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jsCoq website

This repository holds the source files and scripts for building the jsCoq public Website (

It does not include the sources of jsCoq itself and the affiliated libraries. These are located in their own repositories, and integration is done via NPM. To build and deploy the site follow the recipe below.

CI Recipe

jsCoq + waCoq

git pull   # make sure it's up to date
cd etc/docker
make ci

The ci target cleans previous Docker images and builds the JS and WA backends, as well as the UI frontend and addons. To build just JS, run make clean && make js-build && js-dist; replace with wa-build and wa-dist for WA only.

  • In (this repo):
# jsCoq
git pull
rm -rf dist
ci/assemble.js -d ../jscoq/etc/docker/dist

# waCoq
cd  wa
rm -rf dist
ci/assemble.js -d ../../jscoq+wacoq/etc/docker/dist

To deploy, run vercel.

To set as production (, run vercel --prod.

To set as preview (, run

vercel alias set

Software Foundations

This step requires jsCoq SDK, which is not built by the Docker build script at the moment (sorry). To build it locally, you need to install OCaml 4.12.0 and OPAM.

  • Preparation: create wacoq switch. (Only need to do once or if the required version of OCaml changes.)
opam switch create wacoq 4.12.0
git pull
make coq && make install

Next are instructions for building the Software Foundations book with integrated jsCoq on all pages. It is actually waCoq, because the JS version causes too many stack overflows.

To clone (these flags are useful for faster checkout):

git clone --filter=blob:limit=1m --depth=1 -b jscoq [email protected]:DeepSpec/sfdev
  • In sfdev;
git pull       # unless you just cloned :)
rm -rf _built  # if you have some old build there
npm i .../wacoq-x.x.x.tar.gz   # with appropriate path & version
npm i                          # install remaining dependencies

eval `opam env --set-switch --switch=wacoq`
for vol in lf plf vfa slf; do
    ( cd $vol && make full TESTERS=no && make jscoq )
  • In (this repo):
git pull
cd ext/sf
./haul-from .../sfdev   # with appropriate path