With this Kaboom plugin you can use medals and post scores on Newgrounds.com
import { newgroundsPlugin } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lajbel/newgrounds-boom@master/newgrounds.js";
const k = kaboom({
width: 500,
height: 500,
plugins: [ newgroundsPlugin ],
ngInit("52924:fdddr5yP", "oEZ7GGD79Wht9upZ4HH7Dw==", 1);
ngPostScore(10739, 1234);
In your project, activate the "api tools" and you will see the following credentials
Before using the newgrounds features, you'll need to connect your game, use ngInit("App ID", "Encryption Key")
. You can activate the debug mode, which will return the results by console (cool if you have not yet published your game), use ngInit("App ID", "Encryption Key", 1);
Using the credentials of this game, it would be like this:
ngInit("52924:fdddr5yP", "oEZ7GGD79Wht9upZ4HH7Dw==");
Once you have done the previous step, you can use the scores and medals. Let's see the medals, for that you must first have a medal, duh
We will use the ngUnlockMedal("Medal ID in Number")
Now, to use the scoreboards, again, we have to have a scoreboard duh
We will use the ngPostScore("Board ID in Number", "score")
ngPostScore(10739, 1234);
If you create a game using this api, let me know in an issue and I will put the newgrounds link as a demo, thank you!
- Kaboom, the way to make games fun and fast
- KilledByAPixel Newgrounds API