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junyuan-chen committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent 5ff9b11 commit c8f0e86
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Showing 9 changed files with 62 additions and 67 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/CI-latest.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ jobs:
- 'x64'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
version: ${{ matrix.version }}
arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
- uses: actions/cache@v3
- uses: actions/cache@v4
cache-name: cache-artifacts
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions .github/workflows/CI-stable.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
- '1.3'
- '1.6'
- '1.9'
- '1'
- 'ubuntu-latest'
Expand All @@ -27,12 +26,12 @@ jobs:
- 'x64'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
version: ${{ matrix.version }}
arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
- uses: actions/cache@v3
- uses: actions/cache@v4
cache-name: cache-artifacts
Expand All @@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: julia-actions/julia-buildpkg@v1
- uses: julia-actions/julia-runtest@v1
- uses: julia-actions/julia-processcoverage@v1
- uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
- uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
FixedEffectModels = "9d5cd8c9-2029-5cab-9928-427838db53e3"
GroupedArrays = "6407cd72-fade-4a84-8a1e-56e431fc1533"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Requires = "ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df"
StatsAPI = "82ae8749-77ed-4fe6-ae5f-f523153014b0"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
StatsFuns = "4c63d2b9-4356-54db-8cca-17b64c39e42c"
Expand All @@ -19,26 +18,23 @@ Vcov = "ec2bfdc2-55df-4fc9-b9ae-4958c2cf2486"
BSplines = "0.3"
CSV = "0.9, 0.10"
CovarianceMatrices = "0.10"
DataFrames = "1"
FFTW = "1"
FixedEffectModels = "1.6"
FixedEffectModels = "1.11"
GroupedArrays = "0.3"
Requires = "1"
ShiftedArrays = "1"
ShiftedArrays = "1, 2"
StatsAPI = "1.2"
StatsBase = "0.33"
StatsBase = "0.33, 0.34"
StatsFuns = "0.9, 1"
Tables = "1"
Vcov = "0.6"
julia = "1.3"
Vcov = "0.8"
julia = "1.6"

CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
CovarianceMatrices = "60f91f6f-d783-54cb-84f9-544141854719"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
ShiftedArrays = "1277b4bf-5013-50f5-be3d-901d8477a67a"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["CSV", "CovarianceMatrices", "DataFrames", "ShiftedArrays", "Test"]
test = ["CSV", "DataFrames", "ShiftedArrays", "Test"]
19 changes: 2 additions & 17 deletions src/LocalProjections.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,21 @@ module LocalProjections

using BSplines: BSplineBasis, basismatrix
using FFTW: fft!
using FixedEffectModels: AbstractFixedEffectSolver, Combination, FixedEffect,
using FixedEffectModels: AbstractFixedEffectSolver, FixedEffect,
solve_residuals!, isnested, nunique
using GroupedArrays: GroupedArray
using LinearAlgebra: I, Symmetric, cholesky!, svd!, ldiv!, inv!, mul!
using Requires
using StatsAPI: RegressionModel, StatisticalModel
using StatsBase: CovarianceEstimator, CoefTable, TestStat, PValue,
AbstractWeights, Weights, UnitWeights, uweights
using StatsFuns: tdistccdf, tdistinvccdf, chisqccdf
using Tables
using Vcov: ClusterCovariance, VcovData, robust, cluster, names, nclusters,
using Vcov: ClusterCovariance, S_hat, robust, cluster, names, nclusters,
ranktest!, pinvertible

import Base: ==, show, size, length, vec, view
import StatsAPI: coef, vcov, stderror, confint, coeftable, modelmatrix, residuals, dof_residual
import Tables: getcolumn
import Vcov: S_hat, dof_tstat

# Reexport objects from StatsAPI
export coef, vcov, stderror, confint, coeftable, modelmatrix, residuals, dof_residual
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,17 +73,4 @@ include("slp.jl")

function __init__()
@require CovarianceMatrices = "60f91f6f-d783-54cb-84f9-544141854719" begin
function vcov(m::OLS, vce::CovarianceMatrices.RobustVariance)
dof = size(m.X,1) - dof_residual(m)
return CovarianceMatrices.sandwich(vce, m.invXX, m.score, dof=dof)
function vcov(m::Ridge, vce::CovarianceMatrices.RobustVariance)
dof = size(m.C,1) - dof_residual(m)
return CovarianceMatrices.sandwich(vce, m.invCCP, m.score, dof=dof)

