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Tools for working with the @ESAGaia data and related data sets


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Tools for working with the ESA/Gaia data and related data sets (APOGEE, GALAH, LAMOST DR2, and RAVE).


  • Jo Bovy - bovy at astro dot utoronto dot ca

with contributions from

  • Henry Leung
  • Miguel de Val-Borro
  • Nathaniel Starkman
  • Simon Walker

Please refer back to this repository when using this code in your work. If you use the TGAS selection-function code in, please cite Bovy (2017).

Standard python build/install


sudo python install

or install to a custom directory with

python install --prefix=/some/directory/

or in your home directory with

python install --user

This package requires NumPy, astropy, astroquery, tqdm, and dateutil. The query functions require psycopg2. Additionally, some functions require Scipy and galpy. The selection-function code requires healpy (most conveniently installed using conda); the effective-selection-function code requires mwdust for dealing with extinction. If the apogee package is installed, this package will use that to access the APOGEE data; otherwise they are downloaded separately into the GAIA_TOOLS_DATA directory (see below). With standard installation, astropy is used to read FITS files. Installing fitsio will cause those routines to take precedence over astropy.

This package should work in both python 2 and 3. Please open an issue if you find a part of the code that does not support python 3.

Note that this code is primarily developed on UNIX-like systems. While most of the code runs on Windows without special handling, it is possible that some parts of the code are incompatible with Windows. Please open an issue if you find any part of the code that does not work on Windows, or open a pull request to fix it.

This code will download and store various data files. The top-level location of where these are stored is set by the GAIA_TOOLS_DATA environment variable, which is the path of the top-level directory under which the data will be stored. To use the apogee functionality, you also need to set the environment variables appropriate for that package.

The basic use of the code is to read various data files and match them to each other. For example, to load the TGAS data, do:

import gaia_tools.load as gload
tgas_cat= gload.tgas()

The first time you use this function, it will download the TGAS data and return the catalog (the data is stored locally in a manner that mirrors the Gaia Archive, so downloading only happens once).

Similarly, you can load the RV subsample of Gaia DR2 using:

gaiarv_cat= gload.gaiarv()

which again downloads the data upon the first invocation (and also converts it to fits format for faster access in the future; note that the original CSV files are retained under $GAIA_TOOLS_DATA/Gaia/gdr2/gaia_source_with_rv/csv and you might want to delete these to save space).

gaia_tools can also load data from various additional surveys, for example, for the GALAH survey's DR3 data, do (older DRs are also available):

galah_cat= gload.galah()

GALAH DR3 also has Value-Added Catalogs with ages and orbital info (computed using galpy!), which can be loaded using the ages=True and dynamics=True keywords.

Through an interface to the more detailed apogee package, you can also load various APOGEE data files, for example:

apogee_cat= gload.apogee()
rc_cat= gload.apogeerc()

If you don't have the apogee package installed, the code will still download the data, but less options for slicing the catalog are available. If you are using APOGEE DR14 and want to use the (less noisy) parameters and abundances derived using the astroNN method of Leung & Bovy (2019a), the distances to APOGEE stars determined using a neural-network approach trained on Gaia by Leung & Bovy (2019b; in prep.), and the ages from Mackereth, Bovy, Leung, et al. (2019) do:

apogee_cat= gload.apogee(use_astroNN=True)
rc_cat= gload.apogeerc(use_astroNN=True)

The recommended distances are weighted_dist (pc) and the ages are astroNN_age. You can load only the astroNN abundances, only the distances, or only the ages using use_astroNN_abundances, use_astroNN_distances, and use_astroNN_ages, respectively.

