jenny Sat Mar 5 08:58:14 2016
I tweeted some #rstats troubleshooting tips, that were at least semi-serious. It seemed to strike a chord. As Clint Weathers aka @zenrhino pointed out, there is solace in "shared suffering". The replies are pretty funny and wise, so this was a good excuse to make my first -- and possibly last! -- foray into the Twitter API, in order to get them. Load some packages.
I used the twitteR
package (CRAN, GitHub) to access the Twitter REST API. The vignette contains some setup information. FWIW: I found that was necessary to set the callback URL for the app to
. I put the various pieces of secret information in a file to keep them out of this script.
setup_twitter_oauth(consumer_key = to$ck, consumer_secret = to$cs,
access_token = to$at, access_secret = to$as)
## [1] "Using direct authentication"
Hi, me!
jenny <- getUser("jennybryan")
(jenny_id <- jenny$getId())
## [1] "2167059661"
Find the tweet of interest.
zz <- searchTwitter('from:jennybryan+troubleshooting', n = 5)
## Warning in doRppAPICall("search/tweets", n, params = params,
## retryOnRateLimit = retryOnRateLimit, : 5 tweets were requested but the API
## can only return 1
(target_tweet <- zz[[1]])
## [1] "JennyBryan: An Incomplete List of #rstats troubleshooting tips"
(target_tweet_id <- target_tweet$getId())
## [1] "704779515558400000"
How do I get all the replies? Jeroen put me onto this SO thread, which suggests the API doesn't really support that. But it does contain constructive advice for a workaround:
- get the user's id
- get tweets from that user's mentions_timeline
- get the id of tweet of interest
- filter user's mentions for tweets where
matches this id
Let's try that.
mt <- mentions(n = 200, sinceID = target_tweet_id)
## [1] 126
## [[1]]
## [1] "joncgoodwin: @JennyBryan \"actually read the error message\" is kind of asking a lot."
## [[2]]
## [1] "davidascher: @JennyBryan yeah, so i'd say a file watcher (pick your language) spawning convert on new-file or file-change events."
## [[3]]
## [1] "biocs: @JennyBryan using a command-line interface maid ( plus ImageMagick should work (and it’s free, in contrast to Hazel)"
## [[4]]
## [1] "mikelove: @JennyBryan ok I know you said incomplete but... ;-) if you've got anything in .Rprofile, try R --no-init-file"
## [[5]]
## [1] "AmeliaMN: @JennyBryan is this at all related to the fact that Grab only makes tiffs?"
## [[6]]
## [1] "gvwilson: @JennyBryan \"Stealth factors\"? How come *my* programming language doesn't have those? Huh."
A couple of helper functions. Nothing to see here.
map_chr2 <- function(x, .f, ...) {
map(x, .f, ...) %>% map_if(is_empty, ~ NA_character_) %>% flatten_chr()
ellipsize <- function(x, n = 20) {
ifelse(str_length(x) > n,
paste0(str_sub(x, end = n - 1), "\u2026"),
str_sub(x, end = n)) %>%
Put the mention tweets in a data frame. Pull out replyToSID
. Filter for the target tweet.
df <- data_frame(mt = mt) %>%
mutate(replyToSID = mt %>% map_chr2("replyToSID")) %>%
filter(replyToSID == target_tweet_id)
df %>%
mutate(id = mt %>% map_chr2("id"),
screenName = mt %>% map_chr2("screenName"),
text = mt %>% map_chr2("text")) %>%
mutate(text = text %>% substr(13, 140) %>% trimws() %>% ellipsize(30)) %>%
select(-replyToSID, -mt)
## Source: local data frame [20 x 3]
## id screenName text
## (chr) (chr) (chr)
## 1 704815949845819394 tjmahr this is great. I hit ctrl shi…
## 2 704811393074249728 pasqui_dente class()
## 3 704808779997548545 henrikbengtsson "help the helper help you"
## 4 704805308909146112 Chr_Koenig "add more backslashes" ... ju…
## 5 704792060277223426 jalapic add another pair of square br…
## 6 704792033672560640 helsouth also - use with() instead of …
## 7 704789956074471424 ecpolley * Check for converted variabl…
## 8 704789353944506368 eric_normandeau @sjackman nothing about trace…
## 9 704787631016534016 pssGuy * contact @JennyBryan
## 10 704784872364228608 thomasp85 Just throwing one in. Add dro…
## 11 704784811999825921 Gaming_Dude as.numeric(as.character(f))
## 12 704784680726319105 scottistical @hadleywickham 1. Curse 2. Bl…
## 13 704784299929706496 RallidaeRule can I share this with my stud…
## 14 704784225799634945 HelicityBoson @hadleywickham stealth factor…
## 15 704783992755769344 BrownJosephW @ethanwhite Add:\n* tweet to #…
## 16 704782595159011328 optimlog_ package conflicts: dplyr plyr…
## 17 704781813512695808 zenrhino Mine:\nRule #1: Read the instr…
## 18 704780561085104128 joncgoodwin "actually read the error mess…
## 19 704780379320934400 mikelove ok I know you said incomplete…
## 20 704780174001364997 gvwilson "Stealth factors"? How come *…
That filter may be too draconian. Some of the tweets I want to include are replies to replies. Those should still show up in my mentions so I think I'll just keep all mentions that are recent enough and manually curate.
