An F# API for various NYT word games. Comes with a script that generates a Markdown report with the current day's solutions.
#load "NYTG.fsx"
open NYTG
open System
let printGame (res: Result<Wordle.Game,'a>) =
let game = res |> Result.assertOk
"Wordle %s\nBy %s\nSolution: '%s'\n"
// Run on 12/31/2024
Wordle.getCurrentGame ()
|> printGame
DateTime.Parse "12/30/2024"
|> Wordle.getGame
|> printGame
Wordle 12/31/2024
By Tracy Bennett
Solution: 'lemur'
Wordle 12/30/2024
By Tracy Bennett
Solution: 'stare'
Each supported game is defined in a module that has these methods. Of these, you probably want getCurrentGame
or, if the game supports it, getGame
: Gets a raw unparsed JSON string description of the puzzle from NYT. Usually contains unneccessary data that are ignored when parsed.parse
: Parses the raw JSON string into a structured type that better represents the actual puzzle information and is easier to work with in F#.getCurrentGame
: Gets a description of the puzzle for the system's current date. All games provide this.getGame
: Gets a description of the puzzle on a specific date. Not all games currently provide this due to technical limitations.
- Connections
- Connections: Sports Edition
- Letter Boxed
not supported.
- Spelling Bee
not supported.
- Strands
- Sudoko
not supported.
- The Crossword
not supported.
- The Mini
not supported.
- Wordle
- Tiles
- Not word-based.
- Appears to generate puzzles on demand rather than fetch premade puzzles.
- Figure out how to access archived games for the following:
- Letter Boxed
- Spelling Bee
- The Crossword
- The Mini
- Sudoku (if it has them)