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Built In Tools

David-Andrew Samson edited this page Jun 22, 2023 · 9 revisions

Archytas provides several built-in tools, both for demonstrating how to make tools, and for actual functionality

System Tools:

  • ask_user: lets the LLM ask the user a question, and returns the user's response
  • datetime: returns the current date+time in UTC
  • timestamp: returns the current unix epoch time (seconds since midnight Jan 1 1970)
  • PythonTool: lets the LLM run a python script. see Python Interpreter Tool

Demo Tools:

These are example tools mainly used to demonstrate how to create and format new tools and toolsets

  • fib_n: computes the n'th fibonacci number
  • example_tool: simple demonstration of how to format tools correctly
  • calculator: computes the result of simple calculations given as a string
  • Jackpot: example of a class based tool. Runs a simple lottery game.
  • ModelSimulation: example of a class based tool. Runs a simple SIR model simulation.
  • pirate_subquery: demonstrates running a sub LLM query as part of a tool. Answers the input question with a pirate accent