df <- data_frame(mt = mt) %>%
mutate(replyToSID = mt %>% map_chr2("replyToSID"))
mentions <- df %>%
mutate(id = mt %>% map_chr2("id"),
screenName = mt %>% map_chr2("screenName"),
text = mt %>% map_chr2("text")) %>%
select(-replyToSID, -mt)
mentions %>%
mutate(text = text %>% substr(13, 140) %>% trimws() %>% ellipsize(30))
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Warning in stri_length(string): invalid UTF-8 byte sequence detected.
## perhaps you should try calling stri_enc_toutf8()
## Source: local data frame [126 x 3]
## id screenName text
## (chr) (chr) (chr)
## 1 706137621500592129 treycausey yBryan Yes, I believe I can d…
## 2 706135577796730880 arnicas @AmeliaMN it’s not just acade…
## 3 706123636105736192 hrbrmstr NA
## 4 706114506875731968 nickteff @jason_bailey I'm confused. W…
## 5 706081554884386816 jason_bailey o dear...
## 6 706029059885678592 jason_bailey I can't even imagine what tha…
## 7 705963994977333249 bhaskar_vk @AmeliaMN That is really real…
## 8 705963145702084608 AmeliaMN uuugh. so you're saying I hav…
## 9 705950403704201216 sleight82 @UWCSSS dang. Been following …
## 10 705949598171303936 jrnld @JennyBryan Want to do dinner?
## .. ... ... ...
Clearly I will be in for some pain if I need to work with text with emoji. Hopefully those will get filtered out and I can ignore this problem!
Write mentions
to a Google Sheet for manual curation. I tried with Excel locally but it mangled the tweet ids and line endings, as usual, whereas Google did not.
# initial creation
# ss <- gs_new("mentions_for_manual_curation", trim = TRUE,
# input = mentions %>%
# mutate(keep = FALSE) %>%
# select(id, screenName, keep, text))
ss <- gs_title("mentions_for_manual_curation")
## Sheet successfully identified: "mentions_for_manual_curation"
ss %>% gs_browse()
mentions_curated <- ss %>%
gs_read(col_types = "cclc")
## Accessing worksheet titled 'Sheet1'.
## No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
mentions_curated %>%
mutate(text = text %>% substr(13, 140) %>% trimws() %>% ellipsize(30))
## Source: local data frame [126 x 4]
## id screenName keep text
## (chr) (chr) (lgl) (chr)
## 1 706137621500592129 treycausey FALSE yBryan Yes, I believe I can d…
## 2 706135577796730880 arnicas FALSE @AmeliaMN it’s not just acade…
## 3 706123636105736192 hrbrmstr FALSE not even a �� for the creator…
## 4 706114506875731968 nickteff FALSE @jason_bailey I'm confused. W…
## 5 706081554884386816 jason_bailey FALSE o dear...
## 6 706029059885678592 jason_bailey FALSE I can't even imagine what tha…
## 7 705963994977333249 bhaskar_vk FALSE @AmeliaMN That is really real…
## 8 705963145702084608 AmeliaMN FALSE uuugh. so you're saying I hav…
## 9 705950403704201216 sleight82 FALSE @UWCSSS dang. Been following …
## 10 705949598171303936 jrnld FALSE @JennyBryan Want to do dinner?
## .. ... ... ... ...
(n_curated <- nrow(mentions_curated))
## [1] 126
## [1] 126
(n_need_curation <- nrow(mentions) - n_curated)
## [1] 0
if (n_need_curation > 0 && interactive()) {
## obviously I run this by hand
## but I need to keep it from running when I knit
mentions_for_curation <- mentions %>%
left_join(mentions_curated %>% select(id, keep)) %>%
select(id, screenName, keep, text)
ss <- ss %>%
gs_edit_cells(input = mentions_for_curation)
