A little commandline tool to start PowerPoint in merge mode.
ppt-diffmerge-tool "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$RESULT"
To register this tool in git, add these sections to your git config:
[difftool "pptdiffmerge"]
name = PowerPoint Diff tool
cmd = C:/ppt-diffmerge/ppt-diffmerge-tool/bin/Debug/ppt-diffmerge-tool.exe "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
binary = true
[mergetool "pptdiffmerge"]
name = PowerPoint Merge tool
trustExitCode = false
keepBackup = false
cmd = C:/ppt-diffmerge/ppt-diffmerge-tool/bin/Debug/ppt-diffmerge-tool.exe "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$RESULT"
Then register the file extensions for PowerPoint by setting the merge tool attributes in your .gitattributes
*.ppt binary diff=pptdiffmerge merge=pptdiffmerge
*.pptm binary diff=pptdiffmerge merge=pptdiffmerge
*.pptx binary diff=pptdiffmerge merge=pptdiffmerge