#WHAT: A purely democratic community.
#WHY: To conduct a purely democratic social experiment. Knowledge.
- Anybody may participate. An authentication system verifies unique identities.
- The authenticated user is offered a prompt and a set of choices. They may vote for any given choice for any given prompt.
- Prompts and Choices get votes and ranks.
- Rank determines Feature and Law development priority.
- Prompts, Choices, and Votes are all user-generated.
- Each prompt and choice has a discussion panel.
- Laws must be readily understood by non-technical people and may only be changed, abolished, or amended by majority vote.
^ The first seven laws. Written shortly after midnight January 28th 2013.
#ELECTIONS: ###Should Dan Carter be a collaborator?
- Justus Eapen - Aye
###Should this be a Rails app?
- Justus Eapen - Aye
- Dan Carter - Aye
###Should we just start with a simple authentication system instead of Facebook?
- Justus Eapen - Aye
- Dan Carter - Aye
###Should Ajay be a collaborator?
- Justus Eapen - Abstained
- Dan Carter - Aye
- Ajay Vallabh - Aye
###Should only collaborators be able to vote on anything related to collaborators? (github collaborators)
- Justus Eapen - Aye
- Dan Carter - Aye
- Ajay Vallabh - Aye
###Curators will delete old/implemented prompts. Subject to community oversight.
- Justus Eapen - Aye
- Dan Carter - Aye
- Ajay Vallabh - Not present
###Deploy Self-Govern to Heroku?
- Justus Eapen - Aye
- Dan Carter - Aye
- Ajay Vallabh - Not present