A simple Python project that listen to one or more MQTT topics and save all the incoming messages on a MongoDB database, as some sort of logger.
- Python 3.x (tested on python:3.8-slim-buster in container)
- Tested on Docker with docker-compose on Mac OS Big Sur
- A working, available MQTT broker
- A working, available MongoDB server
- Libraries:
- Docker + docker-compose is recommended if available
Settings for MQTT Broker and MongoDB server can be placed on the appsettings.json
- Separated Threads for MQTT and MongoDB
- MQTT with callback and subscribers list of topics
- MongoDB with new thread for each save in MongoDB
- Queue implemented to communicate data between MQTT and MongoDB
- Decode JSON from MQTT message and save as Object in MongoDB
- Save timestamp and datetime (ISO 8601) in Document which will be recognized as Date in MongoBD
When payload is a text will be something like
"_id": {
"$oid": "6115d9581049eacf18f6cd9e"
"topic": "topic1/subtopic/teste",
"payload": "Just some text, :)",
"qos": 0,
"timestamp": 1628821848,
"datetime": "2021-08-13T02:30:48.807958"
Or when your payload is a json, the document in mongodb will be like below
"_id": {
"$oid": "6115d9181049eacf18f6cd9d"
"topic": "topic1/subtopic/teste",
"payload": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": 2.5,
"somelist": [
"qos": 0,
"timestamp": 1628821784,
"datetime": "2021-08-13T02:29:44.901154"
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juniorsaldanha/MQTT2MongoDB/master/deploy.sh | bash -s only-mqtt2mongodb
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juniorsaldanha/MQTT2MongoDB/master/deploy.sh | bash -s full
To Debug with docker container and vscode use the command below, or if you have Docker extension on vscode just right-click on docker-compose.debug.yml
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.debug.yml" up --build -d
and use "Python: Remote Attach" on Debug option.
To run as service on background use the command below
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up --build -d