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Up-to-date WITX interface definitions for the Fastly Compute@Edge platform.


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Fastly Compute ABI

This repository contains witx definitions for the Fastly Compute platform ABI.

This fork includes definitions that have been updated to be compatible with the witx-codegen code generator.

API overview

---------------------- Module: [typenames] ----------------------

enum fastly_status: (tag: u32)
    - ok: 0
    - error: 1
    - inval: 2
    - badf: 3
    - buflen: 4
    - unsupported: 5
    - badalign: 6
    - httpinvalid: 7
    - httpuser: 8
    - httpincomplete: 9
    - none: 10
    - httpheadtoolarge: 11
    - httpinvalidstatus: 12
    - limitexceeded: 13
    - again: 14

enum http_version: (tag: u32)
    - http_09: 0
    - http_10: 1
    - http_11: 2
    - h2: 3
    - h3: 4

alias http_status = u16

enum body_write_end: (tag: u32)
    - back: 0
    - front: 1

alias body_handle = handle

alias request_handle = handle

alias response_handle = handle

alias pending_request_handle = handle

alias endpoint_handle = handle

alias dictionary_handle = handle

alias object_store_handle = handle

alias pending_object_store_lookup_handle = handle

alias pending_object_store_insert_handle = handle

alias pending_object_store_delete_handle = handle

alias secret_store_handle = handle

alias secret_handle = handle

alias async_item_handle = handle

alias multi_value_cursor = u32

alias multi_value_cursor_result = i64

constants cache_override_tag: (type: u32)
predefined constants for cache_override_tag:
    - pass = 0x1
    - ttl = 0x2
    - stale_while_revalidate = 0x4
    - pci = 0x8

alias num_bytes = usize

alias header_count = u32

alias is_done = u32

alias done_idx = u32

alias is_valid = u32

alias inserted = u32

alias ready_idx = u32

alias port = u16

alias timeout_ms = u32

alias backend_exists = u32

alias is_dynamic = u32

alias is_ssl = u32

enum backend_health: (tag: u32)
    - unknown: 0
    - healthy: 1
    - unhealthy: 2

constants content_encodings: (type: u32)
predefined constants for content_encodings:
    - gzip = 1

enum framing_headers_mode: (tag: u32)
    - automatic: 0
    - manually_from_headers: 1

enum http_keepalive_mode: (tag: u32)
    - automatic: 0
    - no_keepalive: 1

enum tls_version: (tag: u32)
    - tls_1: 0
    - tls_1_1: 1
    - tls_1_2: 2
    - tls_1_3: 3

constants backend_config_options: (type: u32)
predefined constants for backend_config_options:
    - reserved = 0x1
    - host_override = 0x2
    - connect_timeout = 0x4
    - first_byte_timeout = 0x8
    - between_bytes_timeout = 0x10
    - use_ssl = 0x20
    - ssl_min_version = 0x40
    - ssl_max_version = 0x80
    - cert_hostname = 0x100
    - ca_cert = 0x200
    - ciphers = 0x400
    - sni_hostname = 0x800
    - dont_pool = 0x1000
    - client_cert = 0x2000
    - grpc = 0x4000

struct dynamic_backend_config:
    - host_override: mut_ptr<char8>
    - host_override_len: u32
    - connect_timeout_ms: u32
    - first_byte_timeout_ms: u32
    - between_bytes_timeout_ms: u32
    - ssl_min_version: tls_version
    - ssl_max_version: tls_version
    - cert_hostname: mut_ptr<char8>
    - cert_hostname_len: u32
    - ca_cert: mut_ptr<char8>
    - ca_cert_len: u32
    - ciphers: mut_ptr<char8>
    - ciphers_len: u32
    - sni_hostname: mut_ptr<char8>
    - sni_hostname_len: u32
    - client_certificate: mut_ptr<char8>
    - client_certificate_len: u32
    - client_key: secret_handle

enum client_cert_verify_result: (tag: u32)
    - ok: 0
    - bad_certificate: 1
    - certificate_revoked: 2
    - certificate_expired: 3
    - unknown_ca: 4
    - certificate_missing: 5
    - certificate_unknown: 6

constants purge_options_mask: (type: u32)
predefined constants for purge_options_mask:
    - soft_purge = 1
    - ret_buf = 2

struct purge_options:
    - ret_buf_ptr: mut_ptr<u8>
    - ret_buf_len: usize
    - ret_buf_nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>

