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Jellyfin Webhook Plugin

Part of the Jellyfin Project

Plugin Banner

GitHub Workflow Status GPLv3 License Current Release


My webhook isn't working!

Change your logging.json file to output debug logs for Jellyfin.Plugin.Webhook. Make sure to add a comma to the end of "System": "Warning"

    "Serilog": {
        "MinimumLevel": {
            "Default": "Information",
            "Override": {
                "Microsoft": "Warning",
                "System": "Warning",
+               "Jellyfin.Plugin.Webhook": "Debug"


Use Handlebars templating engine to format notifications however you wish.

See Templates for sample templates.


  • if_equals
    • if first parameter equals second parameter case insensitive
  • if_exist
    • if the value of the parameter is not null or empty
  • link_to
    • wrap the $url and $text in an <a> tag


  • Every Notifier: Server

    • ServerId
      • Server ID
    • ServerName
      • Server name
    • ServerVersion
      • $major.$minor.$build
    • ServerUrl
      • Server url
    • NotificationType
  • Every Notifier: User

    • NotificationUsername
      • Current user name
    • Username
      • Current user name
    • UserId
      • User ID
    • LastLoginDate
      • Last user login date
    • LastActivityDate
      • Last user activity date
  • Every Notifier: Device

    • DeviceName
      • Playback device name
    • DeviceId
      • Playback device ID
  • Every Notifier: Client

    • ClientName
      • Playback client name
    • Client
      • Playback client name
    • RemoteEndPoint
      • IP Address of client
  • BaseItem:

    • Timestamp
      • Current server time local
    • UtcTimestamp
      • Current server time utc
    • Name
      • Item name
    • Overview
      • Item overview
    • Tagline
      • Item tagline
    • ItemId
      • Item id
    • ItemType
      • "Movie" "Episode" "Season" "Series" "Album" "Song"
    • RunTimeTicks
      • The media runtime, in Ticks
    • RunTime
      • The media runtime, as hh:mm:ss
    • Year
      • Item production year
    • PremiereDate
      • Item premiere year
    • Genres
      • item Genre
    • AspectRatio
      • Item aspect ratio
    • MediaSourceId
      • The media source id
    • Provider_{providerId_lowercase}
      • "Provider_tvdb" "Provider_tmdb" "Provider_imdb"
  • BaseItem: Season

    • SeriesName
      • TV series name
    • Year
      • Season production year
    • SeriesId
      • Season Series ID
    • SeriesPremiereDate
      • Series premiere date
    • SeasonNumber
      • Series number - direct format
    • SeasonNumber00
      • Series number - padded 00
    • SeasonNumber000
      • Series number - padded 000
  • BaseItem: Episode

    • EpisodeNumber
      • Episode number - direct format
    • EpisodeNumber00
      • Episode number - padded 00
    • EpisodeNumber000 -
      • Episode number - padded 000
    • EpisodeNumberEnd
      • Episode number end - direct format
    • EpisodeNumberEnd00
      • Episode number end - padded 00
    • EpisodeNumberEnd000
      • Episode number end - padded 000
    • AirTime
      • Episode series airtime
    • Year
      • Episode production year
  • BaseItem: Audio

    • Album
      • Audio album
    • Artist
      • Audio artist
    • Year
      • Audio production year
  • BaseItem: Album

    • Artist
      • Album artist
    • Year
      • Album production year
  • Playback

    • PlaybackPositionTicks
      • The current playback position, in Ticks
    • PlaybackPosition
      • The current playback position, as hh:mm:ss
    • PlayMethod
      • "Transcode" "DirectStream" "DirectPlay"
    • PlayedToCompletion
      • true/false, Only when NotificationType == PlaybackStop
    • IsPaused
      • If playback is paused
    • IsAutomated
      • If notification is automated, or user triggered
    • Likes
      • likes
    • Rating
      • rating
    • PlayCount
      • Total playcount
    • Favorite
      • Favorite
    • Played
      • Completely played
    • AudioStreamIndex
      • Audio stream index
    • SubtitleStreamIndex
      • Subtitle stream index
    • LastPlayedDate
      • Last played date
  • Audio info

    • Audio_0_Title
      • Display title
    • Audio_0_Type
      • Audio type
    • Audio_0_Language
      • Audio language
    • Audio_0_Codec
      • Audio codec
    • Audio_0_Channels
      • Number of audio channels
    • Audio_0_Bitrate
      • Audio bitrate
    • Audio_0_SampleRate
      • Audio samplerate
    • Audio_0_Default
      • default audio
  • Video info

    • Video_0_Title
      • Display title
    • Video_0_Type
      • Video type
    • Video_0_Codec
      • Video codec
    • Video_0_Profile
      • Video profile
    • Video_0_Level
      • Video level
    • Video_0_Height
      • Video height
    • Video_0_Width
      • Video width
    • Video_0_AspectRatio
      • Video aspect ratio
    • Video_0_Interlaced
      • Video interlaced
    • Video_0_FrameRate
      • Video framerate
    • Video_0_VideoRange
      • Video video range
    • Video_0_ColorSpace
      • Video color space
    • Video_0_ColorTransfer
      • Video color transfer
    • Video_0_ColorPrimaries
      • Video color primaries
    • Video_0_PixelFormat
      • Video pixel format
    • Video_0_RefFrames
      • Video ref frames
  • Subtitle info

    • Subtitle_0_Title
      • Subtitle title
    • Subtitle_0_Type
      • Subtitle type
    • Subtitle_0_Language
      • Subtitle language
    • Subtitle_0_Codec
      • Subtitle codec
    • Subtitle_0_Default
      • Default subtitle
    • Subtitle_0_Forced
      • Forced subtitle
    • Subtitle_0_External
      • External subtitle
  • Plugin info

    • PluginId
      • Plugin ID
    • PluginName
      • Plugin name
    • PluginVersion
      • Plugin version
    • PluginChangelog
      • Plugin Cchangelog
    • PluginChecksum
      • Plugin checksum
    • PluginSourceUrl
      • Plugin source URL

Destination Specific:

  • Discord
    • MentionType
    • EmbedColor
    • AvatarUrl
    • BotUsername
  • Gotify
    • Priority
  • Pushbullet
  • Pushover
    • Token
    • UserToken
    • Device
    • Title
    • MessageUrl
    • MessageUrlTitle
    • MessagePriority
    • NotificationSound
  • SMTP
  • Slack
    • BotUsername
    • SlackIconUrl

Future events can be created from