Web-based brewing software based off of the MEAN stack.
This is the basic MEAN setup from the PluralSight course. It uses the following components:
- Node
- Express
- Mongo DB
- Angular
- Jade - HTML rendering engine
- Stylus - CSS pre-compilation engine
To install and run
- Install Node and npm and make sure it is added to your PATH (installer usually takes care of this)
- Install MongoDB and have it running -> Startup the MongoDB shell and type the following to get a DB and insert a message: -> use basicMean -> db.messages.insert({"message": "Hello MONGO!"});
- Install git (required for bower, it uses git to retrieve the files)
- Install Bower globally (Bower is like npm but for client-side scripts like angular) -> npm install -g bower
- Install Jade and Stylus globally (not necessary as it will be installed locally, but WebStorm IDE needs it global to add a watcher) -> npm install -g jade -> npm install -g stylus
- use a command prompt, navigate to this directory and run -> npm install -> bower install This uses the package.json and bower.json files to retrieve dependencies and install them locally
To run -> node server.js
handy tool is nodemon. This will monitor the project for any changes and restart node automatically -> npm install -g nodemon
Then instead call nodemon instead of standard node ->nodemon server.js