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Releases: juanosarg/AlphaBees

RimWorld Release Version

17 Jan 07:13
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  • Fix: Duplicate thingcategory tag in bee research for VFE: Ancients

RimWorld Release Version

06 Jan 16:14
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  • Added: expertise for bee comb extraction for Vanilla Skills Expanded

RimWorld Release Version

25 Oct 05:41
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  • Fix: check for blighted plants before trying to replant them

RimWorld Release Version

17 Oct 06:52
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  • Replace System.Random with Verse.Rand for multiplayer compat. Courtesy of Sokyran the Dragon

RimWorld Release version

18 Sep 13:10
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  • Fix: Plant regrow after cut should only run once per plant

RimWorld Release Version

17 Sep 10:28
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HUGE content update. Expect to get a few red errors that can be safely ignored, as RecipeDefs have been removed

  • Added: new base game bees. Rainbow, Glittering, Epicurean, Quarry and Mason
  • Added: DLC bees. Bees providing materials for the 4 DLCs have been added: Anima, Wololo, Genepack, Archite, Nanny, Vampire, Trash, Bioferrous and Shard
  • Added: a whole new branch of bees that produce effects around their beehouse, instead of producing materials. Worker bees are acquired as another combination of Hybrid and Amalgam, and there are 18 new bees that do different things, from attacking nearby enemies to harvesting plants to taming animals. The new bees added are Worker, Commando, Research, Janitor, Desiccated, Warden, Stunning, Noxious, Tetra, Skilful, Blazing, Frigid, Foamy, Harvester, Cultivator, Inferno, Glacial, Handler and Shepherd
  • Added: Bunker beehouse, built with Stony. Suuuper slow, but perfect for these "Worker" bees and their descendants
  • Added: Modded bees. Alphapack, Mixedpack and Genetweaking bees for Alpha Genes and Royal bees for Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids 2
  • Added: lots of mod settings to control bee production, beehouse radius, brood and hydridization speed
  • Added: wild beehives added to Idyllic Meadows and Miasmic Mangrove in Alpha Biomes
  • Added: Gourmet honey meals for Vanilla Cooking Expanded
  • Tweak: Bee breeding and hybridization no longer require electricity
  • Tweak: Brood chambers and hybridization chambers can be built with metallic ingredients
  • Tweak: Brood chambers and hybridization chambers are now paintable
  • Tweak: Brood chambers and hybridization chambers now have alternate graphics the player can choose. By default they won't have the red and blue roofs
  • Tweak: All beehouses are now very slightly smaller
  • Tweak: All beehouses show now their area of effect when selected
  • Tweak: basic beehouses have alternate graphics and are paintable
  • Tweak: Advanced beehouses now have a metallic roof
  • Tweak: All honey that causes mood effects will now work both as ingredients or consumed whole
  • Tweak: bees that produce food and medicine now have three tiers: Culinary, Chef and Epicurean (simple, fine and lavish honey meals) and Medicinal, Surgeon and Glittering (herbal, industrial and glitterworld medicine)
  • Tweak: All recipes redone. Now there are only two recipes, one for "extract any comb" and one for "bulk extract any comb" that requires the advanced centrifuge
  • Tweak: Both recipes now affected by GeneralLaborSpeed
  • Tweak: Both recipes have a disgusting new sound
  • Tweak: Wax weapons should now be smeltable
  • Tweak Woodland bees and Ocular bees (Alpha Animals) will now also do tree cutting orders in their beehouse's area of effect
  • Tweak: A lot of code redone, and sped up considerably. Less laggier bees! (not that it was very impactful originally...)
  • Tweak: Bees can now be turned into kibble at 25:50 ratio instead of 50:50
  • Tweak: Spicy bees from Vanilla Cooking Expanded now produce random condiments, instead of just spice
  • Tweak: Simplified BeeListDefs (useful for modders)
  • Tweak: reduced amount of wild beehives that spawn on deserts
  • Tweak: New graphics for honey meals, mead and some UI buttons
  • Removed: RimEffect bees and structures. Reused graphics for other things

RimWorld Release Version

13 Aug 06:45
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  • Fixed the More Archotech Garbage patch

RimWorld Release version

04 May 17:31
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  • Reverted research papers changes on 1.4, while keeping them on 1.5

RimWorld Release version

04 May 14:45
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  • Tweak: removed achievements code, and moved achievements as their own custom def for the future when VE Achievements is updated

RimWorld Release Version

29 Apr 06:22
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  • Recompiled 1.4 code to work with new research system