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Extremely performant cache for production usage (1.2 million ops/s). Completely synchronous, no Promises required. -


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🔥🛢 ExtremeCache

Maintenance MIT Licence JavaScript Style Guide

Extremely performant cache for production usage (1.2 million ops/s). Completely synchronous, no Promises required.

Built with:

  • LokiJS High-performance Datastore package
  • Native NodeJs Crypto package


npm install extreme-cache


Add this to the js file that you are using it in:

const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')

Simple usage:

const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')

const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 

cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield')  // No expiry
cache.set('dog-name', 'odi', 60000) // Expires after 60000 milliseconds, which is 60 seconds

let cat = cache.get('cat-name')
let dog = cache.get('dog-name')

console.log(cat) // outputs the value - 'garfield'
console.log(dog) // outputs the value - 'odi'

Another example usage:

const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')

const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 

// ---- Insert a value with an expiry of 5.0 seconds ----
cache.set('personA', {name: 'john', age: 21}, 5000) 

// ---- Insert a value with no expiry ----
cache.set('personB', {name: 'enoch', age: 9999}) 

setTimeout(() => {
  // ---- Check cache after 3.0 seconds ----
  let value = cache.get('personA')
  console.log(value) // Returns {name: 'john', age: 21}
}, 3000)

setTimeout(() => {
  // ---- Retrieve the entire cache after 4.0 seconds ----
  let value = cache.dump()
  console.log(value) // Returns [ { key: 'personA', value: { name: 'john', age: 21 }, expiryInMs: 5000 }, { key: 'personB', value: { name: 'enoch', age: 9999 }, expiryInMs: undefined }]
}, 4000)

setTimeout(() => {
  // ---- Check cache after 7.0 seconds ----
  let value = cache.get('personA')
  console.log(value) // Return undefined as object has already expired
}, 7000)

Accessible globally, meaning that no matter what file you are using it in your NodeJS project, as long as the cache name is the same, it will be referring to the same cache:

Inside File_A.js:

// File_A.js

const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')

const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-unique-cache-name') 

cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield')

Inside File_B.js:

// File_B.js

const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')

const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-unique-cache-name') 

let value = cache.get('cat-name')

console.log(value) // outputs 'garfield'

API Reference

  • set(key, value, expiryInMs)


    const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')
    const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 
    // Set with an expiry
    cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield', 5000)
    // Set without an expiry
    cache.set('dog-name', 'odi')
  • get(key)


    const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')
    const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 
    cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield')
    let value = cache.get('cat-name')
    console.log(value) // outputs the value - 'garfield'
  • delete(key)


    const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')
    const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 
    cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield')
    let value = cache.delete('cat-name')
    console.log(value) // outputs the deleted object - { key: 'cat-name', value: 'garfield', timeoutInMs: undefined }
  • dump()


    const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')
    const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 
    cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield')
    cache.set('dog-name', 'odi', 5000)
    let value = cache.dump()
    console.log(value) // outputs the entire cache in an array - [{ key: 'cat-name', value: 'garfield', timeoutInMs: undefined }, { key: 'dog-name', value: 'odi', timeoutInMs: 5000 }]
  • clearAll()


    const ExtremeCache = require('extreme-cache')
    const cache = new ExtremeCache('my-custom-cache') 
    cache.set('cat-name', 'garfield')
    cache.set('dog-name', 'odi', 5000)
    let value = cache.dump()
    console.log(value) // outputs the entire cache in an array - [{ key: 'cat-name', value: 'garfield', timeoutInMs: undefined }, { key: 'dog-name', value: 'odi', timeoutInMs: 5000 }]
    let cacheName = cache.clearAll() // Clears the cache and returns the cache name as a string - 'my-custom-cache'
    value = cache.dump()
    console.log(value) // outputs the entire cache in an array, which will be empty by now - []


npm test


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.


Extremely performant cache for production usage (1.2 million ops/s). Completely synchronous, no Promises required. -




