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Aparatchi: P.E.R.N Stack Movie app

Aparatchi main

Aparatchi is a web application for exploring movies and sharing comments about them. It's build based on P.E.R.N Stack (Postgres, Express, React and Node). For the front-end I used the new react remix framework for the SSR. I also used Prisma ORM to implement database management in back-end section.

Technology Stack:

Getting Started

Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

Initializing all the packages

  1. Run Postgres server, execute the following commands in the project root folder
docker-compose up
  1. Execute in root:
npm install
  1. Go to ./backend and execute the following command:
npm install
  1. Go to ./frontend and execute the following command:
npm install
  1. Run the development server
npm run dev


Show me

Main page:

Aparatchi main


Aparatchi Sign-in

log-in page:

Aparatchi log-in


Aparatchi rows

Movie Page:

Aparatchi movie page

Download section:

Aparatchi download

Comment section:

Aparatchi comment