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Image storage microservice

AWS ECR Artifact Hub

A microservice to store and manage image datasets. It allows to store images with their metadata, the latter being stored in a MongoDB database.

Data model

The metadata for uploaded images is stored in a MongoDB database with the following schema

  _id: ObjectId,
  file: string,
  time: Date,
  data: any,

file and time are fixed system fields while data is used to store user-provided properties without structural contraints.


API documentation is available on /docs

Route Method Description
/images POST Upload an image
/images GET Get images matching filter passed as query parameter
/images PATCH Updates images matching filter passed as query parameter
/images DELETE Deletes images matching filter passed as query parameter
/images/:ID GET Get image with given ID
/images/:ID DELETE Delete image with given ID
/images/:ID PATCH Update data of image with given ID
/images/:ID/image GET Get image file of the image with ID
/export GET Export the current content as a .zip archive (experimental)
/import POST Upload an exported .zip archive (experimental)

Environment variables

Variable Description
APP_PORT Port on which the application listens for requests
UPLOADS_DIRECTORY Uploads directory name, defaults to "uploads". Disabled if S3 is enabled
S3_BUCKET S3 Bucket to upload images. If set, images are uploaded to S3, otherwise stored locally
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID S3 access key ID
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY S3 secret access key
S3_REGION S3 region
S3_ENDPOINT S3 Endpoint

Running in development

npm run dev


docker run -e MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost -p 8080:80