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Radical DAO Transparency

A tool for DAOs to know what their members are really like. Similar to Ray Dalio's Radical Transparency system, but adapted to a Web3 world.

ETHTaipei 2024 hackathon project

Planned Functionalities/Features


  • A frontend app for user to interact with
  • A smart contract which stores users' rating to other users
    • A 2d array which stores rating


  • A DAO can have multiple roles
  • Any DAO member can add new roles
  • A DAO member can hold multiple roles

Role Levels

  • A DAO member's role level can be rated with a value from 1 to 10

Development Process

Team project board:

Hackathon Day 1

  1. Idea discussions

  2. Planning of functionalities/features.

  3. UX/UI sketching

Hackathon Day 2

  1. Code UI
  2. Add Events to smart contract
  3. Deploy smart contract on multiple blockchains

Hackathon Day 3

  1. Code UI
  2. Documentation


Netlify Status



  • Decentralized permissionless smart contracts deployed on Optimism Sepolia, Scroll Sepolia, Polygon Cardona, Linea Goerly, and Thundercore testnet.
  • Industry standard smart contract deploy and testing tools including but not limited to hardhat and remix.
  • All contracts deployed verified on block explorers across different chains.
  • Latest support from rainbowKit and Wagmi.


  • Help newcomers with little to no knowledge of the organization quickly get a grasp of colleagues' technical skill level from different aspects.
  • Due to the implementation of a DAO, each member has the ability to evaluate all other members, with the exception of themselves.

Market Readiness

  • Web3 Community Demand: With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, there's an increasing demand for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). this tool would cater to this demand by providing a transparent rating system that operates effectively within the Web3 environment.
  • Need for Information Transparency: Within DAOs, members require transparent insights into each other's performance and reputation to facilitate better cooperation and decision-making. this tool fills this need by providing a platform for members to rate each other, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of the DAO.
  • Technical Feasibility : The functionalities this tool propose are technically feasible, utilizing smart contracts to store and manage user ratings, and offering a user-friendly frontend application for interaction with the smart contracts. Such a framework aligns with the standards of Web3 technology and has the potential for widespread adoption.

Future Work

  • Use Zero Knowledge Proof to hide rater's identity while ensuring the integrity of average scores, so raters would fear no more and rate with their true thoughts.
  • Smart contract security audit.
  • Smart contract gas usage optimization.
  • There probably exists a better data strucutre to reduce the time complexity of fetching average ratings from smart contract.
  • Stricter member opration restriction, like OAuth in web2.