The GALAH, apogee, and apogeerc catalog can also be cross-matched to Gaia EDR3 upon loading, e.g., as:

rc_cat, gaia2_matches= gload.apogeerc(xmatch='gaiaedr3')

through an interface to the gaia_tools.xmatch.cds function described below (keywords of that function can be specified here as well). Use xmatch='gaiadr2' to match to the earlier Gaia DR2 data. This will return only the stars in the overlap of the two catalogs. The results from the cross-match are cached such that this function will run much faster the second time if run with the same parameters. Note that the caching ignores the option gaia_all_columns described below; if you first do the cross-match with that option, that result will be saved, otherwise not; the cached result will be returned regardless of the value of gaia_all_columns in the call (remove the cached file to re-do the cross-match; the cached file is in the same directory as the data file; see gaia_tools.load.path). This cross-matching capability is not implemented for the next catalogs at the time of writing. Note that cross-matching can take more than an hour.

Similarly, you can load the RAVE and RAVE-on data as:

rave_cat= gload.rave()
raveon_cat= gload.raveon()

Last but not least, you can also load the LAMOST DR2 data as:

lamost_cat= gload.lamost()


lamost_star_cat= gload.lamost(cat='star')

for just the stars.

To match catalogs to each other, use the tools in gaia_tools.xmatch. For example, to match the GALAH and APOGEE-RC catalogs loaded above and compare the effective temperatures for the stars in common, you can do:

from gaia_tools import xmatch
m1,m2,sep= xmatch.xmatch(rc_cat,galah_cat,colDec2='dec')

which matches objects using their celestial coordinates using the default maximum separation of 2 arcsec. To match catalogs with coordinates at epoch 2000.0 to the TGAS data, which is at epoch 2015., give the epoch1 and epoch2 keyword. For example, to cross-match the APOGEE-RC data and TGAS do:

tgas= gload.tgas()
aprc= gload.apogeerc()
m1,m2,sep= xmatch.xmatch(aprc,tgas,colRA2='ra',colDec2='dec',epoch2=2015.)
aprc= aprc[m1]
tgas= tgas[m2]

If your catalogs contain duplicates that differ in another property and you want to match on both position and the other property, you can match both by specifying col_field. An example use case is for APOGEE DR16 which contains stars that are observed by two different telescopes (the APO 2.5m in the northern hemisphere and the LCO 2.5m in the southern hemisphere). An example to demonstrate the usage:

from gaia_tools import xmatch
# Create simple example data catalogs
from astropy.table import QTable
mc1 = {'RA': [10, 10, 30, 10, 10], 'DEC': [10, 10, 30, 10, 10], 'LENS': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'A']}
mc2 = {'RA': [10, 20, 10, 20, 30], 'DEC': [10, 20, 10, 20, 30], 'LENS': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A']}
cat1 = QTable()
for key in mc1.keys():
    cat1[key] = mc1[key]
cat2 = QTable()
for key in mc2.keys():
    cat2[key] = mc2[key]
# Match mc1 and mc2 on (RA,Dec) and LENS
idx1, idx2, sep = xmatch.xmatch(cat1,cat2,col_field='LENS')
# array([0, 1, 2, 4])
# array([0, 2, 4, 0])

Further, it is possible to cross-match any catalog to the catalogs in the CDS database using the CDS cross-matching service. For example, to match the GALAH DR2 catalog to the Gaia DR2 catalog, do the following:

gaia2_matches, matches_indx= xmatch.cds(galah_cat,colRA='raj2000',colDec='dej2000',xcat='vizier:I/345/gaia2')

Use xcat='vizier:I/350/gaiaedr3' to match to Gaia EDR3 instead. If you want all columns in Gaia DR2 or Gaia EDR3, specify gaia_all_columns=True. This will first run the CDS cross-match, then upload the result to the Gaia Archive, and join to the gaia_source table to return all columns. If the Gaia Archive cannot be reached for some reason, the limited subset of columns returned by CDS is returned instead.

If you want to download a catalog from CDS, you can use

To read the Gaia RVS or sampled XP spectra released in DR3, here is an example for a single star:

from gaia_tools.load.spec import load_rvs_spec, load_xp_sampled_spec

# load Gaia DR3 2771993642553377280 xp spectrum
wavelength, flux, flux_err = load_xp_sampled_spec(2771993642553377280)

# load Gaia DR3 2771993642553377280 rvsspectrum
wavelength, flux, flux_err = load_rvs_spec(2771993642553377280)

You can also supply a list of source ids:

from gaia_tools.load.spec import load_rvs_spec, load_xp_sampled_spec

# load Gaia DR3 2771993642553377280 and 383167952467292288
wavelength, flux, flux_err = load_xp_sampled_spec([2771993642553377280, 383167952467292288])

# also support loading a list of source id with duplicated entries (e.g. from APOGEE allstar some are duplicated)
wavelength, flux, flux_err = load_xp_sampled_spec([2771993642553377280, 383167952467292288, 2771993642553377280])

# also support loading a list of source id with some stars not having corresponding spectra, returning zero array for that star with warnings
wavelength, flux, flux_err = load_xp_sampled_spec([2771993642553377280, 1234567891234567891])

These functions assume that you have downloaded the RVS/XP spectra to $GAIA_TOOLS_DATA/Gaia/gdr3/Spectroscopy in their respective folders (mirroring the Gaia Archive). Automagic downloading of these spectra is currently not supported.

The large amount of data in Gaia's DR2 and beyond means that to access the full catalog, the easiest way is to perform ADQL or SQL queries against the Gaia Archive database. Some tools to help with this are located in gaia_tools.query.

The base function in this module is query.query, which can be used to send a query either to the central Gaia Archive or to a local Postgres copy of the database. When using a local copy of the database, the main Gaia table is best named gaiadr2_gaia_source (for gaiadr2.gaia_source on the Gaia Archive) and similarly gaiadr2_gaia_source_with_rv for the RV subset (and similar for gaiaedr3_gaia_source for the EDR3 data, but note that local Gaia EDR3 queries are currently not supported). In this case, the same query can be run locally or remotely (query.query will automatically adjust the tablename), making it easy to mix use of the local database and the Gaia Archive. The name and user of the local database can be set using the dbname= and user= options. Queries can be timed using timeit=True.

Advanced tools to create and execute complex ADQL queries are included in this module via query.make_query and query.make_simple_query. Both functions are described in the following section as well as this example document

To setup your own local database with Gaia DR2 or EDR3, you can follow the steps described about halfway down this section. Note that you will need >1TB of space and be familiar with Postgres database management.

For example, to generate the average proper motion maps displayed here, do:

pm_query= """SELECT hpx5, AVG((c1*pmra+c2*pmdec)/cos(b_rad)) AS mpmll,
AVG((-c2*pmra+c1*pmdec)/cos(b_rad)) AS mpmbb
FROM (SELECT source_id/562949953421312 as hpx5,pmra,pmdec,radians(b) as b_rad,parallax,
0.4559838136873017*cos(radians(dec))-0.889988068265628*sin(radians(dec))*cos(radians(ra-192.85947789477598)) as c1,
0.889988068265628*sin(radians(ra-192.85947789477598)) as c2 FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source
WHERE phot_g_mean_mag < 17.) tab
GROUP BY hpx5;"""
# Add and random_index between 0 and 1000000 to the WHERE line for a quicker subset

and then run the query locally as:

out= query.query(pm_query,local=True)

Setting local=False will run the query on the Gaia Archive (but note that without the additional and random_index between 0 and 1000000 the query will likely time out on the Gaia Archive; this is one reason to have a local copy!)