enum send_error_detail_tag: (tag: u32)
    - uninitialized: 0
    - ok: 1
    - dns_timeout: 2
    - dns_error: 3
    - destination_not_found: 4
    - destination_unavailable: 5
    - destination_ip_unroutable: 6
    - connection_refused: 7
    - connection_terminated: 8
    - connection_timeout: 9
    - connection_limit_reached: 10
    - tls_certificate_error: 11
    - tls_configuration_error: 12
    - http_incomplete_response: 13
    - http_response_header_section_too_large: 14
    - http_response_body_too_large: 15
    - http_response_timeout: 16
    - http_response_status_invalid: 17
    - http_upgrade_failed: 18
    - http_protocol_error: 19
    - http_request_cache_key_invalid: 20
    - http_request_uri_invalid: 21
    - internal_error: 22
    - tls_alert_received: 23
    - tls_protocol_error: 24

constants send_error_detail_mask: (type: u32)
predefined constants for send_error_detail_mask:
    - reserved = 0x1
    - dns_error_rcode = 0x2
    - dns_error_info_code = 0x4
    - tls_alert_id = 0x8

struct send_error_detail:
    - tag: send_error_detail_tag
    - mask: send_error_detail_mask
    - dns_error_rcode: u16
    - dns_error_info_code: u16
    - tls_alert_id: u8

alias blocked = u32

alias rate = u32

alias count = u32

alias has = u32

alias body_length = u64

---------------------- Module: [fastly_abi] ----------------------

function init(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - abi_version: u64
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_async_io] ----------------------

function select(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - hs: mut_slice<async_item_handle>
        - timeout_ms: u32
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<ready_idx>

function is_ready(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: async_item_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<is_done>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_backend] ----------------------

function exists(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<backend_exists>

function is_healthy(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<backend_health>

function is_dynamic(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<is_dynamic>

function get_host(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function get_override_host(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function get_port(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<port>

function get_connect_timeout_ms(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<timeout_ms>

function get_first_byte_timeout_ms(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<timeout_ms>

function get_between_bytes_timeout_ms(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<timeout_ms>

function is_ssl(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<is_ssl>

function get_ssl_min_version(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<tls_version>

function get_ssl_max_version(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<tls_version>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_cache] ----------------------

alias cache_handle = handle

alias cache_object_length = u64

alias cache_duration_ns = u64

alias cache_hit_count = u64

struct cache_lookup_options:
    - request_headers: request_handle

constants cache_lookup_options_mask: (type: u32)
predefined constants for cache_lookup_options_mask:
    - reserved = 1
    - request_headers = 2

struct cache_write_options:
    - max_age_ns: cache_duration_ns
    - request_headers: request_handle
    - vary_rule_ptr: mut_ptr<char8>
    - vary_rule_len: usize
    - initial_age_ns: cache_duration_ns
    - stale_while_revalidate_ns: cache_duration_ns
    - surrogate_keys_ptr: mut_ptr<char8>
    - surrogate_keys_len: usize
    - length: cache_object_length
    - user_metadata_ptr: mut_ptr<u8>
    - user_metadata_len: usize

constants cache_write_options_mask: (type: u32)
predefined constants for cache_write_options_mask:
    - reserved = 0x1
    - request_headers = 0x2
    - vary_rule = 0x4
    - initial_age_ns = 0x8
    - stale_while_revalidate_ns = 0x10
    - surrogate_keys = 0x20
    - length = 0x40
    - user_metadata = 0x80
    - sensitive_data = 0x100

struct cache_get_body_options:
    - from: u64
    - to: u64

constants cache_get_body_options_mask: (type: u32)
predefined constants for cache_get_body_options_mask:
    - reserved = 0x1
    - from = 0x2
    - to = 0x4

constants cache_lookup_state: (type: u32)
predefined constants for cache_lookup_state:
    - found = 0x1
    - usable = 0x2
    - stale = 0x4
    - must_insert_or_update = 0x8

function lookup(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - cache_key: mut_slice<u8>
        - options_mask: cache_lookup_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<cache_lookup_options>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_handle>

function insert(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - cache_key: mut_slice<u8>
        - options_mask: cache_write_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<cache_write_options>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function transaction_lookup(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - cache_key: mut_slice<u8>
        - options_mask: cache_lookup_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<cache_lookup_options>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_handle>

function transaction_insert(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
        - options_mask: cache_write_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<cache_write_options>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function transaction_insert_and_stream_back(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
        - options_mask: cache_write_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<cache_write_options>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>
        - mut_ptr<cache_handle>

function transaction_update(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
        - options_mask: cache_write_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<cache_write_options>
    - No output

function transaction_cancel(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - No output

function close(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - No output

function get_state(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_lookup_state>

function get_user_metadata(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
        - user_metadata_out_ptr: mut_ptr<u8>
        - user_metadata_out_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function get_body(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
        - options_mask: cache_get_body_options_mask
        - options: cache_get_body_options
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function get_length(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_object_length>

function get_max_age_ns(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_duration_ns>

function get_stale_while_revalidate_ns(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_duration_ns>

function get_age_ns(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_duration_ns>

function get_hits(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: cache_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<cache_hit_count>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_config_store] ----------------------

