Multi-object detection project using OpenCV for video capture and bounding box drawing and a Mobilenet SSD model trained on COCO dataset for object detection. This project is a fork of an original repository, modified to count detections of specific objects.
In, you can modify the following variables for detection and payload sending:
- endpoint: address to your web server
- interval: time in seconds of when to send the payload
- labels_record: dictionary (objects to detect and count) sent as json payload
The list of possible objects to detect (COCO classes) can be found in:
- Main program to run for starting detection indefinitely or until pressing key "q".
- Function for sending detections as json payloads in http post request.
- (Optional) script for creating a server in localhost and testing the post request.
Install peoject dependencies detailed in requirements.txt running the following command on your console inside project's folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The original repository belongs to the tutorial: