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Starter kit for Angular + Gulp + Less applications

##Table of Contents

  1. Instalation
  2. Build Process
  3. Stack
  4. App Structure
  5. Testing
  6. Routes
  7. API

1. Instalation

Run the following commands:

  1. cd nground

  2. sudo npm run install

  3. bower install

  4. gulp serve

  5. Navigate to: http://localhost:3000

2. Stack^

  • AngularJS
    • angular-route
    • angular-animate
  • Gulp // requires nodeJS
  • Karma
  • Jasmine
  • Protractor

^ For a detailed list, please see /bower.json

3. Build Process

Default task


Javascript minification

gulp js

Javascript linting

gulp jshint

Generate CSS compiled file

gulp css

Watch files for changes and reload

gulp serve

Watch for file changes

If you want to have the latest version of the code in the browser, make sure to run this command:

gulp watch

This will be watching for changes in LESS files.

Inject required JS files

gulp inject

Run tests

gulp test

gulp test:unit (only unit tests)

gulp test:e2e (only End2End tests)


gulp build:prod (Builds the project and copy required files to the production environment)

Angular Generator

gulp ng -app (Creates an Angular Application)

gulp ng -module (Creates an Angular Module)

gulp ng -directive (Creates an Angular Directive)

gulp ng -controller (Creates an Angular Controller)

gulp ng -factory (Creates an Angular Factory)

4. App Structure

|- app/ (frontend application - development environment)
|	|- api/	(dummy API - mock services)
|	|- assets (static files)
|	|	|- css
|	|	|- fonts (Icon Fonts)
|	|	|- img
|	|	|- js
|	|	|	|- (put custom JS code here - not required by the Angular App)
|	|- bower_components (third-pary libraries)
|	|- modules (sub-systems)
|	|	|- config
|	|	|	|- config.js (Global configuration)
|	|	|	|- constants.js (Global constants)
|	|	|- submodule
|	|	|	|- sub-submodule
|	|	|	|	|- (put controllers, directives, factories, services here)
|	|	|	|- ....
|	|	|	|- (put more modules here)
|	|	|- app.js (Initialization of the App)
|	|- less (source LESS files)
|	|	|- base
|	|	|	|- base.less (base tags)
|	|	|	|- fonts.less (Web fonts / icon fonts)
|	|	|	|- layout.less (Master layout)
|	|	|- common (shared UI components)
|	|	|	|- buttons.less
|	|	|	|- forms.less
|	|	|- config
|	|	|	| - mixins.less (helpers)
|	|	|	| - vars.less
|	|	|- elements (Custom elements)
|	|	|	|- buttons.less
|	|	|	|- forms.less
|   |   |- layout (master layout)
|   |   |   |- footer.less
|   |   |   |- header.less
|   |   |   |- layout.less
|   |   |   |- nav.less
|	|	|- views
|	|	|	|- module
|	|	|	|	|- page.less
|	|	app.less (main LESS file)
|	|- views (HTML Partials)
|	|	|- common
|	|	|- module
|	|- index.html
|- public/	(frontend application - production env)
|	|- assets (compiled files here)
|	|	|- css
|	|	|	|- app.css
|	|	|	|- app.min.css
|	|	|	|-
|	|	|- fonts (Icon Fonts)
|	|	|	|- app.eot
|	|	|	|- app.svg
|	|	|	|- app.ttf
|	|	|	|- app.woff
|	|	|- img
|	|	|- js
|	|	|	|- app.js
|	|	|	|- app.min.js
|	|	|	|-
|	|	|	|- templates.js
|	|- index.html
|- bower.json
|- gulpfile.js
|- package.json

5. Testing (Unit Testing, e2e)

To run tests, you should run the following command in your terminal:

gulp test

Unit Testing

We use Jasmine to perform unit testing in our app. If you want to run only unit testing, use:

gulp test:unit

After running it, you can see the results of the coverage test inside /coverage/.

e2e (End to End)

We use Protractor to perform e2e testing in our app. If you want to run only e2e, use:

gulp test:e2e

NOTE: To run this e2e tests, you must have installed selenium in your computer.

6. Routes

These are the available routes for the application.

/#/				[Homepage]
/#/foo-bar		[page details]

7. API

[GET]	/api/data  (Get site data)
[GET]	/api/user  (Gets user information)


MIT © Juan David Andrade


Starter kit for Angular + Less + Gulp applications







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