end # module
25 changes: 17 additions & 8 deletions src/lp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -388,9 +388,14 @@ function _firststage(nendo, niv, ys, xs, ws, sts, fes, clus, pw, nlag::Int, horz
nX = size(X,2) + nendo - niv
# Only allow heteroskedasticity-robust or cluster-robust VCE for rank test
vcerank = vce isa ClusterCovariance ? cluster(names(vce), (CLU...,)) : robust()
r_kp = ranktest!(Endores, Zres, Pip, vcerank, nX, doffe)
F_kp = r_kp / size(Zres, 2)
p_kp = chisqccdf(size(Zres, 2) - size(Endores, 2) + 1, r_kp)
# ranktest! sometimes gives LAPACK errors even though coef estimates seem correct
r_kp = ranktest!(Endores, Zres, Pip, vcerank, nX, doffe)
F_kp = r_kp / size(Zres, 2)
p_kp = chisqccdf(size(Zres, 2) - size(Endores, 2) + 1, r_kp)
r_kp, F_kp, p_kp = NaN, NaN, NaN
F_kp, p_kp = nothing, nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,14 +458,18 @@ function _est(::LeastSquaresLP, data, xnames, ys, xs, ws, sts, fes, clus, pw,
if !firststagebyhorz && !any(x->x isa Cum, xs)
dt = LPData(ys, xs, ws, sts, fes, clus, pw, nlag, minhorz, subset, groups, TF)
F_kps = firststagebyhorz ? Vector{Float64}(undef, nhorz) : nothing
p_kps = firststagebyhorz ? Vector{Float64}(undef, nhorz) : nothing
F_kps = firststagebyhorz && testweakiv ? Vector{Float64}(undef, nhorz) : nothing
p_kps = firststagebyhorz && testweakiv ? Vector{Float64}(undef, nhorz) : nothing
for h in minhorz:minhorz+nhorz-1
i = h - minhorz + 1
# Handle cases where all data need to be regenerated for each horizon
if firststagebyhorz
fitted, F_kps[i], p_kps[i] = _firststage(nendo, niv, yfs, xfs,
fitted, F_kpsi, p_kpsi = _firststage(nendo, niv, yfs, xfs,
ws, sts, fes, clus, pw, nlag, h, subset, groups, testweakiv, vce; TF=TF)
if testweakiv
F_kps[i] = F_kpsi
p_kps[i] = p_kpsi
xs[ix_iv] .= fitted
dt = LPData(ys, xs, ws, sts, fes, clus, pw, nlag, h, subset, groups, TF)
elseif any(x->x isa Cum, xs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -555,8 +564,8 @@ function lp(estimator, data, ynames;
F_kp, p_kp = F_kps, p_kps

return LocalProjectionResult(B, V, T, estimator, er, vce, ynames, xnames, wnames,
stnames, fenames,
return LocalProjectionResult(B, V, T, estimator, er, vce,
ynames, xnames, wnames, stnames, fenames,
Dict{VarName,Int}(n=>i for (i,n) in enumerate(ynames)),
Dict{VarName,Int}(n=>i for (i,n) in enumerate(xnames)),
Dict{VarName,Int}(n=>i for (i,n) in enumerate(wnames)),
Expand Down
21 changes: 19 additions & 2 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,13 +277,30 @@ function _group(col::AbstractVector)
return inds

# A work around for the type restrictions in FixedEffects.jl
function _solve_residuals!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, X::AbstractMatrix,
feM::AbstractFixedEffectSolver; progress_bar=false, kwargs...)
iterations = Int[]
convergeds = Bool[]
for j in axes(Y, 2)
_, iteration, converged = solve_residuals!(view(Y,:,j), feM; kwargs...)
push!(iterations, iteration)
push!(convergeds, converged)
for j in axes(X, 2)
_, iteration, converged = solve_residuals!(view(X,:,j), feM; kwargs...)
push!(iterations, iteration)
push!(convergeds, converged)
return iterations, convergeds

# Residualize columns in Y and X with weights W for fixed effects FE
function _feresiduals!(Y::AbstractVecOrMat, X::AbstractMatrix, FE::Vector{FixedEffect},
W::AbstractWeights; nfethreads::Int=Threads.nthreads(),
fetol::Real=1e-8, femaxiter::Int=10000)
feM = AbstractFixedEffectSolver{Float64}(FE, W, Val{:cpu}, nfethreads)
M = Combination(Y, X)
_, iters, convs = solve_residuals!(M, feM;
iters, convs = _solve_residuals!(Y, X, feM;
tol=fetol, maxiter=femaxiter, progress_bar=false)
iter = maximum(iters)
conv = all(convs)
Expand Down
21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions test/lp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,13 +230,6 @@ end
@test stderror(f1)[9] 0.05917848282306491 atol=1e-8
@test stderror(f1)[17] 0.04441907325684153 atol=1e-8

