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jbyuki edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 7 revisions

The API of instant.nvim provides extensibility to integrate with another plugin or build a new plugin.

Its main purpose is:

  • Provide notifications events
  • Get current connection status
  • Send/Receive custom data
local attach_id = require("instant").attach {
	on_connect = function()
		-- called when the connection is established with the server
	on_disconnect = function()
		-- called when the connection is closed
	on_clientconnected = function(user)
		-- called when a new client connects to the server
	on_clientdisconnected = function(user)
		-- called when a client disconnects from the server
	on_data = function(data)
		-- called when custom data is received
	on_change = function(user, buf, line)
		-- called when text edits are made by other clients
		-- user: modifying client name
		-- buf: buffer number which is afftected (local)
		-- line: line number which is afftected, zero-based


Additionally these functions are provided to get informations about the connection status:

-- get a list of connected users (excluding self)
local connected = require("instant").get_connected_list()

-- get a list of connected buffers (local)
local bufs = require("instant").get_connected_buf_list()

-- send custom data to all clients
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