Similarly, query.query can automatically translate queries that join against the 2MASS catalog. For example, the query:

twomass_query= """SELECT gaia.source_id,gaia.bp_rp, gaia.phot_bp_mean_mag as bp, gaia.phot_rp_mean_mag as rp,
gaia.phot_g_mean_mag as g, tmass.j_m as j, tmass.h_m as h, tmass.ks_m as k
FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source AS gaia
INNER JOIN gaiadr2.tmass_best_neighbour AS tmass_match ON tmass_match.source_id = gaia.source_id
INNER JOIN gaiadr1.tmass_original_valid AS tmass ON tmass.tmass_oid = tmass_match.tmass_oid
WHERE gaia.random_index < 1000000
and gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 13.;"""

can be run locally. For this to work, the two INNER JOIN lines in this query need to be exactly as written here (thus, you need to call the 2MASS table tmass).

Similarly, query.query can automatically translate queries that join against the PanSTARRS1 catalog. For example, the query:

panstarrs_query= """SELECT gaia.source_id,gaia.bp_rp, gaia.phot_bp_mean_mag as bp, gaia.phot_rp_mean_mag as rp,
gaia.phot_g_mean_mag as g, panstarrs1.g_mean_psf_mag as pg, panstarrs1.r_mean_psf_mag as pr
FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source AS gaia
INNER JOIN gaiadr2.panstarrs1_best_neighbour AS panstarrs1_match ON panstarrs1_match.source_id = gaia.source_id
INNER JOIN gaiadr2.panstarrs1_original_valid AS panstarrs1 ON panstarrs1.obj_id = panstarrs1_match.original_ext_source_id
WHERE gaia.random_index < 100000
and gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 13.;"""

can be run locally. Again, for this to work, the two INNER JOIN lines in this query need to be exactly as written here (thus, you need to call the PanSTARRS1 table panstarrs1).

query.query by default also maintains a cache of queries run previously. That is, if you run the exact same query a second time, the cached result is returned rather than re-running the query (which might take a while); this is useful, for example, when re-running a piece of code for which running the query is only a single part. The location of the cache directory is $HOME/.gaia_tools/query_cache where $HOME is your home directory. The results from queries are cached as pickles, with filenames consisting of the date/time of when the query was run and a hash of the query. You may rename cached queries, as long as you retain the hash in the filename; this is useful to keep track of queries that you do not want to lose and knowing what queries they represent. The function gaia_tools.query.cache.nickname(sql_query,nick) can be used to rename a cached query sql_query by giving it a nickname nick (e.g., nick can be gaia_cmd, it should not be a filename, because an appropriate filename is generated by the code). To clean the cache, do:

from gaia_tools.query import cache

which removes all cached files with the default date/time_hash.pkl filename format (that is, if you have renamed a cached file, it is not removed by cache.clean()). To remove absolutely all files (including renamed ones), use cache.cleanall(). Upon loading the gaia_tools.query module, cached files with the default date/time_hash.pkl filename format older than one week are removed.

To turn off caching, run queries using use_cache=False.

Two functions are provided for creating and executing queries: make_query and make_simple_query. Both functions have robust default ADQL queries, allow for complex user input, can automatically perform 2MASS and panSTARRS1 crossmatches, and then perform the query and cache the results.

There is an example document demonstrating varying uses and options for both make_query and make_simple_query in this example document.

The call signature of make_query is:

    # ADQL Options
    WHERE=None, ORDERBY=None, FROM=None, random_index=None,
    user_cols=None, all_columns=False,
    gaia_mags=False, panstarrs1=False, twomass=False,
    use_AS=False, user_ASdict=None, defaults='default',
    # Query Options
    do_query=False, local=False, cache=True, timeit=False,
    verbose=False, dbname='catalogs', user='postgres',
    # Extra Options
    _tab='    ', pprint=False):

make_simple_query is a wrapper for make_query, but optimized for single-layer queries. The options use_AS and inmostquery are forced to True and _tab is not included.

The ADQL options of make_query are:


optional user-input `WHERE' argument.

  • None: skips
  • str: used in query



optional user-input `ORDER BY' argument.

  • None: skips
  • str: used in query



optional user-input `FROM' argument.

