Welcome to Comp90024 Cluster and Cloud Computing project 2 repository of group 5.
The main objective of this project is to design and implement a cloud-based system that could be deployed on the UniMelb Research Cloud. The system utilized data from Twitter and Mastodon to explore and analyze various intriguing scenarios related to Australia. Additionally, we aimed to compare the results derived from social media data with official data obtained from platforms like SUDO to gain a better understanding of life in Australia.
Here are the team members:
Zixuan Cheng 1165964
Jiayun Huang 1249398
Jiayuan Li 1404463
Yufeng Xie 1166106
Chang Yu 1397927
Videos of demonstration can be entered through the links below:
Ansible demo part: https://youtu.be/4AYEuPDY5WA
Data & front-end demo part: https://youtu.be/7J0SA4AMLc8