Hierarchical data using PostgreSQL ltree extension... SoEasy!
$ psql -c "create database tree"
$ psql tree < schema.sql
$ psql tree
tree=# \copy tree(id, parent_id, name) from 'in.csv' delimiter ',' CSV;
That's it. You can now select *
to see all the columns. Notice that
the path
column has been automagically propogated with the path
to each row in integers, via the triggers and stored procedure in the
Then witness the materialized path magic like so:
SELECT t.id, t.path, t.name, array_to_string(array_agg(a.name ORDER BY a.path), ' > ') AS fullname
FROM tree AS t INNER JOIN tree AS a
ON (a.path @> t.path)
GROUP BY t.id, t.path, t.name
ORDER BY fullname;
You can now use all the ltree operators and functions on the path column. For example, maybe you only want to see the tree with "Other Mobile Device" in the middle:
SELECT t.id, t.path, t.name, array_to_string(array_agg(a.name ORDER BY a.path), ' > ') AS fullname
FROM tree AS t INNER JOIN tree AS a
ON (a.path @> t.path)
WHERE t.path ~ '*.75141.*'
GROUP BY t.id, t.path, t.name
ORDER BY fullname;
Or maybe you want the tree terminating in "Linux Laptop/Desktop":
Hmmm... not working yet...: wassup with that?
SELECT t.id, t.path, t.name, array_to_string(array_agg(a.name ORDER BY a.path), ' > ') AS fullname
FROM tree AS t INNER JOIN tree AS a
ON (a.path @> t.path)
WHERE t.path @> '300938'
GROUP BY t.id, t.path, t.name
ORDER BY fullname;