Terraform project to deploy Kubernetes clusters on AWS and GCP interconnected over a Site-to-Site VPN. The projects does not use best-practices to deploy cloud infrastructure on the Cloud. The goal is to deploy de underlay required to connect EKA and GKE cluster with Cilium using Cilium Mesh.
Get Kubeconfig contexts
kubectl config get-contexts
Rename a Kubeconfig context
kubectl config rename-context <old_context_name> <new_context_name>
Set default context
kubectl config use-context <context_name>
Delete a Kubeconfig context
kubectl config delete-context <context_name>
Get Kubeconfig from EKS
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name eks-cilium
Delete Kube-Proxy DaemonSet (Kube-Proxy replacement is required for Cilium GW API)
Install Cilium on EKS
cilium install --set gatewayAPI.enabled=true --set kubeProxyReplacement=true --datapath-mode vxlan --set cluster.id=1 --set cluster.name=eks-cilium --set eni.enabled=false --set encapsulation.enabled=true --set encapsulation.type=vxlan --set ipam.mode=cluster-pool --set ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList= --set ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize=24
Install AWS Load Balancer Controller
helm repo add eks https://aws.github.io/eks-charts helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system --set clusterName=eks-cilium --set hostNetwork=true --set replicaCount=1
Get Kubeconfig from GKE
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-cilium --zone us-central1-a --project gke-cilium-443902
Install Cilium on GKE
cilium install --datapath-mode vxlan --set encapsulation.enabled=true --set encapsulation.type=vxlan --set cluster.id=2 --set cluster.name=gke-cilium --set eni.enabled=false --set ipam.mode=cluster-pool --set ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList= --set ipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize=24
Enable Cluster Mesh
cilium clustermesh enable --context eks cilium clustermesh enable --context gke
Connect clusters
cilium clustermesh connect --context eks --destination-context gke