Miscellaneous modules for py3status, an extensible i3status wrapper written in python.
Display the battery level.
Configuration parameters:
: path to adapter info (default: '/sys/class/power_supply/ADP0')battery_info
: path to battery info (default: '/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0')cache_timeout
: seconds between battery checks (default: 5)capacity_degraded
: percent below which colored as degraded (default: 50)capacity_bad
: percent below which colored as bad (default: 15)format
: display format (default: '{capacity}% {icon}')
Display the CPU usage.
Configuration parameters:
: seconds between rate checks (default: 1)colorize
: true to colorize output (default: True)- set color thresholds via rate_good/degraded/bad
: display format (default: 'CPU {icon}')mode
: display mode (default: 'max')- 'max' to display just the CPU with max usage
- 'avg' to display the average usage of all CPUs
- 'all' to display each individual CPU
: threshold above which display is colorized as good (default: 10)rate_degraded
: threshold above which display is colorized as degraded (default: 40)rate_bad
: threshold above which display is colorized as bad (default: 90)
Display the current disk transfer rate.
Configuration parameters:
: seconds between rate checks (default: 1)colorize
: true to colorize output (default: True)- set color thresholds via rate_good/degraded/bad
: indicator for read rate (default: ⇑)indicator_write
: indicator for write rate (default: ⇓)indicator_combined
: indicator for combined rate (default: ⇕)format
: display format (default: '{max} {device}{direction}')- try '{total} {device}' to show combined read and write totals
- try '{read}⇑ {write}⇓ {device}' to show separate read and write totals
- format tokens :
- '{direction}' : icon indicating most-active direction (read or write)
- '{device}' : device label (ie 'sda')
- '{max}' : rate of most-active direction
- '{total}' : combined rate of both read and write totals
- '{read}' : read (trasmitted) rate
- '{write}' : write (received) rate
: display format when all devices are idle (default: 'idle net')format_idle
: display format for an individual idle device (default: '')- try 'idle {device}' to display for each device something when idle
: list of devices to check (default: 'eth0 wlan0')device_labels
: list of labels to use to display device names (default: '')- try 'a b' to display 'a' instead of 'sda' and 'b' instead of 'sdb'
: display mode (default: 'max')- 'max' to display just the most-active device
- 'all' to display all devices
: separator to use when displaying multiple devices (default: '|')rate_format
: formatting of rate number (default: '{value:4.0f}{units}'- used by '{max}', '{total}', '{read}', and {'write'} totals in format parameter
- uses units defined by rate_b/kb/mb/gb/tb parameters
: indicator for B/s units (default: ' B/s')rate_kb
: indicator for KB/s units (default: 'KB/s')rate_mb
: indicator for MB/s units (default: 'MB/s')rate_gb
: indicator for GB/s units (default: 'GB/s')rate_tb
: indicator for TB/s units (default: 'TB/s')rate_good
: threshold above which display is colorized as good (default: 1048576)rate_degraded
: threshold above which display is colorized as degraded (default: 10485760)rate_bad
: threshold above which display is colorized as bad (default: 104857600)
Display the current network transfer rate.
