- Juan Carlos Castillo, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Chile. [email protected], jc-castillo.com
- Luis Maldonado, Instituto de Sociología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Julio Iturra, Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social - COES
- Francisco Meneses, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Chile.
Based on a previous paper that proposed a distinction between perceptions and preferences for meritocracy and tested it with secondary survet data [@Castilloetal2019], we propose a conceptual model that distinguishes perceptions and preferences for meritocracy and non-meritocracy. We tested this model with available data (ISSP inequality module) and we designed and tested a novel 8 item scale. Finally, we conducted reliability and validity analysis.
- Pre-analysis: here is the description of the pre-registration of the analysis plan in the Open Science Framework, you can see it directly here:. To cite: Castillo, J. C., Iturra, J. C., Rivas, F. J. M., & Maldonado, L. (2019, November 21). Perceptions and Preferences for Meritocracy Scale (PPM-S). Retrieved from osf.io/z45y2
In the web page it is possible to see/download the paper in html and pdf formats. The data and analysis files are in the Github repo merit-scale and follow the logic of the IPO protocol for academic workflows, based on three main components = Input -> Processing -> Output.