  • None: skips
  • str: used in query

The FROM argument is the most powerful part of the ADQL functions. By calling make_query in FROM it is very easy to create nested ADQL functions.


# Innermost Query
        inmostquery=True, # telling system this is the innermost level

Note that it is necessary to specify inmostquery if the query is the innermost query. It is for this reason make_simple_query is provided: to preclude specifying a query is single-levelled.


the gaia.random_index for fast querying

  • None: skips
  • int: appends AND random_index < ... to WHERE

Data columns in addition to default columns

  • None: skips
  • str: uses columns

user_cols specified in an outer level of a query must have corresponding user_cols in all inner levels, so that the columns can properly propagate through the query. For convenience, user_cols will automatically remove trailing commas, which would otherwise break the ADQL query and be difficult to debug.


        user_cols="gaia.L, gaia.B,"  # <- trailing , automatically trimmed
                user_cols="gaia.L, gaia.B"
whether to include all columns.
whether to include Gaia magnitudes as specified in defaults
whether to INNER JOIN Panstarrs1, using columns specified in defaults

whether to INNER JOIN 2MASS, using columns specified in defaults

  • use_AS: add 'AS __' to the data columns, as specified in defaults

This is good for the outer part of the query so as to have convenient names in the output data table. use_AS should never by used for an inner-level query.

dictionary with AS' arguments for ``user_cols`

file for default columns, units, AS specifications, etc

  • 'default': the default file
  • 'empty': only sourc_id is built-in
  • 'full': a more verbose set of columns
  • other <str>: a custom defaults file
  • <dict>: a custom defaults file

For the included columns for default, empty, and full, check out the example document.

For an example of a custom defaults file, see this example json file.

needed if in-most query
adds units to a query, as specified in defaults
performs the query
to perform locally or on Gaia servers

to cache the result, with nickname specification

  • True (False): does (not) cache
  • str: caches with nickname = str
if True, print how long the query ran
if True, up verbosity level
if local, the name of the postgres database
if local, the name of the postgres user
the tab. In general, this need not be changed
to print the query

Bovy (2017) determines the raw TGAS selection function over the 48% of the sky where the TGAS selection is well behaved. This selection function gives the fraction of true point-like objects observed as a function of (J,J-Ks) 2MASS photometry and as a function of position on the sky. Bovy (2017) also discusses how to turn this raw selection function into an effective selection function that returns the fraction of true stars contained in the TGAS catalog as a function of distance and position on the sky, for a given stellar population and how to compute the fractional volume of a given spatial region that is effectively contained in TGAS (this is the denominator in N/V when computing bias-corrected densities based on TGAS star counts in a certain spatial region). Tools to work with the raw and effective selection functions are contained in the sub-module.

The raw selection function is contained in an object and can be instantiated as follows:

>>> import
>>> tsf=

When you run this code for the first time, a ~200 MB file that contains 2MASS counts necessary for the selection function will be downloaded. When instantiating the tgasSelect object, it is possible to make different choices for some of the parameters described by Bovy (2017), but it is best to leave all keywords at their default values. To then evaluate the fraction observed at J=10, J-Ks = 0.5, RA= 10 deg, Dec= 70.deg, do:

>>> tsf(10.,0.5,10.,70.)
array([ 0.7646336])

Another example:

>>> tsf(10.,0.5,10.,20.)
array([ 0.])

The latter is exactly zero because the (RA,Dec) combination falls outside of the part of the sky over which the selection function is well behaved. The method tsf.determine_statistical can return the part of your TGAS sub-sample that is part of the sky over which the selection function is well behaved. For example, to plot the data in TGAS for which the selection function is determined, do:

>>> import gaia_tools.load as gload
>>> tgas_cat= gload.tgas()
>>> twomass= gload.twomass()
>>> indx= tsf.determine_statistical(tgas_cat,twomass['j_mag'],twomass['k_mag'])
>>> import healpy
>>> healpy.mollview(title="")
>>> healpy.projplot(tgas_cat['l'][indx],tgas_cat['b'][indx],'k,',lonlat=True,alpha=0.03)

which gives


We can turn the raw TGAS selection function into an effective selection function that is a function of distance rather than magnitude for a given stellar population by specifying a sampling of true intrinsic absolute M_J and true J-Ks for this stellar population. We also require a three-dimensional extinction map, although by default the extinction is set to zero (for this, you need to install mwdust). A simple example of this is the following instance:

>>> import mwdust
>>> tesf=,dmap3d=mwdust.Zero(),MJ=-1.,JK=0.65)

which is close to a red-clump effective selection function. We can then evaluate tesf as a function of (distance,RA,Dec) to give the fraction of stars with absolute M_J = -1 and J-Ks = 0.65 contained in TGAS, for example at 1 kpc distance and (RA,Dec) = (10,70):

>>> tesf(1.,10.,70.)
array([ 0.89400531])

We could do the same taking extinction into account:

>>> tesf_ext=,dmap3d=mwdust.Combined15(filter='2MASS J'),MJ=-1.,JK=0.65)
>>> tesf_ext(1.,10.,70.)
array([ 0.27263462])

This is much lower, because the extinction toward (RA,Dec) = (70,10) =~ (l,b) = (122,7.1) is very high (A_J =~ 0.7). Note that the MJ and JK inputs can be arrays, in which case the result will be averaged over these, and they can also be changed on-the-fly when evaluating the effective selection function.

We can also compute the effective volume as defined by Bovy (2017). For this, we need to define a function that defines the volume over which we want to compute the effective volume. For example, a cylindrical volume centered on the Sun is:

def cyl_vol_func(X,Y,Z,xymin=0.,xymax=0.15,zmin=0.05,zmax=0.15):
    """A function that bins in cylindrical annuli around the Sun"""
    xy= numpy.sqrt(X**2.+Y**2.)
    out= numpy.zeros_like(X)
    out[(xy >= xymin)*(xy < xymax)*(Z >= zmin)*(Z < zmax)]= 1.
    return out

We can then compute the effective volume for a cylinder of radius 0.15 kpc from z=0.1 kpc to 0.2 kpc as:

>>> dxy= 0.15
>>> zmin= 0.1
>>> zmax= 0.2
>>> tesf.volume(lambda x,y,z: cyl_vol_func(x,y,z,xymax=dxy,zmin=zmin,zmax=zmax),ndists=101,xyz=True,relative=False)

Setting relative=True would return the fractional effective volume, that is, the effective volume divided by the true spatial volume; computing the relative volume and multiplying it with the true volume is a more robust method for computing the effective volume (because pixelization effects in the computation of the effective volume cancel out). Compare:

>>> tesf.volume(lambda x,y,z: cyl_vol_func(x,y,z,xymax=dxy,zmin=zmin,zmax=zmax),ndists=101,xyz=True,relative=False)/(numpy.pi*dxy**2.*(zmax-zmin))


>>> tesf.volume(lambda x,y,z: cyl_vol_func(x,y,z,xymax=dxy,zmin=zmin,zmax=zmax),ndists=101,xyz=True,relative=True)

As you are running these examples, you will notice that evaluating the effective volume is much faster the second time you do it (even for a different volume). This is because the evaluation of the selection function gets cached and re-used. Taking extinction into account (that is, running these examples using tesf_ext rather than tesf) takes much longer. Tools to use multiprocessing are available in this case.

For more examples of how to use this code, please see the tgas-completeness repository, which contains all of the code to reproduce the results of Bovy (2017).

We can do this with the CDS xMatch Service using the gaia_tools.xmatch.cds routine:

apogee_cat= gaia_tools.load.apogee()
gaia2_matches, matches_indx= gaia_tools.xmatch.cds(apogee_cat,xcat='vizier:I/345/gaia2')
apogee_cat= apogee_cat[matches_indx]

(takes about fifteen minutes). Make the first line apogee_cat= gaia_tools.load.apogeerc() for the APOGEE-rc catalog.

RAVE celestial positions (and more generally all of the positions in the spectoscopic catalogs) are given at epoch J2000, while TGAS reports positions at J2015. To match stars between RAVE and TGAS, we therefore have to take into account the proper motion to account for the 15 year difference. This can be done as follows:

tgas= gaia_tools.load.tgas()
rave_cat= gaia_tools.load.rave()
m1,m2,sep= gaia_tools.xmatch.xmatch(rave_cat,tgas,
rave_cat= rave_cat[m1]
tgas= tgas[m2]

The xmatch function is setup such that the second catalog is the one that contains the proper motion if the epochs are different. This is why TGAS is the second catalog. Normally, xmatch finds matches for all entries in the first catalog. However, RAVE contains duplicates, so this would return duplicate matches and the resulting matched catalog would still contain duplicates. Because TGAS does not contain duplicates, we can do the match the other way around using swap=True and get a catalog without duplicates. There is currently no way to rank the duplicates by, e.g., their signal-to-noise ratio in RAVE.

Similar to RAVE above, we do:

tgas= gaia_tools.load.tgas()
lamost_cat= gaia_tools.load.lamost()
m1,m2,sep= gaia_tools.xmatch.xmatch(lamost_cat,tgas,
lamost_cat= lamost_cat[m1]
tgas= tgas[m2]

Similar to RAVE above, we do:

tgas= gaia_tools.load.tgas()
apogee_cat= gaia_tools.load.apogee()
m1,m2,sep= gaia_tools.xmatch.xmatch(apogee_cat,tgas,
apogee_cat= apogee_cat[m1]
tgas= tgas[m2]

Make that second line apogee_cat= gaia_tools.load.apogeerc() for the APOGEE-RC catalog.

Similar to RAVE above, we do:

tgas= gaia_tools.load.tgas()
galah_cat= gaia_tools.load.galah(dr=1)
m1,m2,sep= gaia_tools.xmatch.xmatch(galah_cat,tgas,
galah_cat= galah_cat[m1]
tgas= tgas[m2]

(May or may not be fully up-to-date)

  • gaia_tools.load
    • gaia_tools.load.apogee
    • gaia_tools.load.apogeerc
    • gaia_tools.load.astroNN
    • gaia_tools.load.astroNNDistances
    • gaia_tools.load.gaiarv
    • gaia_tools.load.galah
    • gaia_tools.load.lamost
    • gaia_tools.load.rave
    • gaia_tools.load.raveon
    • gaia_tools.load.tgas
  • gaia_tools.query
    • gaia_tools.query.query
    • gaia_tools.query.cache
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.autoclean
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.clean
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.cleanall
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.current_files
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.file_path
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.load
      • gaia_tools.query.cache.nickname
    • gaia_tools.query.make_query
    • gaia_tools.query.make_simple_query
      • __call__
      • determine_statistical
      • plot_mean_quantity_tgas
      • plot_2mass
      • plot_tgas
      • plot_cmd
      • plot_magdist
      • __call__
      • volume
  • gaia_tools.xmatch
    • gaia_tools.xmatch.xmatch
    • gaia_tools.xmatch.cds
    • gaia_tools.xmatch.cds_matchback
  • gaia_tools.util
    • gaia_tools.json
      • gaia_tools.json.strjoinall
      • gaia_tools.json.strjoinkeys
      • gaia_tools.json.prettyprint
    • gaia_tools.table_utils
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.neg_to_nan
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.add_units_to_Table
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.add_color_col
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.add_calculated_col
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.add_abs_pm_col
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.rename_columns
      • gaia_tools.table_utils.drop_colnames


Tools for working with the @ESAGaia data and related data sets








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