Configuration parameters:
: seconds between rate checks (default: 1)colorize
: true to colorize output (default: True)- set color thresholds via rate_good/degraded/bad
: indicator for upload rate (default: ⇑)direction_down
: indicator for download rate (default: ⇓)direction_both
: indicator for combined rate (default: ⇕)format
: display format (default: '{max} {interface}{direction}')- try '{total} {interface}' to show combined up and down totals
- try '{up}⇑ {down}⇓ {interface}' to show separate up and down totals
- format tokens :
- '{direction}' : icon indicating most-active direction (up or down)
- '{interface}' : interface label (ie 'eth0')
- '{max}' : rate of most-active direction
- '{total}' : combined rate of both up and down totals
- '{up}' : up (trasmitted) rate
- '{down}' : down (received) rate
: display format when all interfaces are idle (default: 'idle net')format_idle
: display format for an individual idle interface (default: '')- try 'idle {interface}' to display for each interface something when idle
: list of interfaces to check (default: 'eth0 wlan0')interface_labels
: list of labels to use to display interface names (default: '')- try 'E W' to display 'E' instead of 'eth0' and 'W' instead of 'wlan0'
: display mode (default: 'max')- 'max' to display just the most-active interface
- 'all' to display all interfaces
: separator to use when displaying multiple interfaces (default: '|')rate_format
: formatting of rate number (default: '{value:4.0f}{units}'- used by '{max}', '{total}', '{up}', and {'down'} totals in format parameter
- uses units defined by rate_b/kb/mb/gb/tb parameters
: indicator for B/s units (default: ' B/s')rate_kb
: indicator for KB/s units (default: 'KB/s')rate_mb
: indicator for MB/s units (default: 'MB/s')rate_gb
: indicator for GB/s units (default: 'GB/s')rate_tb
: indicator for TB/s units (default: 'TB/s')rate_good
: threshold above which display is colorized as good (default: 1048576)rate_degraded
: threshold above which display is colorized as degraded (default: 10485760)rate_bad
: threshold above which display is colorized as bad (default: 104857600)
Display the RAM (and swap) usage.
Configuration parameters:
: seconds between rate checks (default: 5)colorize
: true to colorize output (default: True)- set color thresholds via rate_good/degraded/bad
: display format (default: 'RAM {:.1f} GB')swap_format
: display format (default: 'swap {:.1f} GB')rate_good
: threshold above which display is colorized as good (default: 0)rate_degraded
: threshold above which display is colorized as degraded (default: 50)rate_bad
: threshold above which display is colorized as bad (default: 90)
Display current conditions from openweathermap.org.
As of 2015-10-09, you need to signup for a free API key via the openweathermap.org Sign Up page. Once you signup, use the API key generated at signup to either:
- set the
parameter directly - place the API key (and nothing else) as a single line in
- same as 2), but at any file location configured via the
Requires the python-dateutil
and requests
packages (which you can install via pip
, like pip install python-dateutil requests
Configuration parameters:
: openweathermap.org api key (default: empty)apikey_file
: path to file containing api key (default: ~/.config/i3status/openweathermap-apikey)cache_timeout
: seconds between requests for weather updates (default: 1800)direction_precision
: wind direction precision (default: 2)- 1 : N E S W
- 2 : N NE E SE S etc
- 3 : N NNE NE ENE E etc
: display format (default: '{city} {temp}°F {icon} {sky} {humidity}%rh {pressure}inHg {direction} {wind}mph')- corresponding metric format would be '{city} {temp}°C {icon} {sky} {humidity}%rh {pressure}hPa {direction} {wind}m/s'
- city : city name (eg 'Seattle')
- temp : temperature (eg '35')
- icon : weather icon (eg '☀')
- sky : weather conditions (eg 'Clear' or 'Rain' or 'Haze' etc)
- humidity : relative humidity (eg '50')
- pressure : barometric pressure (eg '29.58')
- direction : wind direction (eg 'NW')
- wind : wind speed (eg '11')
: city,country of location for which to show weather (default: 'Seattle,US')- see http://openweathermap.org/city
- for US, a location like 'Springfield IL' will also work
: seconds after which to abort request (default: 10)timezone
: timezone of location (default: 'America/Los_Angeles')- used to determine if it's currently day or night at the location
: imperial or metric units (default: 'imperial')- imperial :
- temperature : fahrenheit
- pressure : inches of mercury
- wind : miles per hour
- metric :
- temperature : celsius
- pressure : hectopascal
- wind : meters per second
- imperial :
To use py3status, you specify py3status
as the status_command
in the bar
block of your i3 config file. By default, py3status will load any modules you place in your ~/.i3/py3status
directory. You can also use the -i
or --include
flag with py3status to specify other directories from which to load modules.
So copy the modules you want to use into ~/.i3/py3status
(or another configured directory), and specify each module name with an "order" directive in your i3status config file. For example, to use the j3_ram
module, add an order directive like this:
order += "j3_ram"
Then add a block for the module to configure whatever options from the module you want to override, like this:
j3_ram {
ram_format = 'RAM {:.1f}G'
swap_format = 'swap {:.1f}G'
Restart i3 to see your changes (i3-msg restart