Gradual introduction to interactive graphics programs.
- Drawing: draw elements
- Animation: draw with time
- Simulation: draw with time and model
- Interaction: draw with time and msgs
import Color exposing (..)
import Collage exposing (..)
import Collage.Program exposing (simulate, Simulation)
type alias Model =
( Float, Float, Float, Float, Float )
init : Model
init =
( 0, 0, 2, 1, 30 )
view : Model -> Form
view ( x, y, dx, dy, radius ) =
move ( x, y ) (filled red (circle radius))
update : Float -> Model -> Model
update time ( x, y, dx, dy, radius ) =
if x + radius > 200 || x - radius < -200 then
( x - dx, y + dy, -dx, dy, radius )
else if y + radius > 200 || y - radius < -200 then
( x + dx, y - dy, dx, -dy, radius )
( x + dx, y + dy, dx, dy, radius )
main : Simulation Model
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update