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Joel Quiles edited this page Dec 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Dojo

This wiki is a developer guide for working with the Dojo Stack.

As of 2023, the base developer setup consists of using a Makefile to generate the [complex] docker-compose file and handle docker containers state (start, stop).

To that end and to get started, the following dependencies are required on the system:

  • Unix system with make to run the Makefile commands
  • docker
  • docker compose plugin, usually bundled with docker.

Developer QuickStart

The README describes three simple steps to get started without customization:

  1. Clone repository
  2. Run make init
  3. run make up

That is it!

First URLs to visit

The Dojo Web User Interface (Dojo UI): http://localhost:8080

The Dojo API spec / swagger UI: http://localhost:8000

Where To Go From Here

Stack Diagram and Services Overview

See Stack Overview.

Customizing Setup

After trying the running app (especially the web UI), you may want to custommize the configuration. See Setting up the environment.

User Documentation