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A plugin to generate Java source code from OpenApi definitions.

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Openapi generator for JeKa

Openapi plugin for JeKa acts as a thin wrapper around openapi-generator-cli.

It handles on-the-fly installation for you, so you only have to specify which version you want to use.

This plugin offers several out-of-the-box commands to invoke openapi-generator-cli conveniently. To see list of provided commands and options, execute :

jeka @dev.jeka:openapi-plugin: openapi#help

Furthermore, this plugin offers convenient methods to link source code generation with any project KBean.

The generation match strictly the openapi-generator-cli syntax, so you can refer to the official documentation to generate sources for any target technology without limitations.


You can append openapi source generator to your working project, just declaring properties in your file, following the below example.

# Import this plugin into JeKa classpath

# Specify the version of openapi-generator-cli to set

# Append a source generator, called 'myServer', to the project based on the following command line.
# The sources will be generated automatically prior compilation
# Any property formatted as will be taken in account
openapi.gen.myServer=generate -g spring \
  --model-name-prefix Rest \
  -i \

# Append a second source generator
openapi.gen.myClient=generate -g client \
  --model-name-prefix Rest \
  -i https://my.spec.server/an-api.json

See project example here.

Using programmatic method

Alternatively, you can leverage of the fluent api to link your built project with an openapi source code generator, as demonstrated below.

import dev.jeka.core.tool.JkInjectClasspath;

public class SampleBuild_Programmatic extends JkBean {

    private static final String SPEC_URL = "";

    private static final String OPENAPI_CLI_VERSION = "7.0.1";

    private JkProject project() {
        JkProject project = JkProject.of();
        JkOpenApi.ofVersion(OPENAPI_CLI_VERSION).addSourceGenerator(project, "spring", SPEC_URL)
                .customize(cmdBuilder -> cmdBuilder
                        .add(JkOpenapiCmdBuilder.MODEL_NAME_PREFIX, "Rest")
                        .addAdditionalProperties("useSpringBoot3", "true")
                        .addImportMapping("Pet", "com.yourpackage.models.Pet")
                        .addImportMapping("DateTime", "java.time.LocalDateTime")
                        .addTypeMapping("DateTime", "java.time.LocalDateTime")
        return project;

    public void genCode() {

See project example here.


The plugin code lies in jeka-src and so is built using the base KBean instead of project.

How to release ?

Just use the github release mechanism. Creating a release consists in creating a tag, that will trigger a build and a publication on Maven Central.

Publication on Maven central

This repository can be used as an example for publishing on Maven Central.

The only things to do for publishing to Maven Central are :

  1. Add following properties to :
# Download nexus plugin to auto publish after the artifacts are sent to the staging repo

# version can also be got from Git, see real file

# Configuration for deploying to Maven central
@maven.publication.metadata.projectName=OpenApi plugin for JeKa
@maven.publication.metadata.projectDescription=OpenApi plugin for JeKa
@maven.publication.metadata.licenses=Apache License V2.0:
@maven.publication.metadata.developers=djeang:[email protected]

# Use Nexus plugin to auto-publish
  1. Set up environment variables like :
jeka.repos.publish.username: ${{ secrets.OSSRH_USER }}
jeka.repos.publish.password: ${{ secrets.OSSRH_PWD }}
jeka.gpg.secret-key: ${{ secrets.GPG_SECRET_KEY}}
jeka.gpg.passphrase: ${{ secrets.GPG_PASSPHRASE }}

The content of secrets.GPG_SECRET_KEY has been obtained by executing : gpg --export-secret-key --armor my-key-name.

Just execute jeka maven: publish to publish on Maven Central.