# Try Newey-West standard errors from CovarianceMatrices.jl
r1 = lp(df, Cum(:y), xnames=Cum(:g), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g), iv=Cum(:g)=>:newsy,
nlag=4, nhorz=17, addylag=false, firststagebyhorz=true, vce=NeweyWest94())
f1 = irf(r1, Cum(:y), Cum(:g))
@test stderror(f1)[9] 0.06207907472277425 atol=1e-8
@test stderror(f1)[17] 0.043723073565539526 atol=1e-8

# Construct lags for comparing results with FixedEffectModels.jl
# For rank test, heteroskedasticity-robust VCE is used even with vce=HARVCE(EWC())
r1_0 = lp(df, Cum(:y), xnames=Cum(:g), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g), iv=Cum(:g)=>:newsy,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,8 +305,8 @@ end
# wwii
r2 = lp(df, Cum(:y), xnames=(Cum(:g,:rec), Cum(:g,:exp), :rec), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g),
iv=(Cum(:g,:rec), Cum(:g,:exp))=>(:recnewsy, :expnewsy, :recg, :expg),
states=(:rec, :exp), nlag=4, nhorz=16, minhorz=1, addylag=false, firststagebyhorz=true,
states=(:rec, :exp), nlag=4, nhorz=16, minhorz=1, addylag=false,
firststagebyhorz=true, subset=df.wwii.==0)
f2rec = irf(r2, Cum(:y), Cum(:g,:rec))
@test coef(f2rec)[1] .345617820757 atol=1e-9
@test coef(f2rec)[8] 1.350903038984 atol=1e-8
Expand All @@ -323,10 +316,16 @@ end
@test coef(f2exp)[8] .2171636455168 atol=1e-9
@test coef(f2exp)[16] .2140385336746 atol=1e-9

r21 = lp(df, Cum(:y), xnames=(Cum(:g,:rec), Cum(:g,:exp), :rec), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g),
iv=(Cum(:g,:rec), Cum(:g,:exp))=>(:recnewsy, :expnewsy, :recg, :expg),
states=(:rec, :exp), nlag=4, nhorz=16, minhorz=1, addylag=false,
firststagebyhorz=true, subset=df.wwii.==0, testweakiv=false)
@test r21.B r2.B

r3 = lp(df, Cum(:y), xnames=(Cum(:g,:rec), Cum(:g,:exp), :rec), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g),
iv=(Cum(:g,:rec), Cum(:g,:exp))=>(:recnewsy, :expnewsy, :recg, :expg),
states=(:rec, :exp), nlag=4, nhorz=16, minhorz=1, addylag=false, firststagebyhorz=true,
subset=df.wwii.==0, panelid=:gid, panelweight=:wt)
states=(:rec, :exp), nlag=4, nhorz=16, minhorz=1, addylag=false,
firststagebyhorz=true, subset=df.wwii.==0, panelid=:gid)#, panelweight=:wt)
@test r3.B r2.B[(1:28).!=4,:,:]

@test_logs (:warn, "panelweight is ignored when panelid is nothing")
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,17 @@ using Test
using LocalProjections

using CSV
using CovarianceMatrices
using DataFrames
using FixedEffectModels
using LinearAlgebra: I
using LocalProjections: kron_fastl, kron_fastr, getscore, _geto,
OLS, VarName, _makeYX, _firststage, _lp, _toname,
Ridge, _basismatrix, _makeYSr, _makeP
using ShiftedArrays
using ShiftedArrays: lag
using Tables: getcolumn

exampledata(name::Union{Symbol,String}) =, DataFrame)

const NeweyWest94 = CovarianceMatrices.ParzenKernel{CovarianceMatrices.NeweyWest}

const tests = [
Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions test/slp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,14 +295,6 @@ end
@test stderror(f1)[9] 0.0858939264679245 atol=1e-8
@test stderror(f1)[17] 0.1270379208490072 atol=1e-8

# Try Newey-West standard errors from CovarianceMatrices.jl
r1 = lp(est, df, Cum(:y), xnames=Cum(:g), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g), iv=Cum(:g)=>:newsy,
nlag=4, nhorz=17, addylag=false, firststagebyhorz=true, subset=df.wwii.==0,
f1 = irf(r1, Cum(:y), Cum(:g))
@test stderror(f1)[9] 0.08694010697048188 atol=1e-8
@test stderror(f1)[17] 0.13627053333187472 atol=1e-8

r2 = lp(est, df, Cum(:y), xnames=Cum(:g), wnames=(:newsy, :y, :g),
iv=Cum(:g)=>(:newsy, :g), nlag=4, nhorz=16, minhorz=1, addylag=false,
firststagebyhorz=true, subset=df.wwii.==0, vce=HARVCE(EWC()))
Expand Down

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