A text file parser, designed for keeping track of items and their prices (and links), written in Haskell.
I made this project to assist with shopping for PC parts.
Note: this readme sucks lol
- Install ghc using ghcup if you haven't already
- Run 'make' in the repo directory
- You now have a binary for spoobmoney located at src/bin/Main
- Move src/bin/Main anywhere you like, and rename it whatever you want (only if the name is "spoobmoney") (very professional and cool installation instructions)
spoobmoney [FLAGS] <FILE>
The program will error if no flags are specified.
(Note: Only one flag will be acknowledged by the program.)
(To avoid unintended output, please only specify a single flag.)
-h: Display this help message
--sum: Output the total cost of the list
--names: Output the names of all items
--prices: Output the prices of all items
--links: Output the links of all items
The infile to read
This program will take an input file, and spit out a space-separated list of the desired field. (Example input files can be found in the examples directory)
Whitespace will be ignored.
Each line will be formatted as follows:
<name>: $<price> (<link>)