alias config_store_handle = handle

function open(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<config_store_handle>

function get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: config_store_handle
        - key: string
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_device_detection] ----------------------

function lookup(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - user_agent: string
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_dictionary] ----------------------

function open(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<dictionary_handle>

function get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: dictionary_handle
        - key: string
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_dns] ----------------------

alias dns_lookup_handle = handle

function lookup_addr(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<dns_lookup_handle>

function lookup_reverse(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - ip: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<dns_lookup_handle>

function lookup_txt(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<dns_lookup_handle>

function lookup_wait(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: dns_lookup_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function lookup_raw(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - query: ptr<char8>
        - query_len: usize
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<dns_lookup_handle>

function lookup_wait_raw(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - handle: dns_lookup_handle
        - response: mut_ptr<char8>
        - response_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_erl] ----------------------

function check_rate(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - rc: string
        - entry: string
        - delta: u32
        - window: u32
        - limit: u32
        - pb: string
        - ttl: u32
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<blocked>

function ratecounter_increment(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - rc: string
        - entry: string
        - delta: u32
    - No output

function ratecounter_lookup_rate(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - rc: string
        - entry: string
        - window: u32
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<rate>

function ratecounter_lookup_count(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - rc: string
        - entry: string
        - duration: u32
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<count>

function penaltybox_add(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - pb: string
        - entry: string
        - ttl: u32
    - No output

function penaltybox_has(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - pb: string
        - entry: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<has>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_geo] ----------------------

function lookup(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - addr_octets: ptr<char8>
        - addr_len: usize
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_http_body] ----------------------

function append(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - dest: body_handle
        - src: body_handle
    - No output

function new(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function read(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<u8>
        - buf_len: usize
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

function write(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
        - buf: mut_slice<u8>
        - end: body_write_end
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

function close(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
    - No output

function abandon(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
    - No output

function trailer_append(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function trailer_names_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function trailer_value_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function trailer_values_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function known_length(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: body_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<body_length>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_http_req] ----------------------

function body_downstream_get(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<request_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function cache_override_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - tag: cache_override_tag
        - ttl: u32
        - stale_while_revalidate: u32
    - No output

function cache_override_v2_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - tag: cache_override_tag
        - ttl: u32
        - stale_while_revalidate: u32
        - sk: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function downstream_client_ip_addr(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - addr_octets_out: mut_ptr<char8>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

function downstream_client_h2_fingerprint(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h2fp_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - h2fp_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_client_request_id(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - reqid_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - reqid_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_client_oh_fingerprint(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - ohfp_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - ohfp_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_tls_cipher_openssl_name(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - cipher_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - cipher_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_tls_protocol(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - protocol_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - protocol_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_tls_client_hello(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - chello_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - chello_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_tls_raw_client_certificate(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - raw_client_cert_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - raw_client_cert_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function downstream_tls_client_cert_verify_result(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<client_cert_verify_result>

function downstream_tls_ja3_md5(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - cja3_md5_out: mut_ptr<char8>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

function downstream_tls_ja4(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - ja4_out: mut_ptr<char8>
        - ja4_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function new(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<request_handle>

function header_names_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function original_header_names_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function original_header_count(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<header_count>

function header_value_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function header_values_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function header_values_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - values: string
    - No output

function header_insert(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function header_append(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function header_remove(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function method_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function method_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - method: string
    - No output

function uri_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function uri_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - uri: string
    - No output

function version_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<http_version>

function version_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - version: http_version
    - No output

function send(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - b: body_handle
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function send_v2(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - b: body_handle
        - backend: string
        - error_detail: mut_ptr<send_error_detail>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function send_async(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - b: body_handle
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<pending_request_handle>

function send_async_streaming(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - b: body_handle
        - backend: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<pending_request_handle>

function pending_req_poll(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: pending_request_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<is_done>
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function pending_req_poll_v2(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: pending_request_handle
        - error_detail: mut_ptr<send_error_detail>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<is_done>
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function pending_req_wait(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: pending_request_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function pending_req_wait_v2(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: pending_request_handle
        - error_detail: mut_ptr<send_error_detail>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function pending_req_select(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - hs: mut_slice<pending_request_handle>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<done_idx>
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function pending_req_select_v2(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - hs: mut_slice<pending_request_handle>
        - error_detail: mut_ptr<send_error_detail>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<done_idx>
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>
        - mut_ptr<body_handle>

function fastly_key_is_valid(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<is_valid>

function close(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
    - No output

function auto_decompress_response_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - encodings: content_encodings
    - No output

function upgrade_websocket(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend_name: string
    - No output

function redirect_to_websocket_proxy(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend_name: string
    - No output

function redirect_to_grip_proxy(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - backend_name: string
    - No output

function redirect_to_websocket_proxy_v2(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - backend_name: string
    - No output