message("Tweets needing a keep decision: ",
mentions <- ss %>%
gs_read(col_types = "cclc") %>%
filter(keep) %>%
## Accessing worksheet titled 'Sheet1'.
## No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
mentions %>%
mutate(text = text %>% substr(13, 140) %>% trimws() %>% ellipsize(30))
## Source: local data frame [35 x 3]
## id screenName text
## (chr) (chr) (chr)
## 1 704818137456353281 tjmahr would also add: Avoid setting…
## 2 704815949845819394 tjmahr this is great. I hit ctrl shi…
## 3 704813442348093442 jaimedash @gvwilson gah they sound bad.…
## 4 704811393074249728 pasqui_dente class()
## 5 704809712139821056 tpoi @RallidaeRule And "look on St…
## 6 704809290364805120 tpoi @RallidaeRule But in all seri…
## 7 704809092016164865 tpoi @RallidaeRule CARVE THEM IN Y…
## 8 704808779997548545 henrikbengtsson "help the helper help you"
## 9 704807505935921153 JHunterUnited @gvwilson reminds one of the …
## 10 704805308909146112 Chr_Koenig "add more backslashes" ... ju…
## .. ... ... ...
OK I'm satisfied I've fished the relevant replies out of my mentions.
I also noticed that anyone who quoted the tweet wasn't showing up in the mentions. How do I get those tweets? Because the added comments are basically the same as these replies. Back to stackoverflow! More API disappointment, more constructive workarounds:
- Get the "short url" for the original tweet.
- Search for tweets containing that.
- I may also need to search/filter for tweets that have the target tweet in
What is this "short url" for my target tweet?
## Reference class 'status' [package "twitteR"] with 17 fields
## $ text : chr "An Incomplete List of #rstats troubleshooting tips"
## $ favorited : logi FALSE
## $ favoriteCount: num 152
## $ replyToSN : chr(0)
## $ created : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2016-03-01 21:25:05"
## $ truncated : logi FALSE
## $ replyToSID : chr(0)
## $ id : chr "704779515558400000"
## $ replyToUID : chr(0)
## $ statusSource : chr "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Tweetbot for Mac</a>"
## $ screenName : chr "JennyBryan"
## $ retweetCount : num 103
## $ isRetweet : logi FALSE
## $ retweeted : logi FALSE
## $ longitude : chr(0)
## $ latitude : chr(0)
## $ urls :'data.frame': 0 obs. of 4 variables:
## ..$ url : chr(0)
## ..$ expanded_url: chr(0)
## ..$ dispaly_url : chr(0)
## ..$ indices : num(0)
## and 53 methods, of which 39 are possibly relevant:
## getCreated, getFavoriteCount, getFavorited, getId, getIsRetweet,
## getLatitude, getLongitude, getReplyToSID, getReplyToSN, getReplyToUID,
## getRetweetCount, getRetweeted, getRetweeters, getRetweets,
## getScreenName, getStatusSource, getText, getTruncated, getUrls,
## initialize, setCreated, setFavoriteCount, setFavorited, setId,
## setIsRetweet, setLatitude, setLongitude, setReplyToSID, setReplyToSN,
## setReplyToUID, setRetweetCount, setRetweeted, setScreenName,
## setStatusSource, setText, setTruncated, setUrls, toDataFrame,
## toDataFrame#twitterObj
## [1] url expanded_url dispaly_url indices
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
It doesn't seem like I have it.
Is twitteR
really returning everything the API gives us? Let's curl --get
this tweet and leave twitteR
out of it. I used the twitter API OAuth Tool to compose this beauty. Accessible by selecting your app in the OAuth Signature Generator drop down here.
## curl --get '' --data
## 'id=704779515558400000' --header 'Authorization: OAuth
## oauth_consumer_key="???",
## oauth_nonce="???",
## oauth_signature="???",
## oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1457043820",
## oauth_token="???",
## oauth_version="1.0"' --verbose > target_tweet.json
target_tweet_curl <- jsonlite::fromJSON("target_tweet.json")
## [1] "created_at" "id"
## [3] "id_str" "text"
## [5] "source" "truncated"
## [7] "in_reply_to_status_id" "in_reply_to_status_id_str"
## [9] "in_reply_to_user_id" "in_reply_to_user_id_str"
## [11] "in_reply_to_screen_name" "user"
## [13] "geo" "coordinates"
## [15] "place" "contributors"
## [17] "is_quote_status" "retweet_count"
## [19] "favorite_count" "entities"
## [21] "extended_entities" "favorited"
## [23] "retweeted" "possibly_sensitive"
## [25] "possibly_sensitive_appealable" "lang"
I'm not having any better luck than before.
