Basic WebGL2 rendering engine (without GUI for scene composition) using OOP.
Some features: model and texture loading, phong shading, multiple draw modes, custom shaders in the HTML document, small GUI for shading parameters.
- W - Move Forward
- A - Move Left
- S - Move Backward
- D - Move Right
- Space - Move Up
- Q - Move Down
- Shift - Sprint
- Scroll Wheel - Adjust Speed
- Click on the canvas to lock the mouse pointer
- Move the mouse to look around
- Press ESC to unlock the mouse pointer
- 1 - Draw mode: Triangles
- 2 - Draw mode: Lines
- 3 - Draw mode: Points
- 4 - Draw mode: Triangles + Wireframe
- 5 - Draw mode: Triangles + Points
- 6 - Draw mode: Triangles + Lines + Points
- 7 - Draw mode: Normal Visualization
This engine requires a special JSON format to load models, it includes the script "wglEngine/Resources/Scripts/" to export models from blender.
Use either the Launcher, setup.bat or open baseScene.html in a local server. Requires python or some other way to start a local server to avoid CORS issues.