function redirect_to_grip_proxy_v2(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - backend_name: string
    - No output

function framing_headers_mode_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: request_handle
        - mode: framing_headers_mode
    - No output

function register_dynamic_backend(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name_prefix: string
        - target: string
        - backend_config_mask: backend_config_options
        - backend_configuration: mut_ptr<dynamic_backend_config>
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_http_resp] ----------------------

function new(): fastly_status
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<response_handle>

function header_names_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function header_value_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_ptr<char8>
        - value_max_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function header_values_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - cursor: multi_value_cursor
        - ending_cursor_out: mut_ptr<multi_value_cursor_result>
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function header_values_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - values: string
    - No output

function header_insert(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function header_append(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
        - value: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function header_remove(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
    - No output

function version_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<http_version>

function version_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - version: http_version
    - No output

function send_downstream(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - b: body_handle
        - streaming: u32
    - No output

function status_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<http_status>

function status_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - status: http_status
    - No output

function close(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
    - No output

function framing_headers_mode_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - mode: framing_headers_mode
    - No output

function http_keepalive_mode_set(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: response_handle
        - mode: http_keepalive_mode
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_kv] ----------------------

alias kv_store_handle = handle

function open(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<kv_store_handle>

function lookup(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: kv_store_handle
        - key: mut_slice<u8>
        - opt_body_handle_out: mut_ptr<body_handle>
    - No output

function insert(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: kv_store_handle
        - key: mut_slice<u8>
        - body_handle: body_handle
        - max_age: u32
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<inserted>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_log] ----------------------

function endpoint_get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: mut_slice<u8>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<endpoint_handle>

function write(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - h: endpoint_handle
        - msg: mut_slice<u8>
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<num_bytes>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_object_store] ----------------------

function open(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<object_store_handle>

function lookup(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: object_store_handle
        - key: string
        - body_handle_out: mut_ptr<body_handle>
    - No output

function lookup_async(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: object_store_handle
        - key: string
        - pending_handle_out: mut_ptr<pending_object_store_lookup_handle>
    - No output

function pending_lookup_wait(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - pending_objstr_handle: pending_object_store_lookup_handle
        - body_handle_out: mut_ptr<body_handle>
    - No output

function lookup_as_fd(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: object_store_handle
        - key: string
        - fd_out: mut_ptr<u32>
    - No output

function insert(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: object_store_handle
        - key: string
        - body_handle: body_handle
    - No output

function insert_async(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: object_store_handle
        - key: string
        - body_handle: body_handle
        - pending_handle_out: mut_ptr<pending_object_store_insert_handle>
    - No output

function pending_insert_wait(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - pending_objstr_handle: pending_object_store_insert_handle
    - No output

function delete_async(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: object_store_handle
        - key: string
        - pending_handle_out: mut_ptr<pending_object_store_delete_handle>
    - No output

function pending_delete_wait(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - pending_objstr_handle: pending_object_store_delete_handle
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_purge] ----------------------

function purge_surrogate_key(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - surrogate_key: string
        - options_mask: purge_options_mask
        - options: mut_ptr<purge_options>
    - No output

---------------------- Module: [fastly_secret_store] ----------------------

function open(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - name: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<secret_store_handle>

function get(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - store: secret_store_handle
        - key: string
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<secret_handle>

function plaintext(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - secret: secret_handle
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
        - nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

function from_bytes(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - buf: mut_ptr<char8>
        - buf_len: usize
    - Output:
        - mut_ptr<secret_handle>

---------------------- Module: [fastly_uap] ----------------------

function parse(): fastly_status
    - Input:
        - user_agent: string
        - family: mut_ptr<char8>
        - family_len: usize
        - family_nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
        - major: mut_ptr<char8>
        - major_len: usize
        - major_nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
        - minor: mut_ptr<char8>
        - minor_len: usize
        - minor_nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
        - patch: mut_ptr<char8>
        - patch_len: usize
        - patch_nwritten_out: mut_ptr<usize>
    - No output

About witx

The witx file format is an experimental format which is based on the module linking text format (wit), (which is in turn based on the wat format, which is based on S-expressions). It adds some features using the same syntax as interface types, some features with syntax similar to gc types, as well as a few special features of its own.

The initial goal for witx is just to have a language suitable for expressing WASI APIs in, to serve as the vocabulary for proposing changes to existing APIs and proposing new APIs. Initially, while it uses some of the syntax and concepts from interface types, it doesn't currently imply the full interface types specification, or the use of the interface types custom sections.

We expect that eventually we will transition to using the full interface types specification, with witx having minimal additional features. Until then, the goals here are to remain aligned with interface types and other relevant WebAssembly standards and proposals wherever practical, and to be an input into the design process of interface types.


Up-to-date WITX interface definitions for the Fastly Compute@Edge platform.








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