// - The reference box is positioned at the origin of the coordinate system established by the viewBox attribute.
// - The dimension of the reference box is set to the width and height values of the viewBox attribute.
auto* svg_paintable = paintable_box.first_ancestor_of_type<Painting::SVGSVGPaintable>();
if (!svg_paintable)
return paintable_box.absolute_border_box_rect();
return svg_paintable->absolute_rect();
auto x = reference_box.left() + transform_origin.x.to_px(node, reference_box.width());
auto y = + transform_origin.y.to_px(node, reference_box.height());
paintable_box.set_transform_origin({ x, y });
paintable_box.set_transform_origin({ x, y });

void LayoutState::commit(Box& root)
// Only the top-level LayoutState should ever be committed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,8 +353,6 @@ void LayoutState::commit(Box& root)
auto const& box = static_cast<Layout::Box const&>(used_values.node());


void LayoutState::UsedValues::set_node(NodeWithStyle& node, UsedValues const* containing_block_used_values)
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/Layout/LayoutState.h
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Expand Up @@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ struct LayoutState {

void resolve_relative_positions();
void resolve_layout_dependent_properties();

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/Painting/Paintable.h
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Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,18 @@ class Paintable
return TraversalDecision::Continue;

template<typename Callback>
TraversalDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(Callback callback)
if (auto decision = callback(*this); decision != TraversalDecision::Continue)
return decision;
for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) {
if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == TraversalDecision::Break)
return TraversalDecision::Break;
return TraversalDecision::Continue;

template<typename Callback>
TraversalDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(Callback callback) const
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Userland/Libraries/LibWeb/Painting/PaintableFragment.h
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
namespace Web::Painting {

class PaintableFragment {
friend struct Layout::LayoutState;
friend class ViewportPaintable;

explicit PaintableFragment(Layout::LineBoxFragment const&);
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