I'm a Senior Technology Consultant at PwC Belgium active in the fields of Interoperability and the Semantic Web since 2021. I'm active at different levels of government, either as semantic architect, business analyst or project manager:
- SEMIC - The European Action on Interoperability (DG DIGIT - European Commission)
- BELGIF - ICEG - The Belgian (Interfederal) Action on Interoperability (FOD BOSA - Federal Belgian Government)
- OSLO - The Flemish Action on Interoperability (Digital Flanders - Flemish Government)
Some of the semantic data specifications I have contributed to as editor are:
- OSLO Cultuurparticipatie
- OSLO Cultuur- & Jeugdinfrastructuur
- OSLO Overlijdensaangifte
- OSLO Slimme Raadpleegomgeving
- ICEG Hydrants
- ICEG Building
- ...
I have been active in coordinating the following activities:
- Maintenance of SEMIC Core Vocabularies
- Maintenance of SEMIC DCAT-AP and its extensions such as GeoDCAT-AP and DCAT-AP for HVD
- SEMIC Style Guide, Core Vocabularies Handbook and Blog Articles.
Get in touch with me via the links in the dooblydoo!