## list()
Ok there's this but pretty sure it's just for the accompanying image.
target_tweet_media_url <- target_tweet_curl$entities$media$url
if (interactive()) browseURL(target_tweet_media_url)
I will curl --get
a tweet that quoted mine and see if I get my own short url there. Used same approach as above.
quote_tweet_curl <- jsonlite::fromJSON("example_quote.json")
## [1] "created_at" "id"
## [3] "id_str" "text"
## [5] "source" "truncated"
## [7] "in_reply_to_status_id" "in_reply_to_status_id_str"
## [9] "in_reply_to_user_id" "in_reply_to_user_id_str"
## [11] "in_reply_to_screen_name" "user"
## [13] "geo" "coordinates"
## [15] "place" "contributors"
## [17] "quoted_status_id" "quoted_status_id_str"
## [19] "quoted_status" "is_quote_status"
## [21] "retweet_count" "favorite_count"
## [23] "entities" "favorited"
## [25] "retweeted" "possibly_sensitive"
## [27] "possibly_sensitive_appealable" "lang"
## [1] "704779515558400000"
identical(quote_tweet_curl$quoted_status_id_str, target_tweet_id)
## [1] TRUE
(target_tweet_short_url <- quote_tweet_curl$entities$urls$url)
## [1] ""
if (interactive()) browseURL(target_tweet_short_url)
Here is my target tweet's short url: Yes this seems to link to my target tweet. Good. How do I search for tweets whose text contains my short url?
(st <- searchTwitter(target_tweet_short_url))
## Warning in doRppAPICall("search/tweets", n, params = params,
## retryOnRateLimit = retryOnRateLimit, : 25 tweets were requested but the API
## can only return 1
## [[1]]
## [1] "ByerlyElizabeth: I would have started the list with `str()`"
Ugh, I only get that one tweet. Note from the future: It turns out these short urls are unique to the quoting tweet, so this approach doesn't actually work. I proved this by looking another quote tweet and it had an entirely different short URL for the target tweet.
The Streaming API does seem to offer usable information on quoted tweets. That is wrapped by yet another package: streamR
. But it was last updated in January 2014 and this blog post mentions a bunch of packages that suggest it may not be terribly current. There is also no vignette. For now, I will just capture the URLs and therefore ids of these quote tweets manually. They show up in Mentions in Tweetbot and are easy to pick out because of the image.
qt <- readLines("quote_tweet_urls.txt") %>%
basename() %>%
quotes <- data_frame(qt = qt) %>%
mutate(id = qt %>% map_chr2("id"),
screenName = qt %>% map_chr2("screenName"),
text = qt %>% map_chr2("text")) %>%
quotes %>%
mutate(text = text %>% ellipsize(30))
## Source: local data frame [12 x 3]
## id screenName text
## (chr) (chr) (chr)
## 1 705444762917199873 birderboone Great advice. R's tendency to…
## 2 704790044570071040 eagereyes “Add more backslashes” is the…
## 3 704996431346737152 jasdumas reading is essential, also he…
## 4 704780518081077248 EamonCaddigan "Read the help manual" is con…
## 5 704788431466053632 pureblissofsun str() always before you run m…
## 6 704787612498857984 pasqui_dente Nice Job!…
## 7 704914687931056130 satheeshbhoj Using this in my upcoming cla…
## 8 704798446297808896 dangerpeel @EveryLilac…
## 9 705032096838844417 ByerlyElizabeth I would have started the list…
## 10 704786762955137024 statsforbios Yes. Would add class() to the…
## 11 704792804673744896 HappyRrobot Whoa
## 12 705155473314586624 oMarceloVentura "try it with the iris data" …
Combine true replies and quotes.
tweets <- mentions %>%
tweets %>%
mutate(text = text %>% ellipsize(30))
## Source: local data frame [47 x 3]
## id screenName text
## (chr) (chr) (chr)
## 1 704818137456353281 tjmahr @JennyBryan would also add: A…
## 2 704815949845819394 tjmahr @JennyBryan this is great. I …
## 3 704813442348093442 jaimedash @JennyBryan @gvwilson gah the…
## 4 704811393074249728 pasqui_dente @JennyBryan class()
## 5 704809712139821056 tpoi @JennyBryan @RallidaeRule And…
## 6 704809290364805120 tpoi @JennyBryan @RallidaeRule But…
## 7 704809092016164865 tpoi @JennyBryan @RallidaeRule CAR…
## 8 704808779997548545 henrikbengtsson @JennyBryan "help the helper …
## 9 704807505935921153 JHunterUnited @JennyBryan @gvwilson reminds…
## 10 704805308909146112 Chr_Koenig @JennyBryan "add more backsla…
## .. ... ... ...
Write them out.
write.csv(tweets, "tweets.csv", row.names = FALSE)
saveRDS(tweets, "tweets.rds")