This is a ready-to-go project using HPTK. Used only for educational purposes.
This project is no longer actively maintained or supported. If you want to continue the development, feel free to make a fork. Thanks to everyone who contributed, used or supported this project!
Clone this repository. To do this, open a command line terminal, rooted on the Assets folder of your Unity project. (Hold shift + right click -> Select "Open Powershell Window Here")
Then clone using this command git clone
- HPTK V0.6.7
- Oculus Integration v57.0
- Unity 2022.3.9f1 LTS
Jorge Juan González
Oxters Wyzgowski - GitHub - Twitter
Michael Stevenson - GitHub
Andreea Muresan, Jess Mcintosh, and Kasper Hornbæk. 2023. Using Feedforward to Reveal Interaction Possibilities in Virtual Reality. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 30, 6, Article 82 (December 2023), 47 pages.
Kiran Nasim and Young J. Kim. 2016. Physics-based Interactive Virtual Grasping. Proceedings of HCI Korea (HCIK '16). Hanbit Media, Inc., Seoul, KOR, 114–120.
Linn, Allison. Talking with your hands: How Microsoft researchers are moving beyond keyboard and mouse. The AI Blog. Microsoft. 2016