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Simulation code for Longitudinal TMLE (LTMLE) with multi-valued treatments.

Please cite the following paper if you use this repo:

  title={Targeted learning in observational studies with multi-valued treatments: An evaluation of antipsychotic drug treatment safety.},
  author={Poulos, Jason and Horvitz-Lennon, Marcela and Zelevinsky, Katya and Cristea-Platon, Tudor and Huijskens, Thomas and Tyagi, Pooja and Yan, Jiaju and Diaz, Jordi and Normand, Sharon-Lise},
  journal={Statistics in Medicine},
   publisher={Wiley Online Library}


  • R (tested on 4.0.1 using a 6.2.0 GCC compiler)
  • Required R packages located in package_list.R
  • The result of sessionInfo() is in session_info.txt
  • For use of 'tmle-lstm' as an estimator: R (4.3.3), python3 (3.10.12), and TensorFlow (2.18.0)
  • Instructions for installing Tensorflow on Linux (documentation here and here)
# Create virtual environment within directory
cd multi-ltmle

# Manually set up a virtual environment
python3.10 -m ensurepip --upgrade  # Ensure pip is installed/upgraded
python3.10 -m pip install virtualenv  # Install virtualenv if not already available
virtualenv myenv  # Create a virtual environment named 'myenv'
source myenv/bin/activate  # Activate the new environment

# Install TensorFlow
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip  # Upgrade pip to the latest version
# For GPU users:
pip install tensorflow[and-cuda]
# For CPU users:
pip install tensorflow

# Verify the GPU installation:
python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"

# Verify the CPU installation:
python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.reduce_sum(tf.random.normal([1000, 1000])))"
  • The following Python packages are required: numpy (tested on 1.19.5), pandas (1.1.5), and wandb (0.15.12)
python3 -m pip install pandas
python3 -m pip install wandb
  • Additional R package in package_list.R are required. Make sure to install these packages in the virtual environment where python3 and Tensorflow are installed.

  • Ensure that the path in use_python() in simulation.R corresponds to the virtual environment python path, which you can find using

which python
  • Test with R and Reticulate
    Load the reticulate library and bind to the shared Python:

    use_python("./myenv/bin/python", required = TRUE)
  • Important Notes

    • If the shared library is still not found, adjust the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as required:
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • For consistent performance, ensure all dependencies align with the Python version used in your virtual environment.



  • Installs required R packages.
    • doMPI: Logical flag. When TRUE, installs packages required for MPI parallel processing (defaults to FALSE).
    • keras: Logical flag. When TRUE, installs packages required for Keras/TensorFlow (defaults to TRUE).


  • Includes miscellaneous functions:
    • Bounding predicted probabilities.
    • Generating various distributions.
    • A function for forest plot visualization.


  • Defines distribution functions for the simcausal software.


  • Defines the data-generating process for the simcausal software.


  • Defines treatment rule functions used for Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation (TMLE).


  • Implements influence curve (IC)-based methods for variance estimation in TMLE.


  • Provides custom learner definitions for use with the SuperLearner framework.


  • TMLE implementation for incorporating Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks into the TMLE workflow.


  • Facilitates integration between R and Python for LSTM-based estimations. Used when estimator='tmle-lstm'.


  • Python script for training LSTMs and predicting on the full dataset.


  • Python script for predicting on new data (for the targeting step).


  • Simulates longitudinal data for comparing the performance of multinomial TMLE with LSTM-based approaches.
    • Key parameters:
      • estimator: Choose between 'tmle' or 'tmle-lstm'.
      • treatment.rule: Specify "static", "dynamic", "stochastic", or "all".
      • gbound/ybound: Bounds for propensity scores and initial predictions, respectively.
      • J: Number of treatments (J=6).
      • n: Sample size (default is 12500).
      • t.end: Number of time periods (must be between 4 and 36).
      • R: Number of simulation runs (default is 325).
      • target.gwt: Logical flag to adjust weights in the clever covariate (default is TRUE).
      • use.SL: Logical flag to enable Super Learner (default is TRUE).
      • scale.continuous: Logical flag for scaling continuous variables.
      • n.folds: Number of cross-validation folds for Super Learner (default is 5).


  • Aggregates and visualizes the output of simulation.R. Includes:
    • Counterfactual risk estimations.
    • Bias, coverage, and confidence interval widths.

Required File Modifications

Below is a list of files that require user modifications to match their environment or particular settings. Please ensure to make these changes before running the code.


