Everyone's invited to my party:
- cucumber-electron runs scenarios in a browser that's also a node.js
- hyperdom renders dynamic HTML
- httpism talks to the server
- express powers the back end web API
- browser-monkey interacts with web pages and asserts
- vinehill cuts out HTTP to keep tests fast and repeatable
Here's how they mingle:
Feature: Weather Forecast
Scenario: Forecast for a city
Given I am using the weather app
When I open the forecast for London
Then it should predict rain again
const cucumber = require('cucumber')
const hyperdom = require('hyperdom')
const vineHill = require('vinehill')
const browserMonkey = require('browser-monkey')
const Client = require('../../app/client')
const server = require('../../app/server')
const weatherUrl = 'http://weather.com'
cucumber.defineSupportCode(function ({ Given, When, Then }) {
Given('I am using the weather app', function () {
vineHill({ [weatherUrl]: server })
hyperdom.append(document.body, new Client(weatherUrl))
this.monkey = browserMonkey.component(document.body)
When('I open the forecast for London', function () {
return this.monkey.click('Forecast for London')
Then('it should predict rain again', function () {
return this.monkey.shouldFind('h1', { text: 'Rainy!' })
const hyperdom = require('hyperdom')
const httpism = require('httpism/browser')
const html = hyperdom.html
module.exports = class WeatherAppClient {
constructor(serverUrl) {
this.api = httpism.client(serverUrl)
render() {
return this.forecast ? this.renderForecast() : this.renderMenu()
renderMenu(model) {
return html('button', { onclick: () => this.fetchForecast('london') },
'Forecast for London')
fetchForecast(city) {
return this.api.get('/cities/' + city)
.then(weather => { this.forecast = weather.forecast })
renderForecast() {
return html('h1', this.forecast)
const path = require('path')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
app.get('/cities/:city', (req, res) => {
res.json({ forecast: 'Rainy!' })
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')))
module.exports = app
Install it:
npm install
Then you can run cucumber-electron with:
Or debug it in a browser window:
./cucumber --electron-debug
Hit cmd+r to re-run scenarios
Run the server:
npm start
And point your browser at: