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Forms for corporate risk evaluation


This projet generates input forms (from markdown and tabular data) and implements results management for corporate risk and immaterial capital evaluation.

It is a web application built with Play! Framework and W3C's Semantic Web recommandations (RDF, SPARQL).


In production.


This projet leverages on semantic forms, a form generators leveraging semantic web standards RDF(S), OWL, SPARQL, which itself leverages on Play! Framework, Banana-RDf and Jena TDB.


First, install from sources the Scala project semantic_forms/forms. Then, just like any Play! Framework application, install SBT, and type:


For more details, see in semantic_forms the paragraph "How to run"

There is also a script to restart the server when the code has changed:


See playframework documentation/2.3.x/IDE

Apparently Activator, not SBT, is needed: activator -jvm-debug 9999 run

Preloading RDF content

  • Preloading vocabularies, and pre-defined form specifications : in shell type:

Generating all PDF

Set system variable (in shell)

export PDFBATCH=true

then restart the application; all reports will be in directory PDF/ /

Note on the data model

There are 3 levels:

  • form groups
  • forms
  • questions

A form is modeled by an OWL class C, plus an OWL object property P, such that :

P rdfs:domain :User ; rdfs:range C .

which means that P connects the class User to a class C that models the form. The form is built by the semantic_forms framework from C by gathering all properties PC such that:

PC rdfs:domain C .

So each PC gives an atomic question (i.e. field form) in the form defined by C and P. And user data are triples like: <users/email123-456> PC "5" . <users/email123-789> PC .

Then forms are grouped in form groups appearing in different pages in the application, with a summary of the answers. In the RDF database, the form groups are connected to the OWL object properties P of the forms by a ques:properties predicate, like this :

:risk-fg a :FormGroup ;
     rdfs:label "Questions sur la gestion des risques."@fr ;
    :properties :prop-5 , :prop-6 , :prop-7 , :prop-8 ,:prop-9 , :prop-10 , :prop-11 , :prop-12 , :prop-13 , :prop-14 , :prop-15

Currently some things are hard coded in UserDataTrait :

    formsGroups = List("risk", "human", "structural", "operational")

But in principle any database made of OWL Turtle files can be used in the application.


example (WIP)

val formGroup: FormGroup = applicationClassesAndProperties(formGroupURI)
val user = User.find(email).get
val userDataURIs = getUserData(user, formGroup.toString)
for (userDataURI <- userDataURIs) {}
//      for(cp <- formGroup.classesAndProperties) {   }


forms for corporate risk evaluation






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Contributors 4