  • Update the Python path used by use_python(). Modify it to point to the Python interpreter you wish to use. For example:
    use_python("./myenv/bin/python", required=TRUE)

  • If using a GPU, configure the GPU settings by updating relevant CUDA paths to match your environment. The default settings are:

    cuda_base = "/n/app/cuda/12.1-gcc-9.2.0"
        'CUDA_HOME': cuda_base,
        'CUDA_ROOT': cuda_base,
        'CUDA_PATH': cuda_base,
        'CUDNN_PATH': f"{cuda_base}/lib64/",
        'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': f"{cuda_base}/lib64:{cuda_base}/extras/CUPTI/lib64:{os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')}",
        'PATH': f"{cuda_base}/bin:{os.environ.get('PATH', '')}",
        'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES': '0,1',
        'TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH': 'true',
        'TF_XLA_FLAGS': '--tf_xla_enable_xla_devices',
        'XLA_FLAGS': f'--xla_gpu_cuda_data_dir={cuda_base}',
        'TF_GPU_THREAD_MODE': 'gpu_private',
        'TF_GPU_THREAD_COUNT': '2',
        'TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL': '3'
  • If no GPU is used, the script will automatically fall back to CPU-based execution. No additional changes are required in this case.

  • Include your wandb username in the "entity" field in the setup_wandb() function:
      run = wandb.init(
          mode="offline",  # Run offline to prevent uploads


1. Install Required R Packages and Set Up Environment

  • Run the following command to install the required R packages:
    Rscript package_list.R
  • Follow the Python installation instructions provided in the Prerequisites section.
  • Ensure you start R within the virtual environment where Python 3 and TensorFlow are installed.

2. Run Simulations

To execute simulations, use the following command:

Rscript simulation.R [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4]


  • [arg1]: Specifies the estimator. Options:
    • "tmle": Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
    • "tmle-lstm": Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Long Short-Term Memory.
  • [arg2]: Logical flag to indicate whether super learner estimation should be used:
    • "TRUE" or "FALSE".
  • [arg3]: Number of cores to use (>1 for parallel computation)
  • [arg4]: Logical flag for enabling MPI parallel programming:
    • "TRUE" or "FALSE".


  1. Using the "tmle" estimator with super learner enabled and no MPI:

    Rscript simulation.R 'tmle' 1 'TRUE' 'FALSE'
  2. Using the "tmle-lstm" estimator without super learner or MPI:

    Rscript simulation.R 'tmle-lstm' 1 'FALSE' 'FALSE'

3. Plot Simulation Results

To summarize and plot results from simulations saved in intermediate_results_lstm.rds:

Rscript long_sim_plots.R 'outputs/20240215'

Model Weights, Intermediate Results, and Visualizations

This section outlines the model weights, intermediate results, and visualizations available for analysis and evaluation. The results pertain to a single simulated longitudinal dataset (r=1) for 12,500 patients, estimating counterfactual diabetes risk under three regimes: static, dynamic, and stochastic. Data and results are saved in the ex_outputs/ directory unless otherwise noted.

Key Files and Descriptions:

  1. Simulated Dataset

    • Long format dataset: tmle_dat_long_R_1_n_12500_J_6.rds
  2. Intermediate Simulation Results

    • LTMLE-RNN: intermediate_results_lstm.rds
  3. Validation Predictions

    • Multiple binary and categorical treatments:
      • Binary C predictions: lstm_bin_C_preds.npy, lstm_bin_C_preds_info.npz
      • Categorical A predictions: lstm_cat_A_preds.npy, lstm_cat_A_preds_info.npz
      • Binary A predictions: lstm_bin_A_preds.npy, lstm_bin_A_preds_info.npz
  4. Test Predictions

    • Binary and categorical treatments:
      • Binary C predictions: test_bin_C_preds.npy, test_bin_C_preds_info.npz
      • Categorical A predictions: test_cat_A_preds.npy, test_cat_A_preds_info.npz
      • Binary A predictions: test_bin_A_preds.npy, test_bin_A_preds_info.npz
  5. Model Weights

    • Weights for RNN models with multiple binary and categorical treatments:
      • lstm_bin_A_model.h5
      • lstm_cat_A_model.h5
      • lstm_bin_C_model.h5
      • lstm_bin_Y_model.h5
  6. Descriptive Plots

    • Graphical outputs summarizing the simulation and analysis:
      • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG):
        DAG Plot
      • Treatment adherence:
        Adherence Plot
      • Survival plots:
        • Observed:
          Observed Survival Plot
        • Truth:
          Truth Survival Plot
        • LTMLE-SL (multi.) estimates:
          LTMLE-SL (multi.) Survival Plot
        • LTMLE-RNN (multi.) estimates:
          LTMLE-RNN (multi.) Survival Plot


Longitudinal TMLE (LTMLE) with multi-valued treatments







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