Bot that extracts the lunch menu from the DESY canteen website and posts a message in a dedicated Mattermost channel.
At the moment, this implementation is designed to represent only one execution of
the bot. To run it periodically, use e.g. cron
Overall, the whole setup is kinda DESY-specific due to the fact that the DESY Sync&Share is used to store the menu preview images.
The easiest way to run this bot is to use the dedicated Docker image.
The image is available on Docker Hub at jobirk/lunchbot
Furthermore, you have to set the following environment variables in a .env
API_TO_USE="openai" # options are "openai" and "huggingface"
HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN="<your Hugging Face API token>"
OPENAI_API_KEY="<your OpenAI API key>"
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL="<your Mattermost webhook URL>"
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL_ALERT="<your Mattermost webhook URL for alert messages>"
USE_OPENAI_IMAGE_URL="<if set to 'true', the bot will use the OpenAI image API to generate images (which expire after 1 hour)>"
IMAGE_CLOUD_UPLOAD_URL="<your image cloud upload URL>"
IMAGE_CLOUD_UPLOAD_TOKEN="<your image cloud upload token>"
IMAGE_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_URL="<your image cloud download URL>"
MESSAGE_PREFIX="<your message prefix>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_MON="<your message suffix for mondays>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_TUE="<your message suffix for tuesdays>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_SUN="<your message suffix for sundays>"
MATTERMOST_USERNAME="<username displayed for the bot>"
SYSTEM_CONTENT="<description of the system that describes the food>"
DESCRIPTION_SUFFIX="<suffix to put after "Description" in the table header>"
ALERT_PREFIX="<prefix for the alert message>"
If you need different messages in even and odd weeks, you can set the following environment variables:
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_MON_EVEN="<your message suffix for mondays in even weeks>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_TUE_EVEN="<your message suffix for tuesdays in even weeks>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_SUN_EVEN="<your message suffix for sundays in even weeks>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_MON_ODD="<your message suffix for mondays in odd weeks>"
MESSAGE_SUFFIX_SUN_ODD="<your message suffix for sundays in odd weeks>"
Inside the container (and repo), just run:
python scripts/
This will run the bot once. To run it periodically, just use e.g. cron
to run the script
every day at a specific time.