Repo for the course project for Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data
The purpose of this repo is to collate and summarise data collected from the accelerometers from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone using R. The source data are to be found here:
The script assumes that the data are unpacked and in your current R working directory.
This repo stores these files: - this file. run_analysis.R - script to load, collate and summarise the data to produce a tidy data set. averages.txt - a file containing the output of the above script. - a code book that describes the variables, the data, and any transformations or work that I performed to clean up the data.
To use the contents of this repo, you should unpack the data from the link above into your R working directory and place the run_analysis.R script there also, then call
...and the tidied data will then be